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0001 0001 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Hi! I am Ty Stokes. I am a junior and I am a communications media major at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am here to talk to you about why you should join Greek life. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0002 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic I am a part of Greek life at my university. I am a brother of the fraternity Acacia. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0003 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic I am also the vice president, new member educator, philanthropy chair, and public relations chair for my fraternity. Music file Replace Replace
I joined Greek life for several reasons.
0001 0004 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic I joined Greek life for several reasons. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0005 cut Close up Lapel mic I wanted connections at school and in the real world, a group of friends I would have for life, the experience, and an opportunity to strengthen my leadership and other skills. Music file Replace Replace
These are all common reasons for most people to join Greek life.
0001 0006 cut Close up Lapel mic These are all common reasons for most people to join Greek life. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0007 cut Wide shot with my arms out Lapel mic Going Greek is an amazing experience that everyone should consider trying!! Music file Replace Replace
0001 0008 cut Power point Lapel mic This presentation is for the people who are interested in joining Greek life. Greek life is not for everyone. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0009 cut Powerpoint Lapel mic It is a lot of work to be in a fraternity or sorority but the experience is definitely worth it!! Music file Replace Replace
0001 0010 cut Mid shot Lapel mic Why not rush places to see what they are about? There is nothing wrong with checking all the fraternities and sororities out! Music file Replace Replace
0001 0011 cut Mid shot Lapel mic You never know if you will like them or not, especially if you do not check them out! Music file Replace Replace
Why should you go Greek? Well I am going to tell you why!
0001 0012 cut Mid shot Lapel mic Why should you go Greek? Well I am going to tell you why! Music file Replace Replace
0001 0013 cut Mid shot Lapel mic Let’s talk about some of the stereotypes of joining Greek life. I am going to debunk all of them and expose them for the lies that they are. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0014 cut Mid shot Lapel mic First let’s talk about “paying for friends”. Some people have in their minds that you are just paying for friends. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0015 cut Mid shot Lapel mic You are not paying for friends. You are not paying for the experience. You are paying for shirts, housing fees, formals, retreats, philanthropy events, and a lot of other things Music file Replace Replace
0001 0016 cut Mid shot Lapel mic You are not paying for your friends because you will already be friends with the people in your organization. You rush them and hangout with them for a few weeks. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0017 cut Mid shot Lapel mic You already know the people and what they are about. No one is going to join an organization they are not comfortable around. Music file Replace Replace
That is just common sense!
0001 0018 cut Close up Lapel mic That is just common sense! Music file Replace Replace
0001 0019 cut powerpoint Lapel mic Let’s talk about hazing. It is known that some organizations haze their new members to “mold” them into ideal members of their group. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0020 cut Power point Lapel mic Hazing is not good. It is illegal. Do not do anything you are not okay with! Music file Replace Replace
0001 0021 cut powerpoint Lapel mic A group that exploits or endangers their members should not be allowed on campus. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0022 cut powerpoint Lapel mic You can report any form of hazing to your Greek life & Relations office on campus. This is not like the movies. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0023 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Do not let movies like Neighbors or GOAT change your perspective of Greek life. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0024 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic No one can get away with those kinds of things. You want to treat your new members with respect. Music file Replace Replace
After all why have someone you do not respect join your organization?
0001 0025 cut Arms out while talking Lapel mic After all why have someone you do not respect join your organization? Music file Replace Replace
Not all Greek organizations haze. Actually the majority don’t haze.
0001 0026 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Not all Greek organizations haze. Actually the majority don’t haze. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0027 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Do not let the actions of a few speak for the whole group. As said before you should not join an organization that you are not comfortable with. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0028 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Now let’s talk about another “myth” about Greek life, that joining Greek life is bad for you. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0029 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic All you are going to do is drink, do drugs, or fail out of school. Actually Greek organizations have safe environments for drinking Music file Replace Replace
0001 0030 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic There are sober people there to make sure nothing gets out of hand and that you are safe while drinking. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0031 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic No one is going to pressure you into doing something that you do not want to do. Why join an organization that is going to pressure you into doing things that you do not want to do?? Music file Replace Replace
0001 0032 cut powerpoint Lapel mic Also all Greek organizations have mandatory GPA requirements for their members. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0033 cut powerpoint Lapel mic The minimum set by IUP for fraternities is a 2.4 GPA. Most fraternities and sororities even have higher minimums. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0034 cut powerpoint Lapel mic For example, my GPA must be above a 2.5 or I will be put on academic probation. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0035 cut powerpoint Lapel mic If you fall below your required GPA you will be put on mandatory study hours or extended mandatory study hours depending on how low, it gets! Music file Replace Replace
0001 0036 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic It varies from university to university. Greek organizations tend to do more for the community than most nonmembers. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0037 cut powerpoint Lapel mic Every organization has at least one major philanthropy event a semester, most have more than one too! Music file Replace Replace
0001 0038 cut Powerpoint Lapel mic These philanthropy events can raise money for any cause and it is showing that Greek life is not all about partying and having a good time. We actually care about our community and want to give back to it. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0039 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic The connections you make at your university and in the real world will be increased exponentially if you join Greek life. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0040 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Greek life presents opportunities to people that they normally would not get. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0041 cut powerpoint Lapel mic Out of the 50 largest corporations in America, 43 of them are ran by men who were in fraternities. Music file Replace Replace
85% of the fortune 500 executives belong to a fraternity.
0001 00042 cut powerpoint Lapel mic 85% of the fortune 500 executives belong to a fraternity. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0043 cut powerpoint Lapel mic 40 out of the 47 supreme court justices since 1910 belonged to a fraternity. Music file Replace Replace
The first female senator and astronaut were Greek.
0001 0044 cut powerpoint Lapel mic The first female senator and astronaut were Greek. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0045 cut powerpoint Lapel mic 71% of the people listed in the “who’s who in America” are members of Greek life. Music file Replace Replace
The majority of congress belong to a sorority or fraternity.
0001 0046 cut powerpoint Lapel mic The majority of congress belong to a sorority or fraternity. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0047 cut powerpoint Lapel mic Every single President and Vice President since 1825 besides two have been a member of a fraternity. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0048 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic So as you can see a lot of important people in our country had or do belong to a fraternity or sorority Music file Replace Replace
0001 0049 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Greek life also looks great on a resume especially if you held positions in your organizations. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0050 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Employers love hiring people who were Greek life especially if they were members of it themselves. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0051 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic That is a connection only a select few people get to have and it really does have its benefits. Music file Replace Replace
. The Greek community is an integral part of any school and community
0001 0052 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic . The Greek community is an integral part of any school and community Music file Replace Replace
0001 0053 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Yes, you will have the friends you make in your own fraternity or sorority but you are also a part of a small community where everyone is friends. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0054 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic You can go to any sorority or fraternity function and make friends because being Greek life gives you the connections to do that. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0055 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic I have friends in all of the fraternities and sororities on my campus. College is a lot funner when you know you got friends everywhere Music file Replace Replace
You also get access to exclusive events on campus.
0001 0056 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic You also get access to exclusive events on campus. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0057 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic A lot of schools have Greek only functions such as a greek week, a Greek dance competition, and any other Greek only events. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0058 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Joining Greek life gives you the connections and access to things that others would never have. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0059 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic This gives you a distinct advantage over people in the real world while looking for a job. Who would not want that? Music file Replace Replace
0001 0060 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic The friends you will make in your fraternity or sorority will stick by you for life. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0061 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic The guys in my fraternity will be there at all of my weddings, all of my divorces, my kids football games, and anything else important going on in my life. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0062 cut powerpoint Lapel mic . Good friends are hard to come by but joining Greek life can change that. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0063 cut powerpoint Lapel mic These are people who you have things in common with which could be anything from football, musicals, cars, chess, or just playing video games. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0064 cut powerpoint Lapel mic The members in your organizations will be your best friends for life and you won’t want to trade them for anything. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0065 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic It is like having a second family and a home away from home. College is a lot more enjoyable if you got some great friends to go through it with. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0066 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic My experience in Greek life has made me more responsible and prepared for the real world. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0067 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic I have held several positions including vice president of my fraternity. It is a lot of work to be in a fraternity or sorority. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0068 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic . It gives people the chance to strengthen their leadership skills. Who doesn’t want to become a better leader? Music file Replace Replace
0001 0069 cut powerpoint Lapel mic This gives you the strength to lead in your job. You will walk around more confidently and be prepared for any situation that may arise. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0070 cut powerpoint Lapel mic The pressures of running a fraternity or sorority will strengthen your character as well. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0071 cut powerpoint Lapel mic The president of a fraternity or sorority is in charge of all of its members. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0072 cut powerpoint Lapel mic That is a stressful job but it makes you a stronger and more capable leader. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0073 cut powerpoint Lapel mic It is not all about the boozing but the building of your character and strengthening of your skills. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0074 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic How do you join Greek life? Well it is pretty easy to get involved with Greek life. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0075 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Your university should have some form of a Greek life & relations office. Here is where all of the information about Greek life can be found. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0076 cut Mid shot Lapel mic You can find out when rush is as well. Rush is the term for going to fraternities or sororities and getting to know them. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0077 cut Mid shot Lapel mic Rush events can be anything from a cookout, card game, Ultimate Frisbee tournament, watching the football game, a madden tournament, or a simple meet and greet. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0078 cut Mid shot Lapel mic All fraternities and sororities will also advertise when rush is as well. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0079 cut Mid shot Lapel mic This is when you get know each organization you visit and see what they are all about. Music file Replace Replace
Then once you find a group you really like you stick with that one
0001 0080 cut Mid shot Lapel mic Then once you find a group you really like you stick with that one Music file Replace Replace
0001 0081 cut Mid shot Lapel mic Once you get a bid which is a formal invitation to join the fraternity you go through pledging or the new member process. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0082 cut Mid shot Lapel mic This is when you will learn all about the history of your fraternity or sorority. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0083 cut Mid shot Lapel mic Once you get to the end of the new member process you are pinned in and become a brother or sister of your organization! Music file Replace Replace
0001 0084 cut Mid shot Lapel mic Nothing is more satisfactory than the feeling you get once you become a brother or sister of your organization. Music file Replace Replace
Trust me, I would know! 0001 0085 cut Wide shot Lapel mic Music file
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0001 0086 cut Mid shot Lapel mic The costs of Greek life can be daunting to some people who are considering going Greek. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0087 cut Close up Lapel mic I am here to tell you that the costs of Greek life are not as big as you think they are! Music file Replace Replace
0001 0088 cut Mid shot Lapel mic On average less than 2% of a college student’s income goes towards fraternity or sorority dues. Dues are the costs to be in your organization. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0089 cut Mid shot Lapel mic Dues pay for everything from room and board, t shirts, philanthropy, retreats, and social events. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0090 cut Mid shot Lapel mic The price still too much for you? Well most organizations allow you to go on a payment plan and pay little chunks of your dues at a time. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0091 cut Mid shot Lapel mic Your brothers or sisters will work with you because they want you to stay a part of the group!! Music file Replace Replace
0001 0092 cut powerpoint Lapel mic Is Greek life for you? Well that is for you to decide but it surely has its benefits Music file Replace Replace
You get to have the best friends you will have for your whole life.
0001 0093 cut powerpoint Lapel mic You get to have the best friends you will have for your whole life. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0094 cut powerpoint Lapel mic People who will always be there for you no matter what. A bond like that is unshakeable. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0095 cut powerpoint Lapel mic The connections you make on and off campus are one of the best aspects of Greek life as well. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0096 cut powerpoint Lapel mic You get to be a part of something exclusive on your campus that most people will envy you for. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0097 cut powerpoint Lapel mic Private events like Greek week, Greek baseball, and any other events that happen in Greek life on your campus. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0098 cut powerpoint Lapel mic The connections you make in the “real world” are great as well. Employers who are Greeks love hiring other members of Greek life. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0099 cut powerpoint Lapel mic Also the networking from your fraternity will get you job opportunities that no else can get! Music file Replace Replace
0001 0100 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Greek life also builds on your character and skills. Leaders emerge within a sorority or fraternity. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0101 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic It takes work to run them correctly and someone has to step up. Why not test your strength and improve upon it? Music file Replace Replace
The best place to do that is in a fraternity or sorority.
0001 0102 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic The best place to do that is in a fraternity or sorority. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0103 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Finally, the experience in Greek life is worth it. I have made some of the best memories of my life and I am only a first semester junior in college! Music file Replace Replace
I have many more memories to make and you can too!
0001 0104 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic I have many more memories to make and you can too! Music file Replace Replace
0001 0105 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic College is about preparing yourself for the future. Why not do this with a group of men or women who share the same ideals and principles as you? Music file Replace Replace
? If you go Greek, you will not regret it. That I can promise.
0001 0106 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic ? If you go Greek, you will not regret it. That I can promise. Music file Replace Replace
0001 0107 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic Thank you for listening to this presentation on why you should join Greek life. Music file Replace Replace
If you have any questions you can contact me at
0001 0108 cut Standing while talking Lapel mic If you have any questions you can contact me at Music file Replace Replace
Have a good day! 0001 0109 cut Waving goodbye Lapel mic Music file
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