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Chapter 8 Personal selling skills

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1 Chapter 8 Personal selling skills

2 Table 8.1 Key characteristics of salespeople desired by buyers Source: Based on Garver, M.S. and Mentzer, J.T. (2000) Salesperson logistics expertise: a proposed contingency framework, Journal of Business Logistics, 21(2):113–32; and Williams, A.J. and Seminerio, J. (1985) What buyers like from salesmen, Industrial Marketing Management, 14(2):75–8.

3 Figure 8.1 The personal selling process

4 Table 8.2 Types of question used in personal selling Source: DeCormier, R. and Jobber, D. (1993) The counsellor selling method: concepts, constructs and effectiveness, Journal of Personal Sales and Management, 13(4):39–60.

5 Figure 8.2 Dealing with objections

6 Figure 8.3 The level of buyers’ purchase intentions throughout a sales presentation

7 Figure 8.4 Closing the sale

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