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DLEC Public Safety Software RFP

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Presentation on theme: "DLEC Public Safety Software RFP"— Presentation transcript:

1 DLEC Public Safety Software RFP
Pre-Proposal Conference Aug. 25, 2011

2 Preliminary Schedule Event Date Release RFP Aug 16, 2011
Pre-Proposal Conference Questions Due Aug 22, 2011 Pre-Proposal Conference Aug 25, 2011 Deadline for Questions or Requests for Clarifications Sept 1, 2011 Last Date for Addendums to be Issued Sept 8, 2011 Proposal Responses Due Sept 22, 2011 Software Demos Oct 11-13, 2011 Vendor Selected Date Nov 30, 2011 Contract Award Date Dec 29, 2011

3 Submitted Questions DLEC Pre-Proposal Vendor Questions.docx
Questions not submitted in advance of the conference may be asked at the conference, but may or may not be answered at the conference itself. DLEC does not intend to issue minutes or notes from the Conference. However, written clarifications or addenda deemed necessary by DLEC will be posted on the Project Website. It is the obligation and responsibility of the Proposers to learn of any addenda, responses, or notices issued by DLEC as a result of the pre-proposal conference. Proposers should note that only written answers provided after the Conference will be binding. These answers shall represent DLEC’s official position and will supersede any previous oral statements made during the Conference or at any time by DLEC personnel.

4 RFP and Appendices DLEC_RFP.pdf Appendix A - DLEC Contract.pdf
Appendix B - Non-Collusion Affidavit.pdf Appendix C - Insurance requirements.pdf Appendix D - DLEC Functional Requirements.xls Appendix E - Acceptance Test Requirements.pdf Appendix F - Performance Requirements.pdf Appendix G - Forms.pdf

5 Thank you for attending
Any questions contact: Stacey Moore Information Services 1300 Main Street Dubuque, Iowa Phone: (563)

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