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US History Grading Quarter Grades will be determined by student performance in the following areas: Tests (50%) These will include bi-weekly mini quizzes,

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Presentation on theme: "US History Grading Quarter Grades will be determined by student performance in the following areas: Tests (50%) These will include bi-weekly mini quizzes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 US History Grading Quarter Grades will be determined by student performance in the following areas: Tests (50%) These will include bi-weekly mini quizzes, formative assessments every 2-3 weeks, and end of unit benchmark exams. Assignments (25%) These will include binder checks about 2 times a quarter, online review quizzes, etc. Projects (25%) These will include a variety of group, partner, and individual projects throughout the year. Semester Grades- Based on the percentage of points earned first quarter (40%), second quarter (40%), & a final exam (20%).

2 Assignment Grading Every assignment and test will be graded on the scale below: 5 – Advanced- Exceeds expectations 4 – Proficient- Meets expectations 3 – Basic- Almost There (Tutoring recommended) 2 – Below Basic- Missing many key requirements or concepts (Tutoring expected) 1 – Far Below Basic- Missing most key requirements or concepts (Tutoring expected)

3 Alternative Assessment Ideas

4 Identify and Explain the Significance
Identify & explain the historical significance of at least 3 of the following terms: Manifest Destiny Dred Scott Case Nullification Crisis Kansas-Nebraska Act Election of 1860

5 True/False with Explanation
State whether each of the following statements is true or false & then defend your answer. The American colonists were justified in declaring independence from Great Britain. The U.S. could have avoided getting involved in WWI. Slavery caused the Civil War. The New Deal was good for America.

6 Conversation Create an imaginary dialogue between Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Make sure to include details about each of the following: Each person’s background Each person’s goals Each person’s strategies/methods

7 Letter/Journal Entry/Postcard
Pretend you are living on the home front during WWII. Write a letter to your dad, brother, husband, or boyfriend who is in the military overseas. Describe how the war has affected at least 3 of the following: The role of government The Economy Japanese-Americans Mexican-Americans African-Americans Women

8 Final Exam Free Response—You are required to write a response to one of the following prompts. Your letter must include an introduction with a thesis statement, at least 2 body paragraphs with at least 1 quote in each, and a conclusion.

9 Pretend that you are Martin Luther King, Jr
Pretend that you are Martin Luther King, Jr. Malcolm X has been openly criticizing your views on the Civil Rights Movement. Write him a letter that defends your views. Make sure to include a body paragraph on each of the following: Why your goals are better than his? Why your methods are better than his? OR Pretend that you are Malcolm X. You totally disagree with Martin Luther King’s approach to the Civil Rights movement. Write him a letter that seeks to convince him of your approach. Make sure to include a body paragraph on each of the following:

10 Civil Rights Letter Outline
Thesis Statement (Refer to example Letter) Body #1—Goals Other person’s goals Summarize other person’s goals Explain what is wrong with other person’s goals Your goals Summarize your goals Explain why your goals are better Pick at least 1 quote to use in this paragraph Body #2—Strategies Other person’s methods/strategies Summarize other person’s methods/strategies Explain what is wrong with other person’s methods/strategies Your methods/strategies Summarize your methods/strategies Explain why your methods/strategies are better

11 Socratic Seminar: Has MLK’s Dream Been Achieved?
Directions: During any Socratic seminar that we have in class, you are expected to use academic language when you speak. You will receive a score out of 5 based on the quality of your response to the prompt. The highest scores will use evidence from the exhibits as well as their own experiences to answer the debated question. In turn, you are also expected to apply good listening skills during the activity. Write down 3 new arguments for and against in your fifth box of your handout as you listen to others speak. Please utilize the following sentence frames while you speak in order to incorporate strong academic language structures into your natural vocabulary and deepen the level of intellectual discussion in an academic setting.

12 Sentence Frames for affirming an idea and adding to it:
My idea is related to ____________’s idea ___________. I really liked ______’s idea about _________. I agree with ______. Also, _________. My idea build’s on ______’s idea. I __________. Presenting a different angle on a subject: While I can see why you believe this, I see this differently. In my opinion _______. I understand where you are coming from, but I see it a bit differently. From my perspective, _________. That’s a valid point, but I feel __________. On the other hand, __________. I do agree with the part about _________ but __________. Expressing your opinion: I believe that _________. In my opinion __________. I feel that ___________. I think that __________ because ________. To me, it seems obvious that _________.

13 Simulated Congressional Hearing (WTP)
Divide class into expert panels. Have them prepare speeches/opening statements to 2-3 questions & then ask them one of the questions on the day of the hearings. 4 minutes for an opening statement 6-8 minutes for follow-up questions

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