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Welcome to Year 2 Thank you for coming!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 2 Thank you for coming!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 2 Thank you for coming!

2 Overview Our year group/class Routines and independence
Uniform and PE kits Lessons and learning SATs Reading How you can help The fun parts! 

3 Year 2 – what to expect Staff Organisation Classroom ethos Targets Working walls Homework

4 A typical day Visual timetable Uniform expectations A typical morning – Handwriting, Spelling, English, Maths A typical afternoon – Foundation subjects Play times, milk and fruit and lunch times Assemblies Sharing news and reading

5 Morning routine Independence Belongings (water bottle, book bag, small toy, P.E. kit and belongings named) Handwriting or maths at tables Book changing days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) P.E. day (Wednesday and gymnastics/dance)

6 Lessons English – spelling, SPaG, reading, writing and speaking and listening Maths – arithmetic, reasoning and problem solving Foundation subjects Marking and feedback (green pen) Sunshine Friday (40 mins)

7 SATs Reading (2 papers) Maths (2 papers – arithmetic and reasoning)
Date to be confirmed – must be completed during the month of May. Teacher Assessment

8 Reading - SAT

9 Maths - SAT

10 Reading – in school 3 strands of a good reader – reading to oneself, reading aloud and being read to Teach reading by balancing the auditory (phonics), visual (HFW), and story sense (comprehension) Individual readers Reading skills lesson Daily reading in class Reading at home (strategies and expectations)

11 Reading – at home Balance HFW, phonics and comprehension (picture clues) Reading records – have help inside Reading targets Always leave us a little message Book changing days – Monday, Wednesday, Friday Read little and often And remember listening to a reader will help too! Library

12 How can you help? Reading Spellings Learning logs Maths – counting, number recognition, times tables Organisation

13 Growth Mindset MV mindsets New approach to challenges How to improve and get better through positive thinking.

14 Visits and trips Famous people day – Friday 13th October) Yorkshire Sculpture Park (date TBC summer term) Churwell Action group Dance workshop (Summer) Year 2 Celebration event (TBC – after SATs)

15 Questions? Thank you for coming

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