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Assignment Preparation.
LLP/UH Assignment Preparation. An Introduction to Inter-Professional Education (4HSK0013).
Reflective Account -100% Coursework.
2,000 word reflective account which demonstrates an appreciation of the concepts and principles of Inter-Professional practice. The reflective account will also explore how Inter-Professional Education may enhance professional practice and service user experiences. LLP/UH
Knowledge and Understanding.
Learning Outcomes. LLP/UH Knowledge and Understanding.
Successful students will typically….
Identify and explain the benefits and challenges of inter-professional practice. Describe how their professional role supports inter-professional practice. LLP/UH
Learning Outcomes continued…
LLP/UH Skills and Attributes.
Successful students will typically….
Reflect on the skills required for collaborative learning and explain how they may be applied in practice. LLP/UH
To begin…. Please download the assignment template from the summative assignment information file which is accessible in the module information section via StudyNet. LLP/UH
Then…. Download the ‘Additional Assignment Guidelines’ document from the same file in the module information section. LLP/UH
Very important ………….. Maintain confidentiality at all times. Do not name the people involved. You can however, give them a ‘pseudonym’ but must acknowledge this in the assignment. When you have finished your assignment, read through it to check that you have met the module learning outcomes. Submit your assignment in ‘Microsoft Word’ format only. Please note, if the marker is not able to open your assignment to mark it, it will not be marked. If your assignment is submitted late (even by a second) it will be capped if it is a pass. If your assignment is submitted a week past the deadline date/time it will not be marked. LLP/UH
Also very important.. It is strongly recommended that you submit your assignment well in advance before the specified time to allow for any difficulties or delays. Please note it is your responsibility to check and ensure you are submitting the correct assignment and it is submitted to the ‘Introduction to Inter-Professional Education’ module assignment portal. Please always check this via the electronic receipt. LLP/UH
Word Count. Word Count – The word count limit is 10% over/under for the whole 2,000 word reflective account. Any tables presented within the body of the work WILL be included in the word count. Citations in the text WILL be included References at the end of the assessment are NOT included Appendices are NOT included in the word count LLP/UH
Considering each step of the Marks-Maran & Rose reflective cycle.
The Inter-Professional Learning Experience. What actually happened and what skills did you use during the learning experience? Reflective Observation Thoughts and feelings arising from the learnng experience? Related Theory Making sense of what happened in light of current knowledge. Future Action What was learned and how will it influence future actions? LLP/UH
Step 1 – The Inter-Professional Learning Experience - Approximately 200 words.
Describe what the learning experience was. For example, you could describe one seminar or the time you spent working and learning with your IPL student group to plan for the formative poster presentations. What did you have to do during that time? Once you have described the learning experience identify three skills you used to work/learn collaboratively with your student peers *Please apply two pieces of literature in this section. LLP/UH
Step 2 – Reflective Observation – Approximately 200 words.
What did you think in relation to the skills you used during the learning experience? For example, were the skills that you used effective? Were the skills appropriate in relation to what you were trying to achieve during the learning experience? How did you feel afterwards? *Please apply three pieces of literature in this section LLP/UH
Step 3 – Related Theory – Making sense of what happened in light of current Knowledge - Approximately words. Relate this to the skills you have identified. What does the literature say about the skills you have identified/reflected upon? For example, if you identified listening as one of your skills and you highlight that you made effective use of this skill, support this point with relevant literature. What does the literature say about making effective use of listening skills? *Please apply six pieces of literature in this section. LLP/UH
Step 4 – Future Action. – Approximately 800 words.
What have you learned from the experience in relation to the skills you have identified/reflected upon? How will this learning/skills development influence any future actions that you take when working/learning inter-professionally. How could you apply these skills to practice? How will your professional role (e.g. Student Nurse (Adult/Mental Health) or Student Midwife support inter-professional practice when you are in placement? Please describe. What are the benefits and challenges of inter-professional practice? Please identify and explain! *Please apply six pieces of literature in this section. LLP/UH
The use of supporting literature.
Integrate/apply a range of literature to support your discussion. The literature may include journal articles, books, key legislation/reports. LLP/UH
You can write in first person. For example, the use of ‘I’.
Assessment Criteria. LLP/UH
Presentation & Structure.
Evidence of planning. Clear Structure. Clear, logical development of ideas, issues and arguments. Proof read your assignment - check for spelling and grammatical errors. LLP/UH
Outstanding >80 Excellent 79-70 Very Good 69-60 Good 59-50 Satisfactory 49-40 Marginal Fail 39-30 Clear Fail 29-20 Little or nothing of merit 19-0 Presentation and structure 10% Outstanding presentation. Logically structured. Highly articulate and fluent writing style. No grammatical or spelling errors. Excellent presentation. Highly articulate and fluent writing style with very few (minor) errors. Very good presentation. Logically structured. Articulate and fluent writing style. A few grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Good presentation. Logically ordered. Writing is mainly clear but some spelling and/ or grammatical errors. Satisfactory presentation. Mostly logical structure. Not always written clearly and has several grammatical and / or spelling errors. Poor presentation. Inconsistent or illogical structure Has many spelling and / or grammatical errors. Very inconsistent or illogical structure Poorly written and/or poor spelling and grammar. Little or nothing of merit. Poorly written. Many inaccuracies in spelling. LLP/UH
Depth, Breadth & Integration of Literature.
Regular perusal of publications/journals - Broader professional context. Try to ensure the references that you cite are carefully chosen to support the specific point you are making. LLP/UH
Breadth, depth & Integration of Literature.
Breadth / depth and integration of literature Presentation of references 15% Outstanding breadth and depth of literature utilised. Outstanding integration of literature into work. Recommended referencing system used with no inaccuracies or inconsistencies noted. Excellent breadth & depth of literature utilised. Excellent integration of literature into work. Recommended referencing system used with very few (minor) inaccuracies and/or inconsistencies. Very good breadth & depth of literature utilised. Literature integrated very well. Recommended referencing system used with few inaccuracies and/or inconsistencies. Good use of literature. Depth appropriate to topic but moderate breadth or vice versa. Literature integrated into the coursework reasonably well. Recommended referencing system used but occasional inaccuracies and/or inconsistencies noted. Satisfactory use of literature but limited in breadth and /or depth. Uncritical and cited without comment. An attempt to use the recommended referencing system but several inaccuracies and/or inconsistencies noted. Limited breadth and depth Literature cited without comment. An attempt to use the recommended referencing system but many inaccuracies and/or inconsistencies noted. Lacks breadth & depth. Some literature irrelevant to topic area. An attempt to use the recommended referencing system but numerous errors noted and inconsistently applied. Little or nothing of merit. Literature used irrelevant to topic area. Little or no attempt to use the recommended referencing system LLP/UH
Content/Knowledge. Demonstrate an ability to makes links between theory and practice. Demonstrate that you have an understanding of the relevant theory and can use the knowledge to address the issues that you have raised. LLP/UH
Content & Knowledge. LLP/UH Content, knowledge and understanding 50%
50% Outstanding exploration of topic showing excellent knowledge and understanding. Excellent level of knowledge and understanding demonstrated. Covers all relevant points and issues. Very good level of knowledge and understanding demonstrated. Covers most relevant points and issues. Good grasp of the topic and some of its implications presented. Knowledge and understanding is demonstrated. Minor errors / omissions. Satisfactory content / level of knowledge of the topic. Addresses part of the question. Some errors / omissions. Limited content / knowledge. Limited or muddled understanding of the topic/question. Lacking in knowledge. Content irrelevant / inaccurate. Does not address the question and therefore does not meet the learning outcomes. Little or nothing of merit. Unsatisfactory level of knowledge demonstrated. Content not appropriate to the topic. LLP/UH
Description, Discussion & Reflection.
It is important that your reflection stays focused. Think broadly about the Marks-Maran & Rose (1997 ) Reflective Cycle and consider how you will approach each step of the cycle. LLP/UH
Description, Discussion & Reflection.
Description, discussion and/or reflection 25% Outstanding level of description, discussion and/or reflection. Highly developed/ focused work. Excellent level of description / discussion and/or reflection of issues. Very good level of description, discussion and/or reflection but some areas would benefit from further development. Good level of description, discussion and/or reflection but some areas could be expanded on further. Satisfactory level of description but limited evidence of discussion and/or reflection. Limited evidence of description, discussion and/or reflection. Lacking / inadequate level of description, discussion and/or reflection. Little or nothing of merit. Unsatisfactory level of description / reflection. LLP/UH
References. Please reference the literature you have cited in your assignment in accordance with the University of Hertfordshire Guidelines on Referencing & Bibliographical citations. The above guidelines can be accessed/viewed via the Module StudyNet site in a file located in the teaching resources section. LLP/UH
Anonymous Marking. We are marking anonymously on the Introduction to Inter-Professional Education module. It is not vital to include your name or student number on the front page of the assignment template. LLP/UH
Submission Date. The submission date for your assignment is Monday11th April before p.m. Please submit your assignment electronically via the Introduction to the Inter-Professional Education Module StudyNet submission portal. LLP/UH
Please note… Please note as the Module Lead I am not able to grant extensions for assignment coursework. Please therefore contact the appropriate Year 1 Tutor or Programme Tutor if you require an extension for your assignment. LLP/UH
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