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Unit 2 Neighbours Revision

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1 Unit 2 Neighbours Revision

2 Word scramble 邻居 参观者 愿意帮助的 技能 问题 工程师 检查 损坏的 修理 学院 幸运的 经理 neighbour
visitor helpful skill problem engineer check broken fix college lucky manager 13. 警察 14. 邮递员 15. 人 16. 年纪较长的 17. 将来 18. 艺术家 19. 听起来 20. 生病的 21. 通知 22. 信息 23. 更好 24. 组,群 policeman postman person elder future artist sound sick notice information better group

3 3. share their different skills 4. help me do/ with housework
重点短语 1. in our neighbourhood 在我们居民区 2. a community center 一个社区中心 3. share their different skills 分享他们不同的技能 4. help me do/ with housework 帮我做家务 5. be ready to do sth. 乐意做某事,准备做某事 6. the day after tomorrow 后天 7. The day before yesterday 前天 8. make a fire 生火 9. plan a day out 计划外出一天 10. Ask an engineer to check it 请一位工程师来检查它

4 11. his elder brother 12. help sick people 13. make you feel better
重点短语 11. his elder brother 他的哥哥 帮助病人 使得你感觉更好 所有我们小组成员 担心 在将来 听起来像 购物 一位办公室职员 12. help sick people 13. make you feel better 14. all our group members 15. worry about 16. be worried about 17. in the future 18. sound like--- 19. do some shopping 20. an office worker

5 1. I’m afraid they won’t welcome visitors like you.
重要句型 1. I’m afraid they won’t welcome visitors like you. 我恐怕他们不会欢迎像你一样的拜访者 2. There’s something wrong with my computer. Something is wrong with my computer. My computer is broken. My computer doesn’t work (well). 我的电脑坏了 3. I am going to ask an engineer to check it. 我打算请一位工程师来检查它 4. You are lucky to live in a neighbourhood like that. 你真幸运,能生活在像那样的小区里 5. What are you going to do in the future? I’m going to be a computer engineer. 你打算长大后做什么? 我打算做一名电脑工程师。 6. That sounds like a good idea. 那听起来真是一个好主意

6 broken shopping lucky skills volunteers to fix to help helps
Can I have a new schoolbag, mum,? The old one is _________(break). Will you do some __________(shop) with me this weekend? He’s very _______(luck) to get the small red flower at school. 4. Will they share their different _______(skill) with us? 5. Can you find any __________(volunteer) in your community centre? 6. Annie’s bike is broken, and she’s going to ask someone ________(fix) it. 7.Can you find someone ________ (help) me with my homework. 8. The centre also _________(help) old people. broken shopping lucky skills volunteers to fix to help helps

7 lder artist uture sounds nformation ick postmen
9. Her e_________ sister often takes her to the park at the weekend. 10. Jack wants to be an ______ (艺术家) in the f_________. 11. His idea _________ (听起来) like a good one. 12. We can use our computer to search a lot of i____________ around the world now. 13. When you are s_____, you can go to a doctor for help. 14. The __________ (people whose jobs are to send letters) are busy every day. lder artist uture sounds nformation ick postmen

8 doctor hospital feel better sick / ill
Doctors work in the ____________. When people are __________ , they can make people __________ . sick / ill feel better

9 waiter restaurant to order He is a ___________.
He works in a __________________. When you don’t know what __________(order) to eat, you can ask him for help. restaurant to order

10 policewoman policewomen policemen policeman policemen helpful
The _________ are kind and __________. They work in the ______ _____. Some of them work at n______. They always help people _____ their ________. helpful police station ight with problems

11 office worker manager This lady is an ______ _______.
She works in a big__________. Her ________ gives her much work every day. She is always _______ . Her home is _____ ______ ______ her company, so she goes to _____ ____ _____. company manager busy far away from work by car

12 postmen postman postman letter stamp
This ________ is very happy in the ____ _____ Because he gets a _______ from his friend. On his letter, there is a beautiful ________. post office letter stamp

13 engineer restaurant neighbour something is wrong to fix
This ________ is very clever. He works in a ___________. He lives in the same community with me, so he is my ____________. When ____________________with my fridge , I often ask him ____________for me. restaurant neighbour something is wrong to fix

14 drawing artist to be office/art room
He is an ______. He is good at _________. When he is a student like us , he plans _____ _____ an artist. His house is also his ________. artist to be office/art room

15 Who can they get help from?
1.Mr Green is not feeling well these days. 2.Miss Zhang worries about what to wear for a party. 3.Grandma Chen’s washing machine is not working well. 4.Mrs Ma can’t find her car. She worries a lot. 5. Jim doesn’t know how to order food in the restaurant. He/She can ask _______ for help. Because__________.

16 Write about Simon’s neighbours
helpful Simon’s neighbours are kind and Some of them are They have different_______ and often help others with all kinds of They often meet at the _______________ and have a ___________ meeting at the weekend. The volunteers help people ________their computer and_______something broken. Some ________students are ready to______the students with their homework. They also do some_________for the old. Simon feels______ to live in a neighbourhood _____ that. volunteers skills problems community centre “helping hands” check fix college help shopping lucky like

17 do some +v-ing do some washing /cooking /cleaning / shopping / reading

18 Lucy Linda Linda __________________for the old man very often and other neighbours ______________ for him at weekends. . does some washing do some cooking

19 help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth. with/do do
He’s quite lucky. Many people always come and help him _________his homework. They also help him_____ some shopping very often. with/do do

20 There’s something wrong with….
=… is/are broken.

21 A :______________________the TV. What can I do?
B: You can ask someone ____ help. There’s something wrong with for A: The TV is_______. What can I do? B:You can ask someone to help you _________________it. broken (to) check and fix

22 Hobo is ______ _____ _____ his new neighbours .
Eddie is also ____ ______ visit his new neighbour. But Hobo is ______ they _____ welcome ________like Eddie. Because Eddie just wants ___ ___ ____. going to visit going to afraid won't visitors to eat food

23 一般将来时复习 定义: 一般将来时表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态。 构成: will 动词原形 be going to + 动词原形

24 1.-- Look at the clouds in the sky.
--It _________ , I guess . A is sunny B is snowing C is going to snow D is windy 2. It _____________ windy later today. A is B be C will be D will is 3.--Where will they go next Sunday? –They ___________ to the Great Wall. A will go B go C has gone D went

25 三、翻译下列句子。(注意句子的时态) 1. 今天我打算八点写家庭作业。 I ________ _________ _________ do my homework at eight today. 2. 这周六我们打算去野餐。 We _______ go to have a picnic this Saturday. 3. 我们打算下周去美国。 I _______ _______ to America next week. 4.我妈妈今天下午将要去购物。 My mother ______ ______ ______ this afternoon. am going to will am going will go will go shopping

26 Writing My Good Neighbors
I want to live in such a neighborhood. There’re people with different skills. They’re also kind and ________. Teachers can help students ________________. Doctors can help ____________. Engineers can _____________________ when there is _____________________. When we have free time, we can_______for the old people. I’m sure we’ll be _____________to live there.

27 Give a little love to others!
Love your neighbors as yourselves!

28 Competition What can we do for people around us to make the whole world a better place?

29 Make the World a Better One.
One For All, All For One. Make the World a Better One.

30 Homework Revise the phrases and sentences in Unit 2. Finish off the Ex.

31 Thank You ! 请尊重作者劳动成果 转载请注明出处:

32 be free call him first wait for us to call back the day after tomorrow
1. 有空 2. 先给他打电话 3. 等他们回电话 4. 后天 5. 带些水 6. 生火 7. 分享他们不同的技能 8.帮助我们处理各种问题 9. 买些东西 10. 乐意做某事 call him first wait for us to call back the day after tomorrow bring some water make a fire share their different skills help us with all kinds of problems do some shopping be ready to do sth

33 1.Tony,___his father, ___ walking from home to school.
A. likes; like B. likes; likes C. like; like D. like; likes 2. If it rains this afternoon,___ your umbrella __ me. A.share; with B. use; with C. share; to D. use; to 3.There is ______in today’s newspaper. A. important something B. anything special C. important anything D. nothing exciting 4. There is going to ____ a football match in our school. A.have B. has C. is D. be 5. Here is the knife. You can ask your mother ____the apple for you. A. cut B. cuts C. to cut D. cutting

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