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Parent Open House September 8, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Open House September 8, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Open House September 8, 2016
WELCOME! Please sign in!

2 Thank you for coming! You may be wondering… Who are you?
What will my child learn this year? What events or projects can my child look forward to? What do you expect from my child? What are your classroom practices and policies? What school policies should I be aware of? Do you have any announcements to share? I have a question…

3 Who is this person my child spends 7 hours a day with?
Background Education Fun!

4 My whole world is my family! Meet… My 3 Monkeys!

5 loves surfing, snowboarding, and anything outdoors!
Monkey #1 Mary! She’s 19, a sophomore at University of Idaho, loves surfing, snowboarding, and anything outdoors!

6 Monkey #2 Sarah! She’s 18, freshman at University of Idaho , loves soccer, wake surfing, and skiing!

7 Monkey #3 John! He’s 14, a freshman at Eagle High School, loves his dog, Kobe, football, playing video games, and snow skiing!

8 Brian loves to golf, ride his motorcycle, and play!
Monkey #4ish… Mr. Trumble! Brian loves to golf, ride his motorcycle, and play!

9 We love to have fun!

10 What will my child learn this year? The Big Ideas:
Math: Number sense, place value, addition and subtraction, addition and subtraction facts, geometry, measurement, and algebra Reading, Language, Spelling: READING! Phonics skills, information, opinion, and narrative writing Social Studies: Being a part of a group (communities and families), symbols of our nation, rules and responsibilities, Science: Seasons, matter, plant and animal life cycles, data collection and representation Technology: Using devices for skills, production, and presentation.

11 What events or projects can my child look forward to?
Jog R Walk – Wednesday, Sept. 21 Star Carnival – Fri., Sept. 30 Star Color Run – May 12 Star Book Fairs – Fall and Spring Star Stallion Store – 5 Fridays Camp Cowabunga – June Walking Field Trips Home Projects Holidays! Every day is an adventure in First grade!

12 What do you expect from my child this year?
Try everything! Come to school ready to learn! Participate in class discussions! Practice, practice, practice! Learn how to be kind, empathetic, and honest! Learn how to be responsible and accountable! Try everything again! Laugh at yourself! Laugh at me!

13 What are your classroom policies and procedures?
Practice assignments are checked over; may or may not receive any marks; less papers! Rockin’ Review Daily folders: contain completed work at school, home practice suggestions, flyers from school, snip-its about school events, etc. Absences: Please let me know! See our Policy Flipbook for more information!

14 Homework Practice Suggestions
Practice Rockin’ Review and sight words daily. Read minutes every night Practice addition and subtraction facts using online resources or Dollar Store flashcards! Work on special projects Family time Extracurricular activities

15 What school policies should I be aware of?
Change in the way your student will be going home MUST BE IN WRITING! PREARRANGING A PLAN B IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Walkers and Parent Pick – Up: Walkers need to walk around the back side of the building and around to the bike rack. Please meet your child there. No parent s are allowed on the north side of building. Please read the West Ada District Handbook for elementary schools – available at Food Policy: We follow the wellness guidelines provided by the Meridian School District. We are a “Nut-Free” school. For celebrations, the Party Planner will work with me to come up with a healthy menu for our class. Please do not bring treats to celebrate your child’s birthday.

16 Important Dates and Announcements
Collaboration Wednesdays: Bell rings at 9:20; buses come 15 min. later. Please do not allow your child to be on the playground before 8:45; no adults on duty. PTO Booster Meeting:: Monday, Sept. 12 at 6:30PM in the library. Jog-R-Walk: Wednesday, Sept. 21 Star Carnival: Friday, Sept. 30 Parent Teacher Conferences: Oct. 19, 20

17 How do I keep up with my child’s progress at school?
PowerSchool: Learn more about setting up an account and accessing grades: Go to: Click on Parents and Students Click on PowerSchool Resources

18 How do I stay informed and keep up-to-date?
Class website District main page PowerSchool: District main page under “Parents and Students” s Daily folder – morning messages Star Booster Facebook page Reader board Ask you child!

19 Your turn to talk! What questions are running through your mind?
Thank you for coming! Please leave a positive note for your child!

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