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Presentation on theme: "LITTLE BROTHER CORY DOCTOROW"— Presentation transcript:

Picture Nicholas T Joshua M Anton C Ricardo B

2 TIME - “Near Future,” Summertime PLACE - San Francisco
SETTING TIME - “Near Future,” Summertime PLACE - San Francisco CULTURAL SETTING - Teenagers, American, ATMOSPHERE, MOOD - Fast-Paced, Thrilling SPECIFIC DETAILS - Cesar Chavez High School, Treasure Island


Born in Toronto, Canada Won the Prometheus Award for the book Little Brother He is an copyrights activist

5 Ambitious Mature Spoiled Genius Paranoid Naive Actor: Dylan Minnette
MARCUS YALLOW Ambitious Mature Spoiled Genius Paranoid Naive Actor: Dylan Minnette

Ambitious Smart Nerdy Alert Lighthearted Crazy Actor - Jennifer Lawrance

7 DARRYL GLOVER Darryl is Marcus’ best friend who never got released from treasure island. He is one of the reasons why Marcus decided to attack the DHS.

8 ZEB Zeb is the man that escaped from the treasure island prison and tipped Marcus with some important information. He was described as a teenage guy that was always paranoid.

9 CARRIE JOHNSTONE This character was important because she is seen as the antagonist in the story with her description having her have a “Severe Haircut”.

10 CARRIE JOHNSTONE The role she plays in the book is as the “Bad Guy” because she was the one that detained Marcus and his group and he was the one that humiliated Marcus in the beginning.

11 A series of explosions go off in the distance
THE COMPLICATION A series of explosions go off in the distance While requesting for help, they get bagged then shoved into a vehicle by 3 men. To be interrogated by the DHS along with many other people for suspicions of being connected to the attack on Bay Bridge Darryl gets separated from Marcus and his friends

●Marcus vs The Department of Homeland Security Humiliated by the DHS while in captivity on Treasure Island Working against the government to regain his rights

●Marcus was constantly experiencing conflict with himself Torn up about if he should give up. He wanted to hand himself in to the DHS ●He was the leader of the activists on Xnet

14 TECHNOLOGY Marcus revolted by setting up technological attacks in order “to thwart further efforts to invade personal liberty.” Xnet - the network mostly composed of teenage members using a game console so they could communicate freely while fighting the DHS

15 TERRORISM Lives of people caught in the aftermath of the terrorist attack were changed forever In the wrong place at the wrong time, Marcus and his friends are taken away to a secret prison to be interrogated for days

16 TORTURE Torture was used multiple times throughout the story to get information out of Marcus. The DHS used a technique called waterboarding to trick his body into thinking he was drowning. The DHS also used solitary confinement and beating on him to get him to give him what they considered “valuable information”

17 SECURITY The reason why this word is important to this book is because in this book the main conflict is the fight for freedom but because of the terrorist attack, the DHS decided to take over San Francisco, and put martial law in effect. So in the end you have to choose between either security and be safe, or be free but be under constant fear of death, you cannot choose both.

18 TRUST The keyword “Trust” is very important in this novel. There are only a few people that Marcus can trust now that he was released from the DHS’s secret prison. Because if the DHS does find out that Markus spilled the beans, they will once again kidnap him, and make his time worse than it was before. So far, the only people Markus can trust are his close friends, Jolu and Vanessa, his girlfriend Ange, and most of the people on the XNET network.

19 THE NOVEL’S THEME “My favorite was ParanoidXbox, a flavor of Paranoid Linux. Paranoid Linux is an operating system that assumes that its operator is under assault from the government (it was intended for use by Chinese and Syrian dissidents), and it does everything it can to keep your communications and documents a secret.” This passage shows the novel’s theme which is paranoia. After the bombing everyone is paranoid with the added security from the government and how they are breaching people’s privacy.

“I'm a senior at Cesar Chavez high in San Francisco's sunny Mission district, and that makes me one of the most surveilled people in the world. My name is Marcus Yallow, but back when this story starts, I was going by w1n5t0n. Pronounced "Winston." This passage introduces the protagonist and it shows his technological side through w1n5t0n.

21 THE CENTRAL CONFLICT “There was another rumble, and the cloud of smoke spread out, that spreading black shape we’d all grown up seeing in movies. Someone had just blown up something, in a big way.” This passage is the start of the whole conflict and affects the whole story. Everything is based around this passage.

22 CONNECTION ONE “We also had to evade physical surveillance, of course, but that gets easier every time they add a new layer of physical snoopery – all the bells and whistles lull our beloved faculty into a totally false sense of security.” This passage shows that the technology we use is giving us a false sense of security and how we depend on it so much that we think it will always work.

23 CONNECTION TWO "They ordered these people to disperse ­­ that much is visible on all the video ­­ and when the revelers turned to attack them, egged on by the musicians on stage, the police subdued them using non lethal crowd control techniques”. This shows how the news or anything that reports on a subject can be biased because they only review one side of the story. It shows that we could be told something but it could be wrong because that’s what they think.


25 He sounded…. Broken, shattered. Pg 317.
“I’m sorry” he said. “Please, I’m so sorry.”

26 Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful
Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering Pg. 312.

Would you read another book by the same author? Ricardo: Yes I would. But it depends on what genre the author (Cory Doctorow) wrote it as. If it’s fast paced, action packed and deceiving in a good way. Anton: Hell yeah I would. Little brother was an astonishing thrilling book and I would most definitely read another book by the Cory Doctorow. What made the book a good read? Nick T: Lots of things made this book a good read. I really liked the mood of the book. it was thrilling. There were no bad parts. It was a very good read. Josh M: I really liked the fast paced scenes. One second you’re having a rave, then the DHS shows up and stops the whole show in an instant. It was really entertaining and fun to read. What type of reader might enjoy this novel? Ricardo: The types of readers who would enjoy this novel are people who like situations that seem real as if it were to happen in real life. Also people who like fast paced action, small and large twists and nerve racking-realistic scenarios. I for one like all those things. Our overall impression: We think that this book was a really good reading experience and that many people and students would enjoy this book for years to come.

28 Setting, Complication, and Conflict (Nicholas T)
CREDITS Setting, Complication, and Conflict (Nicholas T) Illustrator and Character Studies (Anton C) Passages and Connection (Joshua M) Background Information and Key Words (Everyone in the Group) Writer’s Style and Conclusion (Ricardo B)


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