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Trends in Healthcare.

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Presentation on theme: "Trends in Healthcare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends in Healthcare

2 Cost Containment Home Health Care Geriatric Care Telemedicine Wellness Alternative and Complementary Methods

3 Cost Containment Ways to control the rising cost of healthcare
Application: After reading pg. 16 in your text on Cost Containment, what are some factors that have led to the rising costs of healthcare?

4 3 Top Reasons for High Healthcare Costs
Technological advancements Aging population Health-related lawsuits

5 Home Health Care Rapidly growing Shorter hospital stays
Less expensive than inpatient care All aspects of healthcare can be involved

6 Geriatric Care Care for the elderly Longer life spans Adult day care
Retirement communities Assisted living Long term care facilities

7 OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act –OBRA-1987
Led to development of regulations regarding long term care and home health care Mandatory, state approved training program and pass a written and competency test Requires compliance with patients’ and residents’ rights

8 Telemedicine Video, audio, computer systems to provide healthcare services Application: Read pg on Telemedicine in text. Identify and list 5 ways telemedicine is used in healthcare

9 Wellness State of being in optimum health
Wellness is determined by lifestyle choices Application: Read Wellness section in text – pg What is holistic health care? What impact do you believe it has on a patient?

10 Alternative Therapies/ Complementary Therapies
Alternative - Methods of treatment used to replace biomedical treatment Complementary – Methods used in conjunction with traditional medical therapies Commonalities: Holistic Based on cultural values/beliefs Application: Read Table 1-8 on pgs Identify 6 types of alternative/complementary practitioners which you find interesting. Why do you think these types of alternative or complementary practitioners might be beneficial?

11 Integrative Health Care
Using both mainstream medical treatments and complementary and alternative therapies (CAM) CAM – complementary and alternative medicine


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