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The Crucible by Arthur Miller

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1 The Crucible by Arthur Miller
Published in 1953 Based on the witchcraft hysteria that happened in Massachusetts in 1692. 20 people were executed; more than 100 were jailed

2 The Crucible by Arthur Miller
Essential Questions which will be the focus of your term paper: Why did Arthur Miller write a play about events that happened almost 300 years before his time? How is this play still relevant today?

3 What is a Crucible? A pot in which substances are heated at a very high temperature or melted. A difficult trial or challenge.

4 How to Read a Play/Drama
Guidelines: Your main focus should be on characters: What do they say? What do they do? 2. Stage directions: You should take a slight pause and read them quietly to yourself. Turn to page 1129 for an example:

5 Act 1, Pages What has happened to Betty, Reverend Parris’ daughter? Why does his niece, Abigail Williams, bring Susanna Walcott to his house? What news does Susanna deliver? What is Parris’ reaction to Susanna’s news? What does Parris question Abigail about? What does Parris seem most concerned about? What is hinted about Abigail’s relationship with the Proctors?

6 Act 1, Pages 1132-1137 The Putnams, townspeople, enter.
So does Mercy, their servant, and another girl named Mary Warren. What are Mr. and Mrs. Putnam sure of when they walk into Reverend Parris’ home? Who is Ruth? Why is Mrs. Putnam sure that Betty and Ruth’s ailments are due to witchcraft? What experience has she had with bearing children? Why does Reverend Parris finally change his mind about Abigail’s actions? Again, what is he most concerned with?

7 Act 1, Pages 1132-1137 When the girls are left alone:
What is the whole truth of what happened in the forest the night before? Specifically, what did Abigail do? What does Abigail demand that the girls say about the events in the forest? How does she threaten them? What seems to be Abigail’s motives for all her actions in the play thus far? What is wrong with Betty? Remember, she is only 10 years old.

8 Overarching Question:
Why would anyone accuse someone else of witchcraft? What would their motives be?

9 Act 1, Pages 1138-1146 Character Analysis of John Proctor:
First, life in Salem: 1692! Way before the Declaration of Independence! In Salem, ownership of land was important. So was religion! Jealousy and disputes often resulted. Accuse one of witchcraft!

10 John Proctor Character Analysis of John Proctor:
In both scenes with Abigail and the Parris and the Putnams, we can see John Proctor is fiercely independent. A leader. He is not swayed like Reverend Parris or the Putnams.

11 John Proctor How does John Proctor display his steady, forthcoming character with Abigail? How is Rebecca Nurse similar to John Proctor? How do John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse criticize Reverend Parris’ ministry? What else does Proctor criticize him for? Whose side do the Putnams take? The audience can see a divided town. “Factions”

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