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John R. Rymer, Vice President, Principal

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2 John R. Rymer, Vice President, Principal Analyst @johnrrymer
WEBINAR Navigate The Fractured, Fertile Landscape Of Low-Code Development Platforms John R. Rymer, Vice President, Principal Clay Richardson, Principal Analyst @passion4process August 25, Call in at 10:55 a.m. Eastern time


4 “It’s no longer the big beating the small, but the fast beating the slow.”
— Eric Pearson, CIO, InterContinental Hotels Group

5 How software delivery is failing
Data processing — batch automation of accounting, back office 1980s IT — database, online systems of record, and PCs automate front office Required delivery time 1990s The internet — eBusiness brings external (web) access to internal business processes. 2010 The customer — mobile and social empower customers — systems of engagement win, serve, and retain them

6 How software delivery is failing
Data processing — batch automation of accounting, back office Projects take too long. Processes are inflexible. Change is too expensive and slow. Talents are out of date. 1980s IT — database, online systems-of-record and PCs automate front office Required delivery time 1990s The internet — eBusiness brings external (web) access to internal business processes. 2010 The customer — mobile and social empower customers — systems of engagement win, serve, and retain them

7 This challenge demands new thinking
Enterprise software norms Customer software norms Years Months Weeks Cycles Annual Quarterly Weekly Releases Waterfall Water-scrum-fall Test and learn Methods Training Community support Intuitive now Adoption

8 500,000 new developers needed by 2022
Source: “Predictions 2016: Modern Development Goes Mainstream” Forrester report


10 Over 40% of developers are self-taught
Image source: “2015 Developer Survey,” Stack Overflow ( (Base: 23,314 responses)

11 In response, application teams and architects are expanding their platform portfolios
Legacy COBOL, PL/1, etc. Client/server PowerBuilder, old VB, Oracle Forms Web .NET, Java Digital business Mobile platforms Server-side JavaScript Low-code platforms Cloud platforms Continuous delivery

12 What are low-code platforms?
Platforms that enable rapid delivery of business applications with a minimum of hand-coding and minimal upfront investment in setup, training, and deployment Source: “New Development Platforms Emerge For Customer-Facing Applications” Forrester report

13 Five ways low-code platforms speed app delivery
Visual descriptions much faster than coding Declarative tooling, prebuilt components and controls Discover true requirements and real value See the app as you build and modify it Live trial business ideas at low or no cost Free experimentation and low-cost live testing Deploy and scale apps in minutes Automated deployment and scaling Generate mobile apps from older apps Available responsive design, reusable UX definitions

14 This could be a revolution
Enterprise Result Code Low-code US government (ACA) Document compliance module 100 person- months Five person- months UK insurance Agent portal 10 days to MVP Call center operator Customer-specific app Four months Three weeks Spain insurance Web channel and admin system 2.7 years (est.) 13 weeks Source: “Vendor Landscape: The Fractured, Fertile Terrain Of Low-Code Application Platforms” Forrester report

15 Case example: Sprint Source: “Brief: The New Economics Of Experimentation” Forrester report

16 We identified five market segments
Source: “Vendor Landscape: The Fractured, Fertile Terrain Of Low-Code Application Platforms” Forrester report

17 Platform-as-a-service Cloud infrastructure services
Low-code’s role: Expand the software delivery labor force and its capacity Platform-as-a-service Low-code platforms Cloud infrastructure services Non-dev roles Rapid devs Coders DevOps pros Cloud admins

18 Who delivers the applications?
Roles using coding platforms Roles using low-code cloud platforms DevOps pros Coders Rapid devs Apps pros Citizen developers Process pros Business analysts Identify with technologies Identify with business solutions

19 Who are the top providers?
Source: “The Forrester Wave™: Low-Code Development Platforms, Q2 2016” Forrester report

20 Four forces will shape the future of low-code platforms
Large vendors acquire Mobile becomes a feature Low-code BPM steps up IoT, robotics, cognitive

21 Low-code is a fast-growing market
Source: “Vendor Landscape: The Fractured, Fertile Terrain Of Low-Code Application Platforms” Forrester report

22 Pricing trends: more complexity ahead
Source: “Low-Code Platforms Deliver Customer-Facing Apps Fast, But Will They Scale Up?” Forrester report

23 Recommendations Decide on the role of low-code platforms.
For enterprise scale, design appropriate development and governance processes. Favor platforms with highly expressive tooling, but invest in patterns and practices, too. Steer product selection to vendors able to sustain innovation. Optimize your spend through careful management of your portfolio.

24 John R. Rymer Clay Richardson

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