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Assessing Health of the Building (Tier I) and Most At-Risk Students

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2 Assessing Health of the Building (Tier I) and Most At-Risk Students
for School-Level Problem-Solving using Early Warning and Other Data Benchmark Lesson #3

3 Learning Scale Goals for School-Level Problem-Solving PLC
Connections/Big Picture Access/Use Resources Follow Problem-Solving Steps (inquiry Cycle) 4.0 My school-level team and school staff can articulate Pasco County’s Compelling Whys, What, and How for Problem-Solving and MTSS. My school-level team can develop resource maps and use for problem-solving MTSS using interventions and data My school-level team can use early warning systems (via Pasco Star) and other data to engage in all four problem-solving steps for school-wide problems including monitoring. 3.0 My school-level team can articulate Pasco County’s Compelling Whys, What, and How for Problem-Solving and MTSS and make a plan for communicating with staff. My school-level team can access resources for problem-solving MTSS using interventions and data. My school-level team can use early warning systems (via PascoStar) and other data to engage in problem identification and brainstorm hypotheses to develop plan. 2.0 I can articulate Pasco County’s priorities for problem-solving student needs within MTSS. I can access resources for problem-solving MTSS using interventions and data. I can locate indicators for early warning systems and identify problem-solving steps to address school-wide and systems problems. 1.0 I can know and do 2.0 content with prompting and support. I can know and do 2.0 content with prompting and support.

4 School-Level Problem-Solving PLC Content/Strategy PLCs
Implementing the Inquiry Cycle Steps to Data Decision Making across PLCs School-Level Problem-Solving PLC Academics Are there school trends* that need to be communicated to inform classroom PLCs? Course Performance (Credits, GPA) School-wide standards-Based Assessments Content/Strategy PLCs Benchmark Assessments Unit Assessments Classroom Assessments Formative Assessments Attendance Are students at school? Must have integrated data – each child is 1 – made up of academics and behavior not separate. We must look at our data this way too. Visual reflects relationship among PLCs and where to start and/or focus efforts based on data. Behavior Are students adhering to rules, routines, expectations? *by grade, content area, subgroup (students with disabilities, minorities, etc.)

5 Critical Components to Problem-Solving Team Processes
Where teams tend to do well: Looking at data Identifying learner hypotheses Making a plan of action Where teams tend to struggle: Looking at data across academics and behavior Prioritizing the problem and focus for intervention Considering causes beyond the learner (COILE/ICEL) Monitoring and evaluating the plan of action Individual reflection: Where is your team? Way of thinking: the products matter less. Our intention is to teach how to problem-solving at the school level, using these broad indicators and build in systems, a way of work, in order to prevent students from getting to the crisis level of need. And…for those that are problem-solve the most at risk students at SBIT/ISS levels. So resources can be used most effectively and efficiently.

6 Alyssa Vicki All Student Services Supervisors Stand up for each program Stay standing if you are new… Housekeeping (agenda for day) Paul and Jason and WCHS

7 Before we check the health… Check Ourselves (Reschley & Flugum) How do we ensure an impact on student outcomes? Studies of number of steps in problem-solving and student outcomes showed better results when teams fully engaged in all 4 problem-solving steps *So we must Clearly understand and identify the problem Spend time in analysis before developing a plan and Monitor ourselves to ensure we have fidelity with all components of problem-solving practices


9 Inquiry Cycle-PLC Alignment Problem Solving Process
Go through the inquiry cycle

10 Inquiry Cycle Problem Identification
Purpose of Step: Review EWS and other school-wide data to answer key questions that help the school team understand the strengths and needs of the school in order to plan supports. Q1. What is the health of the building? What is Expected Level? What is Current Level? Q1 subquestion: Does it differ by: grade level, race/ethnicity, gender, FRL status, ELL, SWD, etc.? Are students who were flagged from the beginning remaining “off-track” through the year? Are students who were flagged at one reporting period back “on-track” at the next?

11 Inquiry Cycle Problem Identification
Purpose of Step: Review EWS and other school-wide data to answer key questions that help the school team understand the strengths and needs of the school in order to plan supports. Q2. So, what is the problem? Is it attendance? If attendance is healthy, then is it discipline/behavior? If attendance/behavior is healthy, is it academics? Does this differ by: grade level, race/ethnicity, gender, FRL status, ELL, SWD, etc.

12 Inquiry Cycle Problem Identification
Purpose of Step: Review EWS and other school-wide data to answer key questions that help the school team understand the strengths and needs of the school in order to plan supports. Q3. And then…what is the scope: Once the school level problem is identified, determine: Is it a Tier I issue (a lot of students)? Is it a Tier II issue (some students)? Is it a Tier III issue (just a few students)?

13 What is the Expected Level to maximize resources?
Attendance Discipline Course Performance Standards (DE) Gallup Engagement 5% 5% 5% 5% 15% 15% 15% 15% Current Level 80% 80% 80% 80% %

14 Q1. What is the Current Level
Q1. What is the Current Level? Partner talk: what do you notice in this example school scenario? Attendance Discipline Course Performance Standards (DE) Gallup Engagement 28% 9% 5% 20% 15% 12% 5% 5% Current Level 57% 79% 90% 75% 39%

15 Q2. What is the Problem? Partner talk: what do you notice in this example school scenario?
Attendance Discipline Course Performance Standards (DE) Gallup Engagement 28% 9% 5% 25% 20% 15% 12% 5% 5% Current Level 57% 79% 90% 75% 39%

16 Q3. What is the Scope? Partner talk: what do you notice in this example school scenario?
Attendance Discipline Course Performance Standards (DE) Gallup Engagement 28% 9% 5% 25% 20% 15% 12% 5% 5% Current Level 57% 79% 90% 75% 39%

17 Inquiry Cycle Problem Analysis
Purpose of Step. Based on overall health, problem, and scope identify areas for prioritizing problem-solving in analysis and examine root causes by brainstorming guesses for data and collecting additional data to confirm or disconfirm the guesses. Root causes emerge through examining additional qualitative and quantitative data from a variety of sources beyond EWS (e.g., surveying students and parents, talking to classroom teachers, parents, individual students, other adults in the school, other trends, etc.) Looking at data beyond EWS Indicators and/or drilling down to more specific data helps identify individual and common needs among students and student groups (for tiered level grouping) And raise new questions to explore to increase understanding of the why students or groups fall off-track for graduation Must understand the problem first by engaging in problem-analysis and root causes.

18 Inquiry Cycle Problem Analysis
Q4. Why is the prioritized problem occurring? What are some guesses why the problem is happening? What other questions do you have to examine guesses? Breakdown by subgroups, SWD, courses, other areas? What additional data do you need to confirm your guesses? Once guess is confirmed consider: Resources: what are available resources and supports? Barriers: what are barriers to addressing problem? *Refer back to resource maps and resource links on Canvas Course For this case, what are some brainstorms – brainstorm within table group. Share out

19 Q4. Why is it happening? Partner talk: what do you notice in this example school scenario?
Attendance Discipline Course Performance Standards (DE) Gallup Engagement 28% 9% 5% 25% 20% 15% 12% 5% 5% Current Level 57% 79% 90% 75% 39%

20 Inquiry Cycle Problem Analysis Campfire with Table
What are some guesses? What other questions do you have? What other data do you need to examine guesses? Brainstorm in groups, then share out to all. ----- Meeting Notes (10/21/14 15:39) ----- refer back to resources and barriers already discussed in initial meeting and Refer back to Canvas course. Assign someone to take notes. Be prepared to share out discussion points.

21 Inquiry Cycle Document PS Steps to Action Plan
Based on results of problem analysis – complete action plan List priority problem area and goal (based on expected level) Document reasons for problem Brainstorm resources and barriers Discuss how to maximize resources and reduce barriers Select intervention action steps and plan to address problem Use attendance as the example

22 Inquiry Cycle Evaluate/Response to Intervention
*not completely established as a system, but defer to SBIT team

23 Inquiry Cycle: Problem Identification School to Student Patterns
Also important that even if Tier I… Q5. Who are our most at-risk students for drop out? Students who are off-track across all indicators Students who are off-track/at-risk in multiple indicators Q5 sub-question: what is the relationship among indicators? Ex. Do students with attendance issues tend to also have discipline problems? Students performing well above the standards ex. in attendance, following rules, learning at rates and levels above the standards Brainstorm… TBIT/SBIT What is problem-solving look like for most at-risk students? When and how is this happening? What are strengths and improvements to engage in the inquiry cycle for most at-risk?

24 Activity: Benchmark #3 Determining Health of Building
Divide into PascoStar User Levels Assess School-Wide Health of Building (document on Triangles ppt) Today: Attendance, Behavior, Gallup, Standards (as available) Early Warning Systems: Go to Pasco Star Enter % for Off-Track, At-Risk, On-Track Standards based assessment: other as available by grade Enter % based on levels and indicators By January: can incorporate Course, GPA, Credits, State Assess REQUIRED UPLOAD in January: Health of Building and Analysis Start engaging in analysis by examining root causes based on data Can use Action Plan resource provided or other to document analysis What are some high-probability hypotheses (guesses)? What other data do you need to problem-solve? What are resources and barriers and steps to address them? Not required for upload but important part of health of building: Identify most at-risk students in the building Consider plan for when/how problem-solve and monitor most at-risk

25 Check in on pasco star/Data
High Level: Can sort, filter, group, export, and have higher level questions. Moderate Level: Can sort, filter, and perform some functions with assistance. Entry Level: Just logged in and/or can find school/data with assistance. Group According to High, Medium, and Low supports to get data Take pulse of the room on proficiency with data systems. Divide to support on Activity #3. Divide trainers to match group. Check in on pasco star/Data

26 How do I determine health of building based on EWS indicators?
Navigate to School Data menu Click on At-Risk EWS Select school from menu Divide group up according to need?

27 How do I determine health of building based on EWS indicators
How do I determine health of building based on EWS indicators? Drag GRADE from top bar to COLUMN; Scroll down to charts; Record %

28 How do I determine health of building based on EWS indicators
How do I determine health of building based on EWS indicators? Drag EWS Overall from ROW to top bar, Drag EWS Attendance to ROW

29 How do I drill down – Problem ID
Clear all filters by clicking on the Grid Buttons Menu arrow and then the Reset Grid Button Navigate to school in Student Data List View

30 How do I drill down – Problem ID (#1)
Navigate to EWS Days Absent column Click on the filter key next to the column name and check the desired # days, then ok

31 How do I monitor students … ?
A new feature on PascoStar is Quarterly Monitoring indicators. Indicators for progress monitoring are located on the Student Cards and can be access by clicking on the Student ID next to the student name or by going to Student Data/Student Cards menu. The visual shows EWS overall for the year – at-risk or off-track in at least 1 area (top line), EWS by Indicator for the year (second line), and EWS by Indicator for the quarter (third line). Thresholds for per year and per quarter data are located in the Legends menu by elementary, middle, and high. You may notice a discrepancy between yearly and quarterly monitoring (such as for Attendance below). In this case, the student has missed 4 days in Quarter 1, which is equivalent to at-risk definition (3 to 4 absences), but is still below 90% for the year based on the number of days school has been in session. This is okay as it provides an indication to schools that without targeted intervention the student will be off-track by May if not beforehand.

32 Plan Next Steps for… Moving From Learner to Activator in Problem-Solving PLCs
1. Ask members of Problem-Solving PLC to join this Canvas course. 2. Develop/complete teaching tool for communicating back to schools (submit to Activity #2 by November 30) If you do not have a team, what needs to be shared to get started? If you do have a current team, how does the team compare to Problem-Solving PLC and what needs to be communicated to grow? Consider in the communication: –Foundations of Problem-Solving PLCs –Step Zero work: Team, roles/responsibilities, schedule, etc. –How to Assess Health of Building based on work today (attendance, behavior, engagement, standards) 3. Complete health of building check using MTSS triangles and problem analyses by level (submit to Activity #3 by January 31). Note: The January time frame allows for communication, data collection and semester rollover of course grades and credits.

33 Alyssa Vicki All Student Services Supervisors Stand up for each program Stay standing if you are new… Housekeeping (agenda for day) Paul and Jason and WCHS

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