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water Water Trading: Supporting resilient regional communities

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1 water Water Trading: Supporting resilient regional communities
strengthening Australia’s Penny Fiddes | National Water Commission markets Canberra evaluation forum 19 April 2012

2 Overview Water policy in brief Role of water markets
Benefits, achievements, results Lessons learnt Future challenges

3 Short history of water policy in Australia
Scarcity & variability Historical focus on securing supply Subsidised economic + demographic growth Diminishing and negative returns Economic + environmental concerns Focus on efficiency + productivity Climate change, growing population + food security New challenges + opportunities

4 The National Water Initiative

5 8 interrelated elements of water management
NWI Architecture Objective To achieve a nationally compatible market, regulatory and planning based system of managing surface and groundwater resources for rural and urban use that optimises economic, social and environmental outcomes. 8 interrelated elements of water management Water access entitlements and planning Water resource accounting Best practice water pricing Urban water reform Water markets and trading Knowledge and capacity building Integrated management of environmental water Community partnership and adjustment

6 Establishing water markets
1) Limit total extractions from water resource 2) Specify extractions for each user Consumptive pool 3) Trade allows individual water use to be reallocated Water for the environment

7 Phases of water policy in the Murray Darling Basin
historical developments Phases of water policy in the Murray Darling Basin Phases of water policy in the Murray Darling Basin Exploratory phase 1 2 Expansionary or development phase 3 Maturation or scarcity phase 4 Transition to sustainability 1900 1980s 1994 2007 European settlement The origins of water markets Phases of water market development The emergence of water markets Water market broadening & expansion Water markets in transition and beyond

8 i water Pre-water reform NWI reforms entitlement reform
Water access entitlement Water right Water allocation Pre-water reform Water right Delivery share Water use licence NWI reforms Land

9 i water seller buyer trading Water allocation Water allocation
Water access entitlement Water allocation Water access entitlement Water allocation seller buyer

10 i water seller buyer trading Water access entitlement Water allocation
Water allocation trade is temporary transfer of water

11 i water seller buyer trading Water allocation Water allocation
Water access entitlement Water allocation Water access entitlement Water allocation seller buyer Water entitlement trade is the permanent transfer of water rights

12 i role of water markets Efficient allocation of scarce resources Decentralised decision making about water distribution and use Indicate scarcity of resource through prices Ensure water moves to highest value uses Facilitate flexible water use and production decisions

13 i i growth in trade Southern MDB to

14 Extent of water trading
Proportion of irrigators who traded (temporary) water allocations in the last 3 years:

15 i Benefits of water markets
Success story in the southern MDB Moving water to its highest value use Puts a scarcity value on water Manage changing seasonal conditions Enable response to longer term trends

16 i individuals water trade benefits Flexibility
in production and use decisions Options to ensure water availability Risk management trade can insure against drought Income through allocation sales Capital management trade can facilitate debt management

17 i individuals benefits to
Water trading is at the centre of farm operations at Lake Powell Almonds Lake Powell Almonds Robinvale, Victoria

18 economy benefits to the interzone water allocation trading Significant

19 SA NSW VIC 2008/09 Lower Darling SA Murray Murrumbidgee NSW Murray
15GL SA Murray Lower Darling Murrumbidgee NSW Murray VIC Murray Goulburn 103GL 3GL 199GL VIC 3GL 106GL 15GL 57GL 40GL 22GL 2008/09 Net exporter Net importer

20 SA NSW VIC 2009/10 Lower Darling SA Murray Murrumbidgee NSW Murray
VIC Murray Goulburn 103GL 59GL 199GL 96GL VIC 15GL 3GL 6GL 106GL 30GL 15GL 57GL 49GL 40GL 40GL 79GL 22GL 2009/10 Net exporter Net importer

21 SA NSW VIC 2010/11 Lower Darling SA Murray Murrumbidgee NSW Murray
VIC Murray Goulburn 63GL 51GL 181GL VIC 128GL 260GL 79GL 140GL 70GL 2010/11 Net exporter Net importer

22 i Economic benefits Water trading helped maintain production during the drought Alleviated the economic cost of drought for regional gross domestic production in the southern MDB

23 Industries and communities
benefits to Industries and communities Inward water allocation sales and water allocation prices, NSW Murray and Murrumbidgee, to 2010–11

24 i flexibility in production
Rice production, rice prices & water allocation price, Murrumbidgee to Rice (kilotonnes) Water allocation price ($/ML)

25 i flexibility in production
Wine grape production and prices, and water allocation price, SA Murray to Water allocation price ($/ML) Wine grape production (kilotonnes)

26 i Economic benefits Gross value of irrigated agricultural production and water use in the MDB, to

27 i Environment benefits to
Markets have enabled purchase of water for environmental flows -Commonwealth purchased more than 1,200 GL Water trading found to have had no negative impacts on environment

28 i benefits – urban water
Water purchases to secure urban supplies are facilitated by water markets (e.g. Adelaide, Bendigo, Ballarat and Canberra)

29 i lessons learnt about water markets Water markets are
Can deliver significant Several universal effective benefits prerequisites Incremental development Interventions Conflicts of interest is appropriate to address third party impacts should be managed carefully need to be addressed

30 i challenges future Existing markets
Groundwater entitlement and planning arrangements Trade approval processes Resolving conflicts of interest Availability and quality of market price information Allocation announcement processes Improving confidence in market intermediaries

31 i Future challenges Formative markets outside the MDB
Trading less developed Opportunity to get fundamentals right Water planning, unbundling less advanced Low priority The fundamentals for trading = good water management Resource assessments, effective water planning Implement effective trading systems and institutional arrangements now – avoid legacy issues

32 i Recent assessments 3rd Biennial Assessment Australian Water Markets Report Impacts of Water Trading report in the sMDB ABARES Survey of Irrigation Farms in the MDB

33 i NWC report launch Copies are available online at
or can be ordered at: publications/bookshop

34 water trading Supporting Water Australia’s markets strengthening
resilient communities

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