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Skin, Hair and Nails Assessment
Inspect and palpate the skin Expose area and clean if needed Note general color Note temperature Note Moisture and texture Note mobility and turgor Note lesions Check for edema
Skin, Hair and Nails Assessment
Inspect and palpate the hair, noting quantity, distribution, color and texture Inspect scalp Inspect and palpate fingernails and toenails, noting color, shape, contour, surface smoothness, uniformity of thickness, and lesions
Inspect the head, face, scalp
Assessment of the Head Inspect the head, face, scalp Palpate the skull, noting shape, symmetry and inconsistencies Check function of the temporomandibular joint Check cranial nerve V and VII Normal Findings: Head Symmetrical, Upright, Still Face Symmetrical, Freely movable
Temporomandibular Joint
Assessment of the Head Scalp Smooth, intact, moves freely Skull Hard and Smooth Temporal Artery Non-tender Temporomandibular Joint 3 to 6 cm vertical range with mouth open 1 to 2cm lateral motion Snapping or popping common
Assessment of the Head Cranial Nerve V Cranial Nerve VII
Sensory Function Sensation of Light touch Eyelids blink when cornea is touched by cotton Motor Function Symmetrical Jaw Movement Equal muscle strength Cranial Nerve VII Symmetrical Strength and movement of facial muscles
Assessment of the Eye Materials: Snellen’s chart, newsprint, cover card, penlight, opthalmoscope Test visual acuity Snellen’s chart Examine outer eye structures Inspect eye lids Inspect lashes
Assessment of the Eye Observe the globe Inspect the sclera and conjunctiva Test visual acuity Snellen’s chart Examine outer eye structures Inspect eye lids Inspect lashes Check for clarity of the cornea Inspect each iris Inspect each pupil Test for Accommodation
Assessment of the Eye Check for parallel gaze Assess for coordinated movement of two eyes Check for convergence Normal findings: 20/20 vision Intact skin Sclera smooth, white, glossy, moist Eyelashes evenly distributed with an outward curve Pupils equally round at 3 to 5mm
Assessment of the Ears Materials: Tuning Fork, Otoscope Inspect external ear Placement, size, shape, symmetry and skin color Observe for drainage, swelling, lumps and skin lesions Palpate external ear Feel for nodules or other irregularities
Assessment of the Ears Inspect the external auditory meatus Note size of opening, swelling, redness, swelling, discharge, foreign body Examine the external auditory canal and ear drum with an otoscope Test for Hearing Acuity Gross acuity Weber and Rinne test
Assessment of the Nose and Sinuses
Materials: Otoscope, Nasal Speculum, Penlight, Scents Inspect external nose Symmetry, lesions, deformity Check for patency of nares Inspect inside of nose Mucosa, nasal septum Palpate the sinuses for tenderness Test Cranial nerve I Scents
Assessment of the Nose and Sinuses
Normal findings: External nose: symmetrical Nasal mucosa: intact, moist, smooth, pink Nasal septum: straight Sinuses: nontender Able to distinguish scents
Assessment of the Mouth and Throat
Materials: Tongue depressor, Clean gloves, square gauze Inspect lips Inspect buccal mucosa Inspect gums and teeth Inspect roof of mouth Inspect all surfaces of the tongue Inspect Throat Test Cranial nerve X, vagus nerve Test Cranial nerve XII, hypoglossal nerve
Assessment of the Mouth and Throat
Normal findings: Lips: moist, pink, intact Buccal mucosa: smooth, pink, moist, intact Gums: pink, moist, intact, clearly defined margins Teeth: 32 pearl white and shiny Palate: pale, moist, intact Tongue: pink, moist, intact, smooth Throat: mucosa pink, moist and intact
Assessment of the Neck Materials: Stethoscope Inspect the neck Appearance, posture and symmetry Check neck movement Flexion, extension, lateral abduction and rotation Inspect the carotid artery and jugular vein Jugular distention, carotid pulsation
Assessment of the Neck Inspect and palpate the trachea for deviation from the midline Inspect the neck for the thyroid gland Palpate the thyroid size, shape and consistency Auscultate any enlarged thyroid for vascular sounds Palpate for cervical lymph nodes
Assessment of the Neck Normal findings: Neck: symmetrical, proportional, coordinated movement Carotid artery: mild pulsation Trachea: midline, nontender, distinct rings Thyroid: non-visible, smooth, symmetrical and rubbery on palpation Cervical lymph nodes: non-palpable less than 1 cm, smooth, firm, mobile, non-tender with definite margins
Assessment of the Breast and Axillae
Materials: Small pillow, sheets, towel or gown Inspect breast for size, color, venous pattern, skin appearance, vascularity, contour and symmetry Inspect areola size, shape and color Observe nipple size, shape, symmetry and direction Inspect axillae for hair distribution, cleanliness, uniformity and skin condition Palpate each breast for masses, consistency, tenderness and lymph nodes
Assessment of the Breast and Axillae
Check for nipple discharge Palpate the axillae Normal Findings: Symmetrical, one breast may be larger than the other Contour: conical to pendulous Color: similar to normal skin Venous pattern: faint, symmetrical Appearance: smooth, soft Consistency: uniformly loose to dense, feels firm to soft, smooth, elastic
Assessment of the Breast and Axillae
Tenderness: tender if premenstrual Masses: none Nipples and Areolae: symmetrical, no discharges Axillae: nontender central nodes; not usually palpable
Assessment of the Chest and Lungs
Materials: Stethoscope, Tape Measure Prepare the patient for examination Inspect and palpate the skin and nails for color, lesions, turgor and abnormalities Inspect and palpate the thorax, clavicle, scapula, ribs and spine for contour and abnormalities Inspect breathing pattern: rate and rhythm Inspect breast and axillae Inspect for tactile fremitus
Assessment of the Chest and Lungs
Palpate for respiratory excursion Percuss the posterior and anterior thorax Percuss the diaphragmatic excursion Auscultate the posterior, lateral and anterior thorax
Assessment of the Chest and Lungs
Normal Findings: Thorax: normal contour Ribs: normal sloping of the ribs Spine: straight Breathing: regular; breaths per minute Muscles: normal, non-tender Tactile fremitus: symmetrical Respiratory excursion: normal excursion of 1 ¼ to 2 inches
Assessment of the Chest and Lungs
Normal Findings: Diaphragm descends 3 to 6 cm Breath sounds: normal, symmetrical Percussion Resonance: over air filled areas Dullness: over fluid-filled or solid areas and organs Tympany: over stomach
Assessment of the Heart
Materials: Stethoscope, Tape measure Prepare the patient for the exam Inspect and palpate the anterior chest, including all anatomical landmarks - aortic, pulmonic, erb’s point, apical, tricuspid, epigastric and sternoclavicular Palpate the point of maximum impulse (PMI) Palpate carotid pulse Auscultate the heart for rate and rhythm Palpate and compare the apical and radial pulse
Assessment of the Heart
Normal Findings: - Inspection and palpation of the anterior chest: no lesions noted - Heart rate and rhythm: 60 to 100 beats per minute - Apical and Radial should be equal - No systolic and diastolic murmurs present
Assessment of the Peripheral Vascular System
Materials: Stethoscope, BP apparatus Assess the patient’s BP Inspect and palpate the carotid arteries Assess jugular venous pulsations Assess the peripheral venous circulation Skin changes, temperature, edema, varicosities, phlebitis, DVT, Phlebitis, Trendelenburg
Assessment of the Peripheral Vascular System
Assess the peripheral arterial circulation Skin and nail changes, temperature, sensation, pulses Allen’s Test
Assessment of the Peripheral Vascular System
Assess the peripheral arterial circulation Skin and nail changes, temperature, sensation, pulses Allen’s Test Normal findings: BP: systole mmHg; diastole mmHg Carotid pulse: 60-90bpm Skin: warm to touch Pain: negative
Assessment of the Peripheral Vascular System
Sensation: positive perception of sharp, soft and vibratory sensations Vessels: appear bluish, feel elastic and nontender Edema: No Edema
Assessment of the Abdomen
Materials: Stethoscope, tape measure Observe patient’s posture Inspect the skin, abdomen Auscultate for bowel sounds Auscultate for abdominal bruits Percuss the abdomen Percuss and span the liver Percuss gastic air bubbles Percuss kidney and spleen
Assessment of the Abdomen
Do light palpation on all quadrants of the abdomen Do deep palpation on all quadrants of the abdomen Palpate the umbilicus Palpate the liver Palpate the gallbladder Palpate the spleen Palpate the aorta Palpate for ascites Perform ballottement for suspected masses
Assessment of the Abdomen
Normal findings: Posture: may sit or lie freely Skin: normal, warm, no lesions noted Abdomen: soft, smooth, convex for thin persons, concave for distention due to full bladder, tympany over the stomach Bowel sounds: High-pitched gurgling sound, occuring normally in only one quadrant
Assessment of the Female Genitalia
Materials: Gyne table, gooseneck lamp, gown, drapes, gloves, speculum Inspect and palpate vulva for lesions, masses and abnormalities Inspect pubic hair Inspect and palpate the labia majora for lesions, masses, inflammation, swelling and abnormalities Inspect the labia minora for position, lesion, masses or abnormalities
Assessment of the Female Genitalia
Inspect the clitoris for position, size, lesions, masses and abnormalities Inspect the urethral meatus and Skene’s glands for lesions, masses, inflammation, discharge or abnormalities Inspect the hymen Inspect vaginal opening for lesions, masses, inflammation, tears, discharge Inspect Bartholin’s gland for pain, swelling, masses or discharge
Assessment of the Female Genitalia
Inspect the cervix and cervical os for position, shape, size, color, inflammation, erythema, lesions, masses and discharge Palpate cervix Inspect the vaginal outlet for lesions, masses, inflammation, discharge and abnormalities Palpate vaginal wall Palpate ovaries Palpate the uterus for position, size, shape and consistency
Assessment of the Female Genitalia
Normal findings: Vulva: smooth, warm, pink to brown Pubic hair: quantity and distribution according to age Infestations: none Labia majora: smooth, moist skin, symmetrical, lie together except for sexually active women Clitoris: pink, usually not more than 2cm in length, 0.5cm in width
Assessment of the Female Genitalia
Urethral meatus: midline, anterior to vaginal opening Hymen: Intact in virgins Vaginal opening: Open and unobstructed Bartholin’s gland: nontender and non-palpable Vaginal wall: ruggerated, thin clear or cloudy secretions Cervix: pink, smooth, moist, glistening, rounded, firm, approx. 1 inch in diameter
Assessment of the Male Genitalia
Materials: Gloves, Lubricant, Drapes, Gown Inspect the external genitalia. Assess maturity. Inspect and palpate the skin for color, temperature, lesions, masses, excoriation, lacerations, abnormalities, infestations or lack of hygiene Inspect and palpate the prepuce or foreskin in uncircumcised males
Assessment of the Male Genitalia
Inspect and palpate the glans Inspect the urethral meatus Inspect and palpate the shaft of the penis Inspect and palpate the scrotum and testes for size, shape, color, temperature, tenderness, lesions, abnormalities Inspect and palpate for hernia Palpate the prostate gland
Assessment of the Male Genitalia
Normal findings: Skin: warm, smooth without lesions Pubic hair: growth and distribution according to age Prepuce: normally without lesions, smegma present, easily retractable Glans: pink, moist in uncircumcised males; dry and reddish in circumcised males Shaft: no lesions
Assessment of the Male Genitalia
Scrotum and testes: coarse, loose, slightly darker than the rest of the body, no lesions, not more than 1 inch in diameter, left testis is lower than the right Vas deferens and spermatic cord: no masses, thickening, tenderness Hernias: none
Assessment of the Anus, Rectum, and Prostate
Materials: gloves and lubricant Inspect and palpate the perianal tissue and perineum Inspect for the appearance of protrusions or masses with straining Perform a digital exam to palpate the anus, rectum and prostate Assess the muscle tone of the anal ring and rectum Palpate or high masses Examine fecal material
Assessment of the Anus, Rectum, and Prostate
Normal findings: Perianal tissue: no lesions, masses, erythema Anus: slightly reddened and closed; no lesions, masses, protusion, hemorrhoids Rectum: smooth without masses, lesions, tenderness Prostate: palpable after puberty, rubbery and smooth to palpate Uterus and cervix: rubbery, smooth, nontender -Fecal material: well-formed; brown
Assessment of the Musculoskeletal System
Materials: Tape measure , Goniometer Assess the patient’s posture, stance and gait Inspect for any gross abnormality Inspect and palpate the skin and surrounding tissue of all bones, joints and muscle groups to be examined Inspect and palpate the temporomandibular joint and jaw Inspect and palpate the neck and spine Assess ROM of the neck
Assessment of the Musculoskeletal System
Assess ROM of the spine Inspect and palpate the upper and lower extremities, assessing each joint and associated muscle groups Shoulders, Elbows, Wrists, Fingers, Hips, Knees, Ankles, Toes
Assessment of the Nervous System
GOOD luck AND God bless on your Exams…
Thank you…Enjoy the Summer Vacation… GOOD luck AND God bless on your Exams…
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