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The Renaissance Chapter 12 & Chapter 15.

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1 The Renaissance Chapter 12 & Chapter 15


3 Italian Renaissance Renaissance means “rebirth”, awakening.
What does this mean? Philosophical and artistic movement Influenced by Greeks and Romans ???? Florence Urbanized society Age of recovery (from the middle ages) New view of human beings emerged Well-rounded human beings

4 Achievements Government/Politics Arts Inventions Literature Religion

5 Renaissance Man What are the characteristics?

6 Renaissance Men Leonardo da Vinci Cosimo De Medici Lorenzo Niccolo
Machiavelli Petrarch Dante Michelangelo Jan Van Eycks Martin Luther Desiderius Eraumus John Calvin Henry VII

7 Leonardo Da Vinci Renaissance man
Painter, Sculptor, architect, inventor, mathematician Mona Lisa Last Supper

8 DaVinci

9 Niccolo Machiavelli Italian 1469-1527
(essay) The Prince: influential work on political power How to acquire and keep political power? Leader concerned with power and political success Fear versus love

10 Michelangelo (1475-1564), Italian
painter, sculptor, architect, and poet Statue of David Frescos in Sistine Chapel Helped design St.Peter’s Basilica

11 Michelangelo

12 William Shakespeare English poet and playwright Hamlet
Romeo and Juliet Macbeth

13 Protestant Reformation
1500’s people criticized the Church (Self- wealth, power of popes, priest behaviors) Lead to a reform movement Spilt of the Church Pope Leo X, Tetzel Martin Luther-Leader of Protestant Reformation

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