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A Progressive Vision of Inclusive Education in Palestine

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1 A Progressive Vision of Inclusive Education in Palestine
Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation A Progressive Vision of Inclusive Education in Palestine Rima Canawati 2016

2 MOEHE Inclusive Education Strategy
Why this strategy? To address the needs of persons with disabilities focusing primarily on interventions which aim to improve the quality of services provided for persons with low vision and total vision loss

3 UNCRPD Article 24 And Guiding Principles
What guides us? UNCRPD Article 24 And Guiding Principles Non-discrimination Right to quality education in accessible inclusive environments Right to development Best interest of the child Respect

4 Purpose of the strategy
To promote the rights of persons with vision impairment so that they could enjoy quality learning in inclusive environments, become active participants in their communities and have better opportunities in life.

5 Increasing life quality through
Granting quality education in inclusive environments Increasing life quality through Enhancing the quality of services through strong partnerships Community empowerment through Awareness and Advocacy Improving responsiveness towards access

6 Granting quality education in inclusive environments
Strategies Resource Centers Capacity Building School Inclusion Text Books Availability Granting quality education in inclusive environments

7 Community empowerment through Awareness & Advocacy programs
Strategies Community empowerment through Awareness & Advocacy programs Awareness raising on disability issues for attitude change Advocacy to influence policy change Creating advocates through DPOs empowerment

8 Strategies Knowledge accessibility Physical accessibility Access to health Access to sports, leisure and arts Access to further education/training Improving responsiveness towards access for persons with vision impairment

9 Enhancing the quality of services through strong partnerships
Strategies Enhancing the quality of services through strong partnerships Other Ministries Eye care providers Education providers Grassroots organizations International organizations working in the education

10 Challenges to be tackled
Political and economic insecurity and instability Policy/legislative gaps and implementation challenges Disability Law legislative provisions do not match UNCRPD expectations Inclusive education is still perceived in terms of special education and disability issues

11 Challenges to be tackled
Lack of financial resources; Lack of specialized human resources in the field of vision impairment Lack of needed specialties in the field of vision impairment at local universities;

12 Challenges to be tackled
Existing gaps between the different stages of education: preschool, primary and secondary education (academic, technical and vocational) and higher education; Existing gaps between the education reality and the labor market demands and needs on one hand, and the prerequisites for sustainable development on the other.

13 Most salient features of Palestine Inclusive Education Strategy
It is guided by the UNCRPD It is comprehensive and tackles key elements for promoting full inclusion: Facilitation of learning processes; Supporting communities to acquire knowledge on disability; Providing access; Developing collaboration among all relevant actors.

14 Most salient features of Palestine Inclusive Education Strategy
It follows a twin-track approach It involves all relevant stakeholders It emphasizes community empowerment, awareness raising and advocacy The strategy has been evaluated by an independent group of professionals focusing on various aspects

15 The strategy is a good example to be followed by other developing countries  

16 Thank You

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