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Comprehensive CEIS and CEIS: Requirements, Challenges, and Resources

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehensive CEIS and CEIS: Requirements, Challenges, and Resources"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehensive CEIS and CEIS: Requirements, Challenges, and Resources
Carolyn Cherry, Minnesota Danielle Crain, IDEA Data Center (IDC), Center for IDEA Fiscal Reporting (CIFR) Terry Long, IDEA Data Center

2 Agenda Review Collecting and Reporting Requirements for Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Quick Interactive Audience Activity Review of CEIS Resources State Example: Minnesota Question and Answer

3 Collecting and Reporting Requirements for CEIS

4 What is Comprehensive CEIS?
Who uses Comprehensive CEIS? The U.S. Department of Education requires all local education agencies (LEAs) that are identified as having significant disproportionality in accordance with 34 CFR § to use Comprehensive CEIS. What funds do they use? The U.S. Department of Education requires LEAs to use 15 percent of their IDEA Part B Section 611 and 619 funds. Who can benefit from Comprehensive CEIS? LEAs can use the funds for students without disabilities ages 3 through grade 12 who need additional academic and behavioral support to succeed in a general education environment. LEAs also can use the funds for children ages 3 through grade 12 currently identified as needing special education or related services.* *LEAs can used funds primarily, but not exclusively, for this group. In December 2016, the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) finalized new regulations on significant disproportionality (34 CFR § ). These regulations enforce the use of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funds for mandatory Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS), which local education agencies (LEAs) provide upon identification of significant disproportionality, and distinguish use of funds for CCEIS from the use of IDEA funds for voluntary Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS).

5 What is Comprehensive CEIS? (cont.)
What activities can LEAs use for Comprehensive CEIS? LEAs can use professional development and educational and behavioral evaluations, services, and supports. The activities must address factors and the policy, practice, or procedure contributing to significant disproportionality. What are the reporting requirements for Comprehensive CEIS? An LEA is required to publicly report on the revision of policies, practices, and procedures. The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) will determine additional reporting requirements at a future date.

6 What is Voluntary CEIS? Who uses voluntary CEIS?
All LEAs that receive a Part B IDEA allocation are eligible to reserve funds voluntarily. What funds do the LEAs use? LEAs use up to 15 percent of their IDEA Part B Section 611 and 619 funds. Who can benefit from voluntary CEIS? LEAs can use the funds for students without disabilities in kindergarten through grade 12 who need additional academic and behavioral support to succeed in a general education environment.

7 What is Voluntary CEIS? (cont.)
What activities can LEAs use for Voluntary CEIS? Professional development for teachers and other school staff to enable such personnel to deliver scientifically based academic and behavioral interventions, including scientifically based literacy instruction and, where appropriate, instruction on the use of adaptive and instructional software. Educational and behavioral evaluations, services, and supports, including scientifically based literacy instruction. What are the reporting requirements for Voluntary CEIS? The number of children served under this section who received early intervening services; and The number of children served under this section who received early intervening services and subsequently received special education and related services under Part B of IDEA during the preceding 2-year period.

8 Quick Interactive Audience Activity
What challenges does your state have around collecting and reporting CEIS? Are there challenges with collecting fiscal data? Are there challenges with collecting student-level data? Instructions: Take 5 minutes to discuss and think about your responses. Write your responses on a 12x12 sticky note. Place the sticky note(s) on the paper with the corresponding topic area on the wall.

9 Review of CEIS Resources
CIFR – CEIS Resources: Step by Step IDC and CIFR – CEIS Fiscal and Student Tracker

10 CEIS in Minnesota Carolyn Cherry, Ed.D. Part B Data Manager/Team Lead
Minnesota Department of Education (MDE)

11 Minnesota Data Systems—Application/Fiscal
MARSS – Minnesota Automated Reporting Student System Student data tracking system EGMS – Electronic Grants Management System Grant announcement and information system SERVS – State Educational Record View and Submission Web-based grant/budget submission and tracking system EDRS – Electronic Data Reporting System Application and reporting system for special education funding UFARS – Uniform Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards Detailed tracking of expenditures and revenue (staffing, supplies, etc.)

12 CEIS Program—Current Tools
CEIS SharePoint Site Status of LEA Applications Application Requests and Approvals Application Program and Budget Evaluation Comments LEA/MDE Correspondence CEIS Forms Application Cover Sheet and Request Forms General Assurances LEA Evaluation Report (Mandatory only)

13 Minnesota CEIS Process—High Level
Significant Disproportionality calculations completed in late winter. MDE sends letters to LEAs notifying them if they are in year 1, year 2, or year 3 status. LEAs submit CEIS plans (Voluntary and Mandatory). Special Education and School Finance reviews, approves, and monitors plans. LEAs in Mandatory CEIS submit evaluation report at end of fiscal year.

14 CEIS Application & Approval Process—Step 1
LEA indicates intent to use funds for CEIS. LEA special education director uploads CEIS plan and budget into EGMS/SERVS. LEAs under Voluntary and Mandatory CEIS use same application template. MDE encourages LEAs in year 2 of Significant Disproportionality to submit CEIS applications.

15 CEIS Application & Approval Process—Step 2
Program Review – Special Education Division Disproportionality Specialist reviews CEIS plans for program content; proposed budget/plan alignment and appropriate use of CEIS funds; and compliance with IDEA requirements. If the plan meets requirements, it’s sent on to School Finance for review. If the plan does not meet requirements, it’s sent back to LEA with comments for revision.

16 CEIS Application & Approval Process—Step 3
Fiscal Review – School Finance Division Finance specialist reviews CEIS plan evaluates budget/plan alignment verifies allowable costs Once approved, School Finance notifies LEA of approval Disproportionality Specialist monitors SERVS is monitored weekly for LEA submissions/resubmissions

17 CEIS Application & Approval Process—Step 4
Progress Monitoring Mandatory CEIS LEA submits annual report Disproportionality Specialist completes regular check-ins with LEA re: plan implementation Voluntary CEIS Limited monitoring Capacity issues given large volume of applicants

18 CEIS Student Identification—MARSS
LEA identifies students in one of nine categories of Special Education Evaluation Status (SEES). LEA identifies students participating in programs supported through CEIS funds in SEES 8 (early intervening services). Each LEA has a MARSS coordinator who is primarily responsible for ensuring timely and accurate data reporting.

19 Number of Districts in Year 1 or 2 of Significant Disproportionality -
Voluntary CEIS Trends CEIS Reporting Year Number of Districts Number of Districts in Year 1 or 2 of Significant Disproportionality - Voluntary CEIS Total Set-Aside 2011 88 7 $4,581,926 2012 105 9 $4,769,783 2013 133 15 $5,776,685 2014 124 11 $4,685,506 2015 116 12 $5,631,460 2016 16 $5,883,148

20 Top Areas of Identification
Mandatory CEIS Trends CEIS Reporting Year # of Districts Top Areas of Identification Total Set-Aside 2011 2012 2013 2014 8 Black-EBD, Black-Discipline, White-OHD/SLI $3,835,901 2015 3 Black-EBD/SLD, White-OHD/ASD $268,402 2016 Black-EBD $420,848 2017 6 Black-EBD, Black-Discipline TBD 2018 White-ASD/OHD, Black-SLD, American Indian-Discipline

21 CEIS—Challenges (a.k.a., Capacity, Capacity, Capacity…..)
Current Volume of Voluntary CEIS applicants Technical assistance needs of charter school LEAs serving large numbers of students with disabilities Anticipated Increasing numbers of LEAs in Mandatory CEIS Addressing data collection challenges – ages 3-5 expansion Considerations Use of IDC’s Success Gap Toolkit Developing other tools to help manage both program and fiscal progress monitoring for Voluntary and Mandatory CEIS

22 Current Supports Disproportionality Specialist Education Specialists
CEIS implementation and oversight Education Specialists Technical assistance and professional development supports Data Specialists Data analysis and technical assistance Initiatives that align with CEIS Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services (ADSIS) State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)

23 Question and Answer

24 Thought-Provoking Questions
What method do the LEAs in your state use to currently track and report funds they reserve and spend related to CEIS? What method do the LEAs in your state use to currently track and report the student-level data related to CEIS? What changes will your state need to make to the data collection methods to handle the possible increase of LEAs implementing CEIS, including issues around the use of funds for comprehensive CEIS for preschool children?

25 CEIS Resources Review of resources: IDC – A Comparison of Mandatory Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) and Voluntary Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) IDC and CIFR - CEIS Fiscal and Student Tracker CIFR – Coordinated Early Intervening Services Resources: Step by Step

26 CEIS Resources (cont.) Other Resources:
IDC – Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Reduction Eligibility Decision Tree and Worksheets IDC – Navigating Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) White Paper CIFR – CEIS Quick Reference Guide

27 For More Information Visit the IDC website
Follow us on Twitter Follow us on LinkedIn

28 Slide 29 The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H373Y However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government. Project Officers: Richelle Davis and Meredith Miceli

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