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Published byAugust Anderson Modified over 6 years ago
Status and prospects for GPDs studies at COMPASS
Etienne Burtin, CEA/Saclay, DAPNIA/SPhN on behalf of the COMPASS collaboration 1- Physics impact 2- Experimental issues 3- Recoil detector prototype GPD2006 June 7, Trento, Italia
Generalized Parton Distributions
g,p,r Factorisation: Q2 large, -t<1 GeV2 hard x+x x-x soft GPDs P P’ t Generalized Parton Distributions H(x,0,0) = q(x) measured in DIS for quarks : 4 functions H(x,x,t) F(t) measured in elastic scattering
DVCS observables Deep VCS Bethe-Heitler High energy beam
Lower energy => use interference - holography Cross section Single Spin Asymmetry Polarised beam Beam Charge Asymmetry +/- charged beam COMPASS muon beam can do all !
DVCS+ Bethe Heitler φ θ μ’ μ * p BH calculable
The high energy muon beam at COMPASS allows to play with the relative contributions DVCS-BH which depend on 1/y = 2 mp Eℓ xBj /Q2 Higher energy: DVCS>>BH DVCS Cross section Smaller energy: DVCS~BH Interference term will provide the DVCS amplitude φ θ μ’ μ * p
Polarized μ+ and μ- beams
Polarized beam: Ep=110 GeV → Em=100 GeV P(m+) = m/spill (5s) P(m-) = m/spill (5s) Same collimator settings : beam profile unchanged Switch in 10 mins: could be done every 8h Muon section 400m Hadron decay section 600m Compass target scrapers Be absorbers Protons 400 GeV T6 primary Be target Collimators H V H V 2.108 m/spill protons/spill
Extraction of GPDs in the case of μ+ / μ-
t, ξ~xBj/2 fixed dσ(μpμp) = dσBH + dσDVCSunpol + Pμ dσDVCSpol + eμ aBH Re ADVCS eμ Pμ aBH Im ADVCS cos nφ sin nφ φ θ μ’ μ * p Pμ+=-0.8 Pμ-=+0.8
Kinematical domain Ix2 Collider : H1 & ZEUS 0.0001<x<0.01
100GeV Fixed target : JLAB GeV SSA,BCA? HERMES 27 GeV SSA,BCA COMPASS could provide data on : Cross section (190 GeV) BCA (100 GeV) Wide Q2 and xbj ranges Limitations due to luminosity new LINAC 4 (SPS injection) in 2010 Radioprotection limits needs better shielding
Sensitivity of BCA to models
Model 1: H(x,ξ,t) ~ q(x) F(t) Model 2: from Goeke, Polyakov and Vanderhaeghen model 1 model 2 H(x,0,t) = q(x) e t <b2> = q(x) / xα’ t COMPASS sensitivity to the different spatial distribution of partons when xBj Good sensitivity to models in COMPASS xBj range
Projected errors of a possible DVCS experiment
Beam Charge Asymmetry L = cm-2 s-1 Ebeam = 100 GeV 6 month data taking 25 % global efficiency 6/18 (x,Q²) data samples 3 bins in xBj= 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 6 bins in Q2 from 2 to 7 GeV2 Model 1 : H(x,ξ,t) ~ q(x) F(t) Model 2 : H(x,0,t) = q(x) / xα’t Good constrains for models
Hard Exclusive Meson Production (ρ,ω,…,π,η… )
Scaling predictions: meson p p’ GPDs g* x + ξ x - ξ t =Δ2 L hard soft 1/Q6 1/Q4 Collins et al. (PRD ): 1. factorization applies only for g*L 2. σT << σL vector mesons pseudo-scalar mesons ρ0 largest production present study ρ0 π+ π with COMPASS
Hard Exclusive Meson Production
It comes for free with the recoil detector and existing COMPASS trackers Cross section: Vector meson production (ρ,ω,…) H & E Pseudo-scalar production (π,η… ) H & E ~ ~ Hρ0 = 1/2 (2/3 Hu + 1/3 Hd + 3/8 Hg) Hω = 1/2 (2/3 Hu – 1/3 Hd + 1/8 Hg) H = /3 Hs - 1/8 Hg with present COMPASS data Can be investigated Single spin asymmetry ~ E/H for a transverse polarized target
250 physicists 26 institutes
Compass Set-up at CERN 250 physicists 26 institutes magnets muon filter Calorimeters 160 GeV pol. m beam ~ 200 detection planes Silicon, SciFi, Micromegas, Drift chambers, GEM, Straw chambers, MWPC RICH polarized target
Incoherent exclusive r0 production in COMPASS DATA
Preview of A. Sandacz’s talk Mpp Emiss pt² m m’ p- p+ N N’ g* r0 2002 Impact on GPD : sL is dominant at high Q² (factorisation only valid for sL)
Additionnal equipment to the COMPASS setup required for DVCS
all COMPASS trackers: SciFi, Si, μΩ, Gem, DC, Straw, MWPC 2.5 m Liquid H2 target to be designed and built μ’ ECAL 1 or 2 12° COMPASS equipment with additional calorimetry at large angle p’ μ Recoil detector to insure exclusivity to be designed and built
Recoil detector design
Goals: Detect protons of MeV/c t resolution => sTOF = 200 ps exclusivity => Hermetic detector Design : 2 concentric barrels of 24 scintillators counters read at both sides European funding (127 k€) through a JRA for studies and construction of a prototype ( Bonn, Mainz, Saclay, Warsaw)
Physical Background to DVCS
Source : Pythia 6.1 generated DIS events Apply DVCS-like cuts one m’,g,p in DVCS range no other charged & neutral in active volumes detector requirements: 24° coverage for neutral 50 MeV calorimeter threshold 40° for charged particles in this case DVCS is dominant
Timing and triggering issues
Slow protons TOF~60ns Fast protons TOF=3ns PMT PMT B: 0.7 MHz/counter PMT PMT A: 2 MHz/counter Time window kinematics (60ns) light propagation (up to 40 ns) safety margin (30 ns) => all signal in a 128 ns window Light attenuation - ADC(PMT) = Edep e-x/l Analog trigger - hard to implement - background… (next slides ) Digital trigger - could work at 50 MHz - t>trigger latency… One solution : use the inclusive trigger and sample the signals DAQ rate : 100 kHz
Part I : Simulation of the Recoil Detector
Goals : - evaluate front-end requirements - tune reconstruction algorithms Dedicated Géant 3.21 program LH2 target with envelope inner scint. 4 mm thick outer scint. 5 cm thick light attenuation all processes turned on custom beam halo generation PMT waveform generation
Effect of d-rays With simulation of d-rays
Digitization : Waveform generation
For each Geant step in active volume : record DE,z,t propagate step to photocathode exit by applying: decay constant of the scintillator speed of light in the medium attenuation length light yield + quantum efficiency fill the histogram of time of production of gelectrons (0.1 ns bins) Add contribution from additional muons according to intensity (2 108 m in a 5s long spill) Smear with a gaussian of s=3ns to mimic the time response of the PMT now 1 ns bins (1Gs/s) up down -30ns ns
PMT signals : only 1m in the set-up
Red is DVCS proton Blue is background upstream PMT downstream INNER OUTER
PMT signals : 2 108 m/spill (5s)
recording the waveform of all signals and segmentation are mandatory Hints for analysis: facing counters m m’ vertex (z,t) DEINNER vs DEOUTER DEOUTER vs b
Simple waveform analysis
For each PMT signal (up to 5 “hits”): perform leading edge discrimination correct for time-walk effect extract pulse height and integrate charge (35ns window) For each up/down pair (up to 5*5=25 ”points”): calculate time & position of crossing point using time information unfold attenuation length to extract energy loss request that position is within scintillator volume +/- 10cm
Criteria for proton candidates
Bi Ai+1 Ai Have points in corresponding A and B counters For each pair of “points” Energy loss correlation Energy loss vs bmeas correlation b DEA DEB ( no additional beam muons in this plot – just for pedagogy )
Coincidence with the scattered muon
Use reconstructed muon vertex time to constraint proton candidates Use vertex position to evaluate the effective signal
Performances : number of events with proton identified Efficiency =
number of “triggers” Efficiency = trigger = one event with at least one good combination of A and B with hits identified proton = f of proton candidate matches f of generated proton Seff for 1000 events m/5s spill
Recoil Detector Prototype
4 m Mechanical design for the prototype 30° sector , Scale 1 of what could be the DVCS recoil detector
tests on the m beam in fall-2006
Bi Ai+1 Ai CH Target Inner Layer Outer Layer Goals for this 2-month data taking period: Validate detection with sTOF ~ 250 ps Scintillators + Light guides + PMT + electronics Measure background with equivalent CH2 target ( ~1MHz/detector) use 1GHz sampler of the signals with a stand-alone DAQ and standard multihit TDCs and ADCs
next step : write the proposal !
Conclusions This initiative is now an “Express of Interest” : SPSC-EOI-005 Towards a GPD experiment using COMPASS… - COMPASS is complementary to other experiments - has good sensitivity to GPD models through BCA - has good Q² range for 0.03<xbj<0.2 Experimental challenges - measure TOF with good resolution in high background conditions - 1 GHz sampling and recording of the PMT signals - increase beam intensity … - recoil detector prototype test this fall next step : write the proposal !
Roadmap for GPDs at COMPASS
2005: Expression of interest SPSC-EOI-005 2006: Test of recoil detector prototype Proposal : construction of recoil detector LH2 target ECAL0 ≥ 2010: Study of GPDs at COMPASS In parallel present COMPASS studies with polarised target Complete analysis of ρ production Other channels: , 2π … GPD E/H investigation with the transverse polarized target
Proton luminosity upgrade at CERN
Gatignon compass
Front-End Electronics
COMPASS DAQ : 100 kHz – no dead time Data flow from recoil detector : 2.5 GByte/s 100 kHz, 100 channels, 128 samples, 10 bits => 25 % increase in event size discussion about the DC282 module 10 bits resolution (16 bits used for coding) 350ns dead time memory depth MBytes 400 MBytes/s PCI transfer
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