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Health Advocate Program

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1 Health Advocate Program

2 Sometimes, life hurts. But healthcare shouldn’t have to.

3 We can see how healthcare causes headaches.
From big bills, to confusing diagnoses, to hard-to-get-in-with specialists… We can see how healthcare causes headaches.

4 But what if there was a magic pill that took away all your health-related hassle?

5 Introducing… Health Advocate

6 Health Advocate provides 24/7 access to your very own team of experts that can handle your healthcare and insurance-related issues. This can help you save time and money, stress less, and be healthier. (Okay, it’s not a magic pill, exactly… but it’s close enough.)

7 Health Advocate can help you…
Save Money Resolve billing issues…putting money back in your piggy bank Help you lower your pharmacy costs (which keeps your wallet happy and healthy, too) Save money on medical bills…so that you can save up for your family vacation Help you find ways to save money on medical needs your insurance won’t cover (we’re clever like that)

8 We can also help you… Reduce Stress and Confusion
Sit back and relax. We’ll do the legwork! Make sense of your medical bills (we know they’re totally confusing!) Secure second opinions, ‘cause sometimes the second time’s the charm Transfer your medical records (wave goodbye to all that paperwork)

9 Plus, we can help you… Make the Right Choices
Find the right doctors, and get you fit in quickly Lay out your medical treatment options so you can make the right choice Help your parents understand their Medicare options so they pick the plan that’s right for them

10 Better yet… You’re not the only one who benefits.
Health Advocate can also help your spouse, kids, parents, and parents-in-law at no added cost to you.

11 You can access all these benefits with just one call to one toll-free number—and you can call anytime. Really. Even at 4 AM. We promise we’ll answer your call!

12 If you’re sick (literally) of stressing about healthcare, we’re here to help.

13 Who we are Our resident experts will help take care of your healthcare and insurance-related needs. Personal Health Advocates Registered Nurses Health Benefits Specialists And more! They’re not magicians… but they’re pretty darn close.

14 Has this ever happened to you?
Maybe one day you come home from work and find a bunch of big, scary medical bills in your mailbox. Instead of stressing, call us so we can sort out the bills and uncover any errors…and put cash back in your pocket.

15 Has this ever happened to you?
Or maybe your health condition is causing you sleepless nights. We can help you understand your available treatment options, and the associated costs, so you can make a healthcare decision that’ll help you rest easy.

16 Has this ever happened to you?
Or maybe you have a high-deductible health plan and want to minimize your healthcare spending. We can help you understand your options and make a financially smart decision.

17 We can help with these issues… and more
We’ll be at your side to help you with your healthcare and insurance-related issues, so that you and your family can just focus on saving money, being happy, and being healthy.

18 Plus, not only can we provide telephonic help at any time, we have online resources you can use, too.

19 Get help exploring treatment options
You can access our medical decision-making tool online. Use it to: Get the facts, explore options, get answers to common questions Compare options; read stories by people who faced a similar decision Gauge feelings and record concerns Assess preferences with an interactive slider tool Explore health information and judge confidence in decision Print summary of answers to share with healthcare providers

20 This is the point where we stop talking about how great we are…
We’ll let our members take over from here.

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26 Thanks You The Health Advocate Team Date

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