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COST Action 2015, San Sebastian

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1 COST Action 2015, San Sebastian
Understanding Internal Fiber Development During TMP Refining of Sulfite Pre-treated Spruce Chips Dinesh Fernando, Erik Nelsson & Geoffrey Daniel Deptartment of Forest Products Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Uppsala, Sweden. 26 May Dinesh Fernando

2 Results and Discussions
Objectives : To investigate effects of low dosage sulfite pre-treatment combined with modern high consistency double disc (DD) refining & to understand TMP fiber development determining pulp & paper properties. Pulp & Paper Properties Figure 1. Tensile index vs. SEC for pulps produced with/without sulfite pre-treatment. Figure 2. Tensile index vs. sulfonate content at a constant SEC of 1950 kWh/bdt. Table 1. Pulp properties for different refining energies & dosages of Na2SO3 . Prominent effects of sulfite chip pre-treatment; - increasing tensile index (TI), density, elongation, brightness etc (Fig. 1 & Table 1). - lowering shive content, freeness & light scattering (Table 1). - Proportional increase in tensile index with the amount of Na2SO3 added & was 7.6 Nm/g (~18%) for the highest dosage (1.2% Na2SO3), Fig. 2. - Improved energy efficiency by lowering ~320 kWh/bdt (~15%) SEC at a TI of 47 Nm/g compared with untreated pulp (Fig. 1 & Table 1). 26 May Dinesh Fernando

3 Degree of fiber wall delamination/internal fibrillation (D/IF)
Table 2. LR statistics for type 3 analysis of ordinal logistic regression test for significant differences in the degree of D/IF of pulps from sulfonated and/or unsulfonated TMPs. Figure 3. Degree of delamination/internal fibrillation (D/IF) development in double-disc refined TMP pulps produced with different sulfite addition and SEC. D/IF developed differently with increasing SEC & sulfite addition i.e. internal fiber development (IFD) varied depending on the treatment & SEC. Sulfite treatment & increasing SEC effectively induces D/IF (Fig. 3); - Pulp 1.21(2040) dominated by treated fibers (65%) & “high D/IF” fibers (39%) representing most flexible TMPs, Statistical analyses (Table 2) showed SEC & sulfite treatment significantly induced D/IF. No significant difference between the pulps 0.00(2080) & 1.21(1780). - i.e. similar IFD between the two pulps. SS method revealing changes in D/IF development explained property development of the pulps & the improved energy efficiency associated with sulfite pretreatment. 26 May Dinesh Fernando

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