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Conflict Help.

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1 Conflict Help

2 Desalination Plants are water treatment plants that remove salt from ocean water.
- =

3 Desalination Plant in Tampa, FL
Water comes out on this side Water comes in on this side

4 Problems with Desalination Plants
Water can be too salty for irrigating crops 2. Expensive to operate (costs a lot of money) 3. Cannot provide enough fresh water for all the needs of citizens

5 Directions Go to the next available fresh page in your notebook.
Title it Conflict Review

6 Kurds An ethnic group located in Iraq, Turkey, Iran, and Syria
Many OIL fields on their land

7 Kurds STATELESS NATION – they want independence and freedom from Iraq.
Clip Intro: The Kurds supported Iran in the Iran-Iraq War Clip Question – Describe Saddam Hussein’s reaction to the Kurds’ rebellion.

8 Persian Gulf War Iraq invades Kuwait to take over their oil supply
Clip Question: Describe the onset of the Persian Gulf War.

9 Persian Gulf War Timelines
Use the article below: Create a timeline in your notebook with an explanation and a picture for the following dates.  Click on the dates on the right to develop your explanation. Label each event Write an explanation Sketch a picture Dates to include: August 2nd, 1990 August 8th, 1990 January 16th, 1991 February 24th, 1991 February 27th, 1991 June 14th, 1991

10 Timeline Example Iraq’s military crosses the border into Kuwait and takes over the country to control their oil supplies. Requirements Date Label Explanation Picture August 2nd, 1990 Iraq invades Kuwait

11 Arabs Majority ETHNIC GROUP in SW Asia Clip Questions
What religion are most Arabs? 2. How did Arabs spread their empire throughout the world? Green = predominately Arab regions

12 Water is so valuable that countries will fight for its control and use!
There is controversy over Turkey building a series of dams on the Euphrates River. TASK  Explain the controversy. Turn to p Read the section titled “Dams and Irrigation Systems.” Place a sticky note with the REASON for the controversy in the textbook next to where you found it. Task  Turn to your neighbor and share your responses. Add the sticky note to your concept map. Keban Dam on the Euphrates River in Turkey

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