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Teaching customers to trust the cloud Synergy Advisors believes that the more you stay on top of the latest and greatest in technology and deliver high-quality.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching customers to trust the cloud Synergy Advisors believes that the more you stay on top of the latest and greatest in technology and deliver high-quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching customers to trust the cloud Synergy Advisors believes that the more you stay on top of the latest and greatest in technology and deliver high-quality consulting, the more you can differentiate yourself. 5/31/2018 9:12 AM Key Learnings The cloud offers opportunities to expand beyond your normal customer base It’s important to show customers how to utilize cloud services and meet regulatory needs Companies need to keep in touch with Microsoft product groups to stay on top of the latest and greatest technologies Developing your own training practices for customers can offer a steady revenue stream and bridge the gap to closing sales You need to invest in keeping your people up to speed Social media offers a great way to let customers know about new functionality "We are an organization that started with just a handful of people and we are more than 100 right now, in less than 5 years." Cristian Mora Founder, Synergy Advisors © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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