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Introduction to Assurance

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1 Introduction to Assurance
AI Lab. 오석영

2 Contents 17.1 Assurance and Trust
The Need for Assurance The Role of Requirements in Assurance 17.2 Building Secure and Trusted Systems Life Cycle (Meta model) The Waterfall Life Cycle Model Other Life Cycle Model 17.3 Building Security In or Adding Later 17.4 Recent Works

3 1. Assurance and Trust

4 Assurance and Trust Trust Trusted system
An entity is trustworthy if there is sufficient credible evidence leading one to believe that the system will meet a set of given requirements. Trust is a measure of trustworthiness, relying on the evidence provided. Trusted system A trusted system is a system that has been show to meet well- defined requirements under an evaluation by a credible body of experts who are certified to assign trust ratings to evaluated products and systems.

5 Assurance Security assurance, or simply assurance, is confidence that an entity meets its security requirements, based on specific evidence provided by the application of assurance techniques. Policy Mechanisms Assurance

6 The Need for Assurance Neumann’s list (problem source)
1. Requirements definitions, omissions, and mistakes 2. System design flaws 3. Hardware implementation flaws, such as wiring and chip flaws 4. Software implementation errors, program bugs, and compiler bugs 5. System use and operation errors and inadvertent mistakes 6. Willful system misuse 7. Hardware, communication, or other equipment malfunction 8. Environmental problems, natural causes, and acts of God 9. Evolution, maintenance, faulty upgrades, and decommissions

7 example (1/28), Space Shuttle Challenger disaster , Radiation therapy machine malfunctioning killing everyone on board Decision to take shortcuts to meet an accelerated launch schedule Sensors removed from booster rockets Three patients died from a radiation overdose Flaws in software design Hardware safety interlock removed

8 3. 1979, Three Mile Island Nuclear Failure 4. Bell V22 Osprey crashes
Hardwar problem Flaws in software design : temperature very high -> the system printed a string of “?” rather than the measured temperature High-technology helicopter Failure to correct for malfunctioning components; two faulty ones could outvote a correctly functioning third

9 The Role of Requirements in Assurance
Requirement is a statement of goals that must be satisfied Security objectives are high-level security issues Security requirements are specific, concrete issues

10 Assurance Throughout the Life Cycle
Policy assurance is the evidence establishing that the set of security requirements in the policy is complete, consistent, and technically sound. Design assurance is the evidence establishing that a design is sufficient to meet the requirements of the security policy.

11 Assurance Throughout the Life Cycle
Implementation assurance is the evidence establishing that the implementation is consistent with the security requirements of the security policy. Operational or administrative assurance is the evidence establishing that the system sustains the security policy requirements during installation, configuration, and day- to-day operation.

12 Development of a trusted system

13 2. Building Secure and Trusted Systems

14 Building Secure and Trusted Systems
Life cycle (4 step) The concept of a life cycle addresses security- relevant decisions that often are made outside the engineering disciplines in business situations. A life cycle starts when a system is considered for development and use. The life cycle ends when the system is no longer used.

15 Life Cycle - ① Conception
Idea Decisions to pursue it Proof of concept Demonstration that an idea has merit High-level requirements analysis What does “secure” mean for this concept? Is it possible for this concept to meet this meaning of security? Is the organization willing to support the additional resources required to make this concept meet this meaning of security?

16 ② Manufacture Develop detailed plans for each group involved
Marketing / sales training / development / test plan etc. May depend on use; internal product requires no sales Implement the plans to create entity Includes decisions whether to proceed, for example due to market needs Output Materials to determine whether to proceed GROUP OUTPUT Marketing marketing collateral (white papers, data sheets..) Sales Documented leads and sales channels Engineering Tested, debugged system Documentation Manuals, guides Service Staff who handle telephone calls

17 ③ Deployment Delivery (production, distribution and shipping)
Assure that correct masters are delivered to production and protected Distribute to customers, sales organizations Installation and configuration Ensure product works appropriately for specific environment into which it is installed Service people must know security procedures

18 ④ Fielded Product Life Routine maintenance, patching
Responsibility of engineering in small organizations Responsibility may be in different group than one that manufactures product Commercial systems often have separate customer service and support organizations Product retirement or decision to take a product out of service, is a critical part of this stage

19 The Waterfall Life Cycle Model
The waterfall life cycle model is the model of building in stages, whereby one stage is completed before the next stage begins.

20 Requirements definition and analysis
Functional and non-functional requirements Requirements describe what, not how and should be implementation-independent System and software design External functional specification and internal design specification Implementation and unit testing Implementation is development of software programs (programs or program units) Unit testing is process of establishing that the unit meets its specifications

21 Integration and system testing
Integration is the process of combining all the unit-tested program units into a complete system System testing is the process of ensuring the system as a whole meets the requirements Operation and maintenance Fielding the system (move into production) Maintenance involves correction of errors, routine maintenance, release of new versions

22 trickle down Error discovered in system testing
Impact the software design

23 Other Models of Software Development
① Exploratory programming Developed quickly and then modified. Used in AI system Users cannot formulate detailed requirements specification Adequacy > Correctness Secure and Trusted system Assurance becomes difficult : no requirements or design specifications implementation potentially vulnerable to attack

24 ② Prototyping similar to exploratory programming
The objective of the rapid development is specifically to establish the system requirements The reimplementation can be done using another model that is more conducive to development of secure and trusted systems

25 ③ Formal Transformation
Create formal specification Translate it into program using correctness-preserving transformations developed should be subjected to the same rigorous implementation testing and vulnerabilities analysis that are applied to any other methodology

26 ④ System Assembly from Reusable Components
Need to reconcile the security models and requirements Trusted systems out of trusted components Trusted systems out of untrusted components => complex Common approach to building secure and trusted systems

27 ⑤ Extreme Programming Based on rapid prototyping and best practices
separate testing of components, frequent reviewing etc. Objective is put a minimal system into production as quickly as possible Assurance Leaving requirement open does not ensure security requirements will be properly implemented Threats were analyzed and appropriate security requirements developed before the system was designed => trusted system

28 3. Building Security In or Adding Security Later

29 Building Security In or Adding Security Later
Imagine you’re trying to create a high-performance system out of poor-performance system If it’s because of fundamental structure, design of the system, then it might be better to start over You need to design it in Otherwise, system lacks fundamental and structural concepts for high assurance Like performance, security is an integral part of a computer system. It should be integrated into the system from the beginning

30 Building In Security Reference monitor
the access control concept of an abstract machine that mediates all accesses to objects by subjects Reference validation mechanism (RVM) the implementation of the reference monitor concept Must be tamperproof always invoked and can never be bypassed small enough to be subject to analysis and testing, the completeness of which can be assured

31 Security kernel combines hardware and software to implement reference monitor
early example of RVM Trusted computing base (TCB) consists of all protection mechanisms within a system including h/w, f/w, and s/w that are responsible for enforcing security policy generalizes notion of security kernel

32 trade-offs between features and simplicity
More and deeper assurance leads to a higher level of trust in the resulting system Design analysis (formal/informal method) More thorough testing trade-offs between features and simplicity Including many features often leads to complexity, which limit the ability to analyze the system, which in turn lowers potential level of assurance

33 Adding On Security Adding in mechanisms makes assurance hard
May be spread throughout system (analysis hard) Assurance may be limited to test results Testing of conformance to a flowed design is similar to designing a system to meet inappropriate requirement Gap in abstraction between security requirements and implementation code may prohibit complete requirements testing

34 Example for Secure Unix
AT&T products SV/MLS SVR4.1ES Architecting of System used existing kernel modular structure =>no implementation of least privilege restructured kernel to make it highly modular => incorporated least privilege File Attributes added separate table for mandatory access control labels (inode point to the table) Need two access, so inconsistency issue can happens. more failure point Redefined inode structure to include MAC label (more effort to upgrade) Only one access needed to check permissions

35 4. Current Works

36 A Design for Component Assembly Framework
for Security Assurance

37 A study on the Process for Applying Security Assurance based CC on Software Lifecycle

38 On the Study of Trusted information Exchange Services based on Authentication Policy Extension

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