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Chapter 2 Data Representation.

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1 Chapter 2 Data Representation

2 OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, the reader should be able to:
Define data types. Visualize how data are stored inside a computer. Understand the differences between text, numbers, images, video, and audio. Work with hexadecimal and octal notations.


4 Different types of data
Figure 2-1 Different types of data

5 Note: The computer industry uses the term “multimedia” to define information that contains numbers, text, images, audio, and video.


7 Figure 2-2 Bit pattern

8 Examples of bit patterns
Figure 2-3 Examples of bit patterns


10 Representing symbols using bit patterns
Figure 2-4 Representing symbols using bit patterns

11 Table 2.1 Number of symbols and bit pattern length
4 8 16 128 256 65,536 Bit Pattern Length 1 2 3 4 7 8 16

12 Representation of the word
Figure 2-5 Representation of the word “BYTE” in ASCII code


14 Unicode 16 bits e.g. 趙(8D99) 坤(5764) 茂(8302)




18 Image representation methods
Figure 2-6 Image representation methods

19 Bitmap graphic method of a black-and-white image
Figure 2-7 Bitmap graphic method of a black-and-white image

20 Representation of color pixels
Figure 2-8 Representation of color pixels

21 Figure 2-9 Audio representation


23 Note: A 4-bit pattern can be represented by a hexadecimal digit, and vice versa.

24 Table 2.2 Hexadecimal digits
Bit Pattern 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 Hex Digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bit Pattern 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Hex Digit 8 9 A B C D E F

25 Binary to hexadecimal and hexadecimal to binary transformation
Figure 2-10 Binary to hexadecimal and hexadecimal to binary transformation

26 Example 1 Show the hexadecimal equivalent of the bit pattern Solution Each group of 4 bits is translated to one hexadecimal digit. The equivalent is xCE2.

27 Show the hexadecimal equivalent of the bit pattern 0011100010.
Example 2 Show the hexadecimal equivalent of the bit pattern Solution Divide the bit pattern into 4-bit groups (from the right). In this case, add two extra 0s at the left to make the number of bits divisible by 4. So you have , which is translated to x0E2.

28 Example 3 What is the bit pattern for x24C? Solution Write each hexadecimal digit as its equivalent bit pattern to get


30 A 3-bit pattern can be represented by an octal digit, and vice versa.
Note: A 3-bit pattern can be represented by an octal digit, and vice versa.

31 Table Octal digits Bit Pattern 000 001 010 011 Oct Digit 1 2 3 Bit Pattern 100 101 110 111 Oct Digit 4 5 6 7

32 Binary to octal and octal to binary transformation
Figure 2-11 Binary to octal and octal to binary transformation

33 Example 4 Show the octal equivalent of the bit pattern Solution Each group of 3 bits is translated to one octal digit. The equivalent is 0562, o562, or 5628.

34 Show the octal equivalent of the bit pattern 1100010.
Example 5 Show the octal equivalent of the bit pattern Solution Divide the bit pattern into 3-bit groups (from the right). In this case, add two extra 0s at the left to make the number of bits divisible by 3. So you have , which is translated to 1428.

35 Write each octal digit as its equivalent bit pattern to get 010100.
Example 6 What is the bit pattern for 248? Solution Write each octal digit as its equivalent bit pattern to get

36 一個小小的問題 Oct-這個字根代表8; Dec-這個字根代表10,為什麼October 不是八月而是十月?為什麼 December不是十月而是十二月?

37 因為插入了七月和八月 July源於凱撒(Julius Caesar) 之名,凱撒原是一位有名的羅馬將領,後來當了羅馬皇帝。在這之前就有曆法,那時是以March 為一年的開端,而July是第十五個月;到了凱撒當皇帝便修改曆法,將一年的開始訂為January,而將July 提升到第七位,這個改變一直沿用至今。 凱撒大帝之後,他的兒子奧古斯都(Augustus)繼承王位,人們尊稱他為Augustus,其意義乃代表高貴 (Noble),於是他學凱撒將他的幸運月,以自己的封號命名,並從二月挪一天過來,變成三十一日。 那二月為什麼只有二十八天呢?

38 二月被砍過兩天 二月為什麼通常只有二十八天?
凱撒(Julius Caesar) 修改曆法時,本來規定每年十二個月裡,逢單是大月三十一日,逢雙是小月三十日,但是這樣算下來,一年就變成三百六十六日,所以必須設法在一年中扣去一天。那時候判處死刑的人犯均在二月分執行,因此人們認為二月是不吉利的月分,既然要扣除一天,那麼就由二月分來扣掉,讓不吉利的日子減少一天,因此二月分就成了二十九日。 後來奧古斯都(Augustus)繼凱撒之後當了羅馬皇帝,他發現凱撒是七月生的,而七月是逢單為大月三十一日;他不服氣,為了表示自己也偉大,就把自己八月出生的月分改為大月三十一日。糟了又多出一天怎麼辦?那還是由二月分來扣除,因此結果二月分就變成二十八日。

39 Number Representation
Chapter 3 Number Representation

40 OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, the reader should be able to :
Convert a number from decimal to binary notation and vice versa. Understand the different representations of an integer inside a computer: unsigned, sign-and-magnitude, one’s complement, and two’s complement. Understand the Excess system that is used to store the exponential part of a floating-point number. Understand how floating numbers are stored inside a computer using the exponent and the mantissa.


42 Figure 3-1 Decimal system

43 Figure 3-2 Binary system


45 Binary to decimal conversion
Figure 3-3 Binary to decimal conversion

46 Convert the binary number 10011 to decimal.
Example 1 Convert the binary number to decimal. Solution Write out the bits and their weights. Multiply the bit by its corresponding weight and record the result. At the end, add the results to get the decimal number. Binary Weights Decimal

47 Convert the decimal number 35 to binary.
Example 2 Convert the decimal number 35 to binary. Solution Write out the number at the right corner. Divide the number continuously by 2 and write the quotient and the remainder. The quotients move to the left, and the remainder is recorded under each quotient. Stop when the quotient is zero. 0  1  2  4  8  17  Dec. Binary

48 Decimal to binary conversion
Figure 3-4 Decimal to binary conversion

49 Changing fractions to binary
Figure 3-7 Changing fractions to binary

50 Transform the fraction 0.875 to binary
Example 17 Transform the fraction to binary Solution Write the fraction at the left corner. Multiply the number continuously by 2 and extract the integer part as the binary digit. Stop when the number is 0.0.     0.0

51 Transform the fraction 0.4 to a binary of 6 bits.
Example 18 Transform the fraction 0.4 to a binary of 6 bits. Solution Write the fraction at the left cornet. Multiply the number continuously by 2 and extract the integer part as the binary digit. You can never get the exact binary representation. Stop when you have 6 bits. 0.4       1.6


53 Figure 3-5 Range of integers

54 Figure 3-6 Taxonomy of integers

55 Table 3.1 Range of unsigned integers
# of Bits 8 16 Range ,535

56 Store 7 in an 8-bit memory location.
Example 3 Store 7 in an 8-bit memory location. Solution First change the number to binary 111. Add five 0s to make a total of N (8) bits, The number is stored in the memory location.

57 Store 258 in a 16-bit memory location.
Example 4 Store 258 in a 16-bit memory location. Solution First change the number to binary Add seven 0s to make a total of N (16) bits, The number is stored in the memory location.

58 Table 3.2 Example of storing unsigned integers in
two different computers (一個為8-bit; 另一個為16-bit) Decimal 7 234 258 24,760 1,245,678 8-bit allocation overflow 16-bit allocation overflow

59 Using the procedure shown in Figure 3.3 , the number in decimal is 43.
Example 5 Interpret in decimal if the number was stored as an unsigned integer. Solution Using the procedure shown in Figure 3.3 , the number in decimal is 43.

60 -------------------------------------------------------
Table Range of sign-and-magnitude integers # of Bits 8 16 32 Range -2,147,483, ,147,483,647

61 Note: In sign-and-magnitude representation, the leftmost bit defines the sign of the number. If it is 0, the number is positive.If it is 1, the number is negative.

62 There are two 0s in sign-and- magnitude
Note: There are two 0s in sign-and- magnitude representation: positive and negative. In an 8-bit allocation: +0  

63 Example 6 Store +7 in an 8-bit memory location using sign-and-magnitude representation. Solution First change the number to binary 111. Add four 0s to make a total of N-1 (7) bits, Add an extra zero because the number is positive. The result is:

64 Example 7 Store –258 in a 16-bit memory location using sign-and-magnitude representation. Solution First change the number to binary Add six 0s to make a total of N-1 (15) bits, Add an extra 1 because the number is negative. The result is:

65 ------------------------------
Table 3.4 Example of storing sign-and-magnitude integers in two computers Decimal +7 -124 +258 -24,760 8-bit allocation overflow 16-bit allocation

66 Example 8 Interpret in decimal if the number was stored as a sign-and-magnitude integer. Solution Ignoring the leftmost bit, the remaining bits are This number in decimal is 59. The leftmost bit is 1, so the number is –59.

67 There are two 0s in one’s complement
Note: There are two 0s in one’s complement representation: positive and negative. In an 8-bit allocation: +0  

68 One’s complement (一位補數法)
If the sign is positive (0), no more action is needed; If the sign is negative, every bit is complemented.

69 -------------------------------------------------------
Table Range of one’s complement integers # of Bits 8 16 32 Range -2,147,483, ,147,483,647

70 Note: In one’s complement representation, the leftmost bit defines the sign of the number. If it is 0, the number is positive.If it is 1, the number is negative.

71 Example 9 Store +7 in an 8-bit memory location using one’s complement representation. Solution First change the number to binary 111. Add five 0s to make a total of N (8) bits, The sign is positive, so no more action is needed. The result is:

72 Example 10 Store –258 in a 16-bit memory location using one’s complement representation. Solution First change the number to binary Add seven 0s to make a total of N (16) bits, The sign is negative, so each bit is complemented. The result is:

73 ------------------------------
Table 3.6 Example of storing one’s complement integers in two different computers Decimal +7 -7 +124 -124 +24,760 -24,760 8-bit allocation overflow 16-bit allocation

74 Example 11 Interpret in decimal if the number was stored as a one’s complement integer. Solution The leftmost bit is 1, so the number is negative. First complement it . The result is The complement in decimal is 9. So the original number was –9. Note that complement of a complement is the original number.

75 Note: One’s complement means reversing all bits. If you one’s complement a positive number, you get the corresponding negative number. If you one’s complement a negative number, you get the corresponding positive number. If you one’s complement a number twice, you get the original number.

76 Note: Two’s complement is the most common, the most important, and the most widely used representation of integers today.

77 Two’s complement If the sign is positive, no further action is needed;
If the sign is negative, leave all the rightmost 0s and the first 1 unchanged. Complement the rest of the bits e.g 變成負數

78 Two’s complement的另類看法
-) One’s complement +1

79 -------------------------------------------------------
Table 3.7 Range of two’s complement integers # of Bits 8 16 32 Range -128 -32,768 -2,147,483,648 ,767 ,147,483,647

80 Note: In two’s complement representation, the leftmost bit defines the sign of the number. If it is 0, the number is positive. If it is 1, the number is negative.

81 Example 12 Store +7 in an 8-bit memory location using two’s complement representation. Solution First change the number to binary 111. Add five 0s to make a total of N (8) bits, The sign is positive, so no more action is needed. The result is:

82 Example 13 Store –40 in a 16-bit memory location using two’s complement representation. Solution First change the number to binary Add ten 0s to make a total of N (16) bits, The sign is negative, so leave the rightmost 0s up to the first 1 (including the 1) unchanged and complement the rest. The result is:

83 ------------------------------
Table 3.8 Example of storing two’s complement integers in two different computers Decimal +7 -7 +124 -124 +24,760 -24,760 8-bit allocation overflow 16-bit allocation

84 There is only one 0 in two’s complement:
Note: There is only one 0 in two’s complement: In an 8-bit allocation: 0 

85 Example 14 Interpret in decimal if the number was stored as a two’s complement integer. Solution The leftmost bit is 1. The number is negative. Leave 10 at the right alone and complement the rest. The result is The two’s complement number is 10. So the original number was –10.

86 Note: Two’s complement can be achieved by reversing all bits except the rightmost bits up to the first 1 (inclusive). If you two’s complement a positive number, you get the corresponding negative number. If you two’s complement a negative number, you get the corresponding positive number. If you two’s complement a number twice, you get the original number.

87 Contents of Memory ------------
Table Summary of integer representation Contents of Memory 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Unsigned 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sign-and-Magnitude +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 One’s Complement +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -0 Two’s Complement +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1


89 Represent –25 in Excess_127 using an 8-bit allocation.
Example 15 Represent –25 in Excess_127 using an 8-bit allocation. Solution First add 127 to get 102. This number in binary is Add one bit to make it 8 bits in length. The representation is

90 Example 16 Interpret if the representation is Excess_127. Solution First change the number to decimal. It is 254. Then subtract 127 from the number. The result is decimal 127.


92 Table 3.10 Example of normalization
Original Number Original Number Move  6  2 6  3  Normalized x x x -2-3 x

93 IEEE standards for floating-point representation
Figure 3-8 IEEE standards for floating-point representation

94 Show the representation of the normalized number + 26 x 1.01000111001
Example 19 Show the representation of the normalized number x Solution The sign is positive. The Excess_127 representation of the exponent is 133. You add extra 0s on the right to make it 23 bits. The number in memory is stored as:

95 Mantissa -------------------------------
Table Example of floating-point representation Number -22 x +2-6 x x Sign ---- 1 Exponent Mantissa

96 Interpret the following 32-bit floating-point number
Example 20 Interpret the following 32-bit floating-point number Solution The sign is negative. The exponent is –3 (124 – 127). The number after normalization is x


98 Chapter 4 Operations on Bits

99 OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, the reader should be able to:
Apply arithmetic operations on bits when the integer is represented in two’s complement. Apply logical operations on bits. Understand the applications of logical operations using masks. Understand the shift operations on numbers and how a number can be multiplied or divided by powers of two using shift operations.

100 Figure 4-1 Operations on bits


102 Number of 1s ------------
Table 4.1 Adding bits Number of 1s None One Two Three Result 1 Carry 1

103 Rule of Adding Integers in Two’s Complement
Note: Rule of Adding Integers in Two’s Complement Add 2 bits and propagate the carry to the next column. If there is a final carry after the leftmost column addition, discard it.

104 簡要解釋為何two’s complement可以這樣做運算
假設是n bits 正數 + 正數 (和一般情況一樣) 負數(-x) + 負數(-y) -x在two’s complement表示值為 2n-x -y在two’s complement表示值為 2n-y 2n - x + 2n - y = 2n + (2n - (x+y)) Carry (進位) -(x+y)的two’s complement表示法

105 簡要解釋為何two’s complement可以這樣做運算 (續前頁)
正數 (x) + 負數 (-y) -y在two’s complement表示值為 2n-y 得 2n+x-y (1) x >= y x-y為正值; 2n為進位 (2) x <y 2n+x-y = 2n-(y-x)

106 Example 1 Add two numbers in two’s complement representation: (+17) + (+22)  (+39) Solution Carry Result  39

107 Example 2 Add two numbers in two’s complement representation: (+24) + (-17)  (+7) Solution Carry Result  +7

108 Example 3 Add two numbers in two’s complement representation: (-35) + (+20)  (-15) Solution Carry Result  -15

109 Example 4 Add two numbers in two’s complement representation: (+127) + (+3)  (+130) Solution Carry Result  -126 (Error) An overflow has occurred.

110 Range of numbers in two’s complement representation
Note: Range of numbers in two’s complement representation - (2N-1) (2N-1 –1)

111 Two’s complement numbers visualization
Figure 4-2 Two’s complement numbers visualization

112 Note: When you do arithmetic operations on numbers in a computer, remember that each number and the result should be in the range defined by the bit allocation.

113 Example 5 Subtract 62 from 101 in two’s complement: (+101) - (+62)  (+101) + (-62) Solution Carry Result  39 The leftmost carry is discarded.

114 Example 6 Add two floats: Solution The exponents are 5 and 3. The numbers are: +25 x and x Make the exponents the same. (+25 x )+ (+25 x )  +25 x After normalization +26 x , which is stored as:


116 Unary and binary operations
Figure 4-3 Unary and binary operations

117 Figure 4-4 Logical operations

118 Figure 4-5 Truth tables

119 Figure 4-6 NOT operator

120 Example 7 Use the NOT operator on the bit pattern Solution Target NOT Result

121 Figure 4-7 AND operator

122 Example 8 Use the AND operator on bit patterns and Solution Target AND Result

123 Inherent rule of the AND operator
Figure 4-8 Inherent rule of the AND operator

124 Figure 4-9 OR operator

125 Example 9 Use the OR operator on bit patterns and Solution Target OR Result

126 Inherent rule of the OR operator
Figure 4-10 Inherent rule of the OR operator

127 Figure 4-11 XOR operator

128 Example 10 Use the XOR operator on bit patterns and Solution Target XOR Result

129 Inherent rule of the XOR operator
Figure 4-12 Inherent rule of the XOR operator

130 More about XOR 一連串的bits做 XOR, 若奇數個1, 則結果為1;若偶數個1則結果為0 1 XOR

131 Figure 4-13 Mask

132 Example of unsetting specific bits
Figure 4-14 Example of unsetting specific bits

133 Example 11 Use a mask to unset (clear) the 5 leftmost bits of a pattern. Test the mask with the pattern Solution The mask is Target AND Mask Result

134 Solution on the next slide.
Example 12 Imagine a power plant that pumps water to a city using eight pumps. The state of the pumps (on or off) can be represented by an 8-bit pattern. For example, the pattern shows that pumps 1 to 3 (from the right), 7 and 8 are on while pumps 4, 5, and 6 are off. Now assume pump 7 shuts down. How can a mask show this situation? Solution on the next slide.

135 Solution Use the mask to AND with the target pattern. The only 0 bit (bit 7) in the mask turns off the seventh bit in the target. Target AND Mask Result

136 Example of setting specific bits
Figure 4-15 Example of setting specific bits

137 Example 13 Use a mask to set the 5 leftmost bits of a pattern. Test the mask with the pattern Solution The mask is Target OR Mask Result

138 Example 14 Using the power plant example, how can you use a mask to to show that pump 6 is now turned on? Solution Use the mask Target OR Mask Result

139 Example of flipping specific bits
Figure 4-16 Example of flipping specific bits

140 Example 15 Use a mask to flip the 5 leftmost bits of a pattern. Test the mask with the pattern Solution Target XOR Mask Result


142 Figure 4-17 Shift operations

143 Example 16 Show how you can divide or multiply a number by 2 using shift operations. Solution If a bit pattern represents an unsigned number, a right-shift operation divides the number by two. The pattern represents 59. When you shift the number to the right, you get , which is 29. If you shift the original number to the left, you get , which is 118.

144 Example 17 Use a combination of logical and shift operations to find the value (0 or 1) of the fourth bit (from the right). Solution Use the mask to AND with the target to keep the fourth bit and clear the rest of the bits. Continued on the next slide

145 Solution (continued) Target a b c d e f g h AND Mask Result e Shift the new pattern three times to the right e000  00000e00  e0  e Now it is easy to test the value of the new pattern as an unsigned integer. If the value is 1, the original bit was 1; otherwise the original bit was 0.

146 Computer Organization (計算機組織)
Chapter 5 Computer Organization (計算機組織)

147 OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, the reader should be able to:
Distinguish between the three components of a computer hardware. List the functionality of each component. Understand memory addressing and calculate the number of bytes for a specified purpose. Distinguish between different types of memories. Understand how each input/output device works. Continued on the next slide

148 OBJECTIVES (continued)
Understand the systems used to connect different components together. Understand the addressing system for input/output devices. Understand the program execution and machine cycles. Distinguish between programmed I/O, interrupt-driven I/O and direct memory access (DMA). Understand the two major architectures used to define the instruction sets of a computer: CISC and RISC.

149 Computer hardware (subsystems)
Figure 5-1 Computer hardware (subsystems)


151 Figure 5-2 CPU


153 Table 5.1 Memory units kilobyte megabyte gigabyte terabyte petabyte
exabyte Exact Number of bytes 210 bytes 220 bytes 230 bytes 240 bytes 250 bytes 260 bytes Approximation 103 bytes 106 bytes 109 bytes 1012 bytes 1015 bytes 1018 bytes

154 Figure 5-3 Main memory

155 Memory addresses are defined using unsigned binary integers.
Note: Memory addresses are defined using unsigned binary integers.

156 Example 1 A computer has 32 MB (megabytes) of memory. How many bits are needed to address any single byte in memory? Solution The memory address space is 32 MB, or 225 (25 x 220). This means you need log2 225 or 25 bits, to address each byte.

157 Example 2 A computer has 128 MB of memory. Each word in this computer is 8 bytes. How many bits are needed to address any single word in memory? Solution The memory address space is 128 MB, which means 227. However, each word is 8 (23) bytes, which means that you have 224 words. This means you need log2 224 or 24 bits, to address each word.

158 Memory Types RAM (Random access memory): ROM (Read only memory)
SRAM (Static RAM) (flip-flop gates) DRAM (Dynamic RAM) ROM (Read only memory) PROM (programmable) EPROM (erasable programmable) EEPROM (electronically erasable programmable)

159 A simple flip-flop circuit
Set Reset

160 Setting the output of a flip-flop to 1

161 Setting the output of a flip-flop to 1 (continued)

162 Setting the output of a flip-flop to 1

163 Another way of constructing a flip-flop

164 Figure 5-4 Memory hierarchy

165 Figure 5-5 Cache

166 5.3 INPUT / OUTPUT

167 Physical layout of a magnetic disk
Figure 5-6 Physical layout of a magnetic disk

168 Surface organization of a disk
Figure 5-7 Surface organization of a disk

169 Mechanical configuration of a tape
Figure 5-8 Mechanical configuration of a tape

170 Surface organization of a tape
Figure 5-9 Surface organization of a tape

171 Creation and use of CD-ROM
Figure 5-10 Creation and use of CD-ROM

172 3,688,400 bytes per second 4,915,200 bytes per second
Table 5.2 CD-ROM speeds Speed 1x 2x 4x 6x 8x 12x 16x 24x 32x 40x Data Rate 153, bytes per second 307, bytes per second 614, bytes per second 921, bytes per second 1,228, bytes per second 1,843, bytes per second 2,457,600 bytes per second 3,688, bytes per second 4,915,200 bytes per second 6,144,000 bytes per second Approximation 150 KB/s 300 KB/s 600 KB/s 900 KB/s 1.2 MB/s 1.8 MB/s 2.4 MB/s 3.6 MB/s 4.8 MB/s 6 MB/s

173 Figure 5-11 CD-ROM format

174 Figure 5-12 Making a CD-R

175 Figure 5-13 Making a CD-RW

176 single-sided, single-layer single-sided, dual-layer
Table DVD capacities Feature single-sided, single-layer single-sided, dual-layer double-sided, single-layer double-sided, dual-layer Capacity 4.7 GB 8.5 GB 9.4 GB 17 GB


178 Connecting CPU and memory using three buses
Figure 5-14 Connecting CPU and memory using three buses

179 Connecting I/O devices to the buses
Figure 5-15 Connecting I/O devices to the buses

180 (Small Computer System Interface)
Figure 5-16 SCSI controller (Small Computer System Interface) Daisy Chain

181 FireWire controller (IEEE 1394)
Figure 5-17 FireWire controller (IEEE 1394)

182 (Universal Serial Bus)
Figure 5-18 USB controller (Universal Serial Bus)

183 Isolated I/O addressing
Figure 5-19 Isolated I/O addressing

184 Memory-mapped I/O addressing
Figure 5-20 Memory-mapped I/O addressing


186 Figure 5-21 Steps of a cycle

187 Contents of memory and register before execution
Figure 5-22 Contents of memory and register before execution

188 registers after each cycle
Figure 5-23.a Contents of memory and registers after each cycle

189 registers after each cycle
Figure 5-23.b Contents of memory and registers after each cycle

190 registers after each cycle
Figure 5-23.c Contents of memory and registers after each cycle

191 Contents of memory and registers after each cycle
Figure 5-23.d Contents of memory and registers after each cycle

192 Figure 5-24 Programmed I/O

193 Figure 5-25 Interrupt-driven I/O

194 DMA connection to the general bus
Figure 5-26 DMA connection to the general bus

195 Figure 5-27 DMA input/output


197 Two different architectures
CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) Intel RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) PowerPC

198 Chapter 6 Computer Networks

199 OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, the reader should be able to:
Understand the rationale for the existence of networks. Distinguish between the three types of networks: LANs, MANs, and WANs. Understand the OSI model and TCP/IP. List different connecting devices and the OSI layers in which each device operates. Understand client-server models.


201 6.2 OSI MODEL

202 Note: The Open Systems Interconnection model is a theoretical model that shows how any two different systems can communicate with each other.

203 Figure 6-1 The OSI model

204 Flow of data in the OSI model
Figure 6-2 Flow of data in the OSI model User  network Coding methods Synchronization points Entire message Packet (logical address) Frames (node  node) Bit stream  signal


206 Categories of networks
Figure 6-3 Categories of networks

207 Figure 6-4 LANs

208 Figure 6-5 MAN

209 Figure 6-6 WAN


211 Figure 6-7 Connecting devices

212 Figure 6-8 Repeater

213 Repeaters operate at the first layer of the OSI model.
Note: Repeaters operate at the first layer of the OSI model.

214 Figure 6-9 Bridge

215 Bridges operate at the first two layers of the OSI model.
Note: Bridges operate at the first two layers of the OSI model.

216 Figure 6-10 Switch

217 Routers operate at the first three layers of the OSI model.
Note: Routers operate at the first three layers of the OSI model.

218 Figure 6-11 Routers in an internet

219 Connecting devices and the OSI model
Figure 6-12 Connecting devices and the OSI model Router 和 Gateway 現在不太區別了


221 Figure 6-13 TCP/IP and OSI model

222 IP addresses in dotted-decimal notation
Figure 6-14 IP addresses in dotted-decimal notation

223 Figure 6-15 Client-server model

224 Figure 6-16 FTP

225 Figure 6-17 SMTP

226 Figure 6-18 address

227 Figure 6-19 TELNET

228 Figure 6-20 URL

229 Figure 6-21 Browser

230 Categories of Web documents
Figure 6-22 Categories of Web documents

231 Chapter 7 Operating Systems 作業系統 (電腦的管家婆)

232 OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, the reader should be able to:
Define the purpose and functions of an operating system. Understand the components of an operating system. Understand the concept of virtual memory. Understand the concept of deadlock and starvation. List some of the characteristics of popular operating systems such as Windows 2000, UNIX, and Linux.

233 Figure 7-1 Computer System


235 Note: An operating system is an interface between the hardware of a computer and the user (program or human) that facilitates the execution of the other programs and the access to hardware and software resources.

236 7.2 EVOLUTION: Batch systems Time-sharing systems Personal systems
Parallel systems Distributed systems 7.2


238 Components of an operating system
Figure 7-2 Components of an operating system

239 Figure 7-3 Monoprogramming

240 Figure 7-4 Multiprogramming

241 Categories of multiprogramming
Figure 7-5 Categories of multiprogramming

242 Figure 7-6 Partitioning

243 Figure 7-7 Paging

244 Figure 7-8 Virtual memory

245 State diagram with the boundaries between a program, a job, and a process
Figure 7-9

246 Figure 7-10 Job scheduler

247 Figure 7-11 Process scheduler

248 Queues for process management
Figure 7-12 Queues for process management

249 Figure 7-13 Deadlock

250 Figure 7-14 Deadlock on a bridge

251 Note: Deadlock occurs when the operating system does not put resource restrictions on processes.

252 Figure 7-15.a Starvation

253 Figure 7-15.b Starvation

254 Figure 7-15.c Starvation

255 Figure 7-16 Dining philosophers


257 Chapter 8 Algorithms

258 OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, the reader should be able to:
Understand the concept of an algorithm. Define and use the three constructs for developing algorithms: sequence, decision, and repetition. Understand and use three tools to represent algorithms: flowchart, pseudocode, and structure chart. Understand the concept of modularity and subalgorithms. List and comprehend common algorithms.

259 8.1 CONCEPT

260 Informal definition of an algorithm
Figure 8-1 Informal definition of an algorithm used in a computer

261 Finding the largest integer
Figure 8-2 Finding the largest integer among five integers

262 Defining actions in FindLargest algorithm
Figure 8-3 Defining actions in FindLargest algorithm

263 Figure 8-4 FindLargest refined

264 Generalization of FindLargest
Figure 8-5 Generalization of FindLargest


266 Figure 8-6 Three constructs


268 Flowcharts for three constructs
Figure 8-7 Flowcharts for three constructs

269 Pseudocode for three constructs
Figure 8-8 Pseudocode for three constructs

270 Write an algorithm in pseudocode that finds the average of two numbers
Example 1 Write an algorithm in pseudocode that finds the average of two numbers Solution See Algorithm 8.1 on the next slide.

271 Algorithm 8.1: Average of two AverageOfTwo Input: Two numbers
Add the two numbers Divide the result by 2 Return the result by step 2 End

272 Write an algorithm to change a numeric grade to a pass/no pass grade.
Example 2 Write an algorithm to change a numeric grade to a pass/no pass grade. Solution See Algorithm 8.2 on the next slide.

273 Algorithm 8.2: Pass/no pass Grade Pass/NoPassGrade Input: One number
if (the number is greater than or equal to 70) then 1.1 Set the grade to “pass” else 1.2 Set the grade to “nopass” End if Return the grade End

274 Write an algorithm to change a numeric grade to a letter grade.
Example 3 Write an algorithm to change a numeric grade to a letter grade. Solution See Algorithm 8.3 on the next slide.

275 Algorithm 8.3: Letter grade LetterGrade Input: One number
1. if (the number is between 90 and 100, inclusive) then 1.1 Set the grade to “A” End if 2. if (the number is between 80 and 89, inclusive) then 2.1 Set the grade to “B” Continues on the next slide

276 Letter grade (continued)
Algorithm 8.3: Letter grade (continued) 3. if (the number is between 70 and 79, inclusive) then 3.1 Set the grade to “C” End if 4. if (the number is between 60 and 69, inclusive) then 4.1 Set the grade to “D” Continues on the next slide

277 Letter grade (continued)
Algorithm 8.3: Letter grade (continued) 5. If (the number is less than 60) then 5.1 Set the grade to “F” End if 6. Return the grade End

278 See Algorithm 8.4 on the next slide.
Example 4 Write an algorithm to find the largest of a set of numbers. You do not know the number of numbers. Solution See Algorithm 8.4 on the next slide.

279 Algorithm 8.4: Find largest FindLargest
Input: A list of positive integers Set Largest to 0 while (more integers) if (the integer is greater than Largest) then Set largest to the value of the integer End if End while Return Largest End

280 Write an algorithm to find the largest of 1000 numbers.
Example 5 Write an algorithm to find the largest of 1000 numbers. Solution See Algorithm 8.5 on the next slide.

281 Algorithm 8.5: Find largest of 1000 numbers FindLargest
Input: 1000 positive integers Set Largest to 0 Set Counter to 0 while (Counter less than 1000) if (the integer is greater than Largest) then Set Largest to the value of the integer End if Increment Counter End while Return Largest End

282 8.4 MORE FORMA DEFINITION Ordered set Unambiguous steps Effectiveness


284 Concept of a subalgorithm
Figure 8-9 Concept of a subalgorithm

285 Algorithm 8.6: Find largest FindLargest
Input: A list of positive integers Set Largest to 0 while (more integers) FindLarger End while Return Largest End

286 Subalgorithm: Find larger FindLarger
Input: Largest and current integer if (the integer is greater than Largest) then Set Largest to the value of the integer End if End


288 Figure 8-10 Summation

289 Figure 8-11 Product

290 Figure 8-12 Selection sort

291 Example of selection sort
Figure 8-13: part I Example of selection sort

292 Example of selection sort
Figure 8-13: part II Example of selection sort

293 Figure 8-14 Selection sort algorithm

294 Figure 8-15 Bubble sort

295 Figure 8-16: part I Example of bubble sort

296 Figure 8-16: part II Example of bubble sort

297 Figure 8-17 Insertion sort

298 Example of insertion sort
Figure 8-18: part I Example of insertion sort

299 Example of insertion sort
Figure 8-18: part II Example of insertion sort

300 Figure 8-19 Search concept

301 Example of a sequential sort
Figure 8-20: Part I Example of a sequential sort

302 Example of a sequential sort
Figure 8-20: Part II Example of a sequential sort

303 Example of a binary sort
Figure 8-21


305 Iterative definition of factorial
Figure 8-22 Iterative definition of factorial

306 Recursive definition of factorial
Figure 8-23 Recursive definition of factorial

307 Tracing recursive solution to factorial problem
Figure 8-24 Tracing recursive solution to factorial problem

308 Algorithm 8.7: Iterative factorial Factorial
Input: A positive integer num Set FactN to 1 Set i to 1 while (i is less than or equal to num) Set FactN to FactN x I Increment i End while Return FactN End

309 Algorithm 8.8: Recursive factorial Factorial
Input: A positive integer num if (num is equal to 0) then return 1 else 1.2 return num x Factorial (num – 1) End if End

310 Programming Languages
Chapter 9 Programming Languages

311 OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, the reader should be able to:
Have a vision of computer language evolution. Distinguish between machine, assembly, and high-level languages. Understand the process of creating and running a program. Distinguish between the different categories of languages: procedural, object-oriented, functional, declarative, and special. Become familiar with elements of the procedural language C.


313 Evolution of computer languages
Figure 9-1 Evolution of computer languages

314 Program 9.1 Program in machine language 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16

315 Note: The only language understood by a computer is machine language.

316 Program 9.2 Program in symbolic language 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 Entry main, ^m<r2> subl2 #12,sp jsb C$MAIN_ARGS movab $CHAR_STRING_CON pushal -8(fp) pushal (r2) calls #2,read pushal -12(fp) pushal 3(r2) calls #2,read mull (fp),-12(fp),- pushal 6(r2) calls #2,print clrl r0 ret

317 Program 9.3 Program in C++ language 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 /* This program reads two integer numbers from the keyboard and prints their product. */ #include <iostream.h> int main (void) { // Local Declarations int number1; int number2; int result; // Statements cin >> number1; cin >> number2; result = number1 * number2; cout << result; return 0; } // main


319 Figure 9-2 Building a program


321 Figure 9-3 Program execution


323 Categories of languages
Figure 9-4 Categories of languages

324 Function in a functional language
Figure 9-5 Function in a functional language

325 Extracting the third element of a list
Figure 9-6 Extracting the third element of a list

326 Table 9.1 Common tags Beginning Tag ---------------- <HTML>
<HEAD> <BODY> <TITLE> <Hi> <B> <I> <U> <SUB> <SUP> <CENTER> <BR> <OL> <UL> <LI> <IMG> <A> Ending Tag </HTML> </HEAD> </BODY> </TITLE> </Hi> </B> </I> </U> </SUB> </SUP> </CENTER> </OL> </UL> </LI> </A> Meaning document document head document body document title different header levels boldface Italic underlined subscript superscript centered line break ordered list unordered list an item in the list an image an address (hyperlink)

327 Program 9.4 HTML Program <HTML> <HEAD>
<TITLE> Sample Document </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> This is the picture of a book: <IMG SRC="Pictures/book1.gif" ALIGN=MIDDLE> </BODY> </HTML>


329 Figure 9-7 Variables

330 Table 9.2 Arithmetic operators
+ - * / % ++ -- Definition Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division (quotient) Division (remainder) Increment Decrement Example Num * 5 Sum / Count Count % 4 Count ++ Count --

331 Table 9.3 Relational operators
< <= > >= == != Definition Less than Less than or equal to Greater than Greater than or equal to Equal to Not equal to Example Num1 < 5 Num1 <= 5 Num2 > 3 Num2 >= 3 Num1 == Num2 Num1 != Num2

332 Table 9.4 Logical operators
! && || Definition NOT AND OR Example ! ( Num1 < Num2 ) (Num1 < 5 ) && (Num2 > 10 ) (Num1 < 5 ) || (Num2 > 10 )

333 Table 9.5 Assignment operators
== += -= *= /= %= Example Num = 5 Num += 5 Num -= 5 Num *= 5 Num /= 5 Num %= 5 Meaning Store 5 in Num Num = Num Num = Num Num = Num * 5 Num = Num / 5 Num = Num % 5

334 Figure 9-8 Statements

335 Side effect of a function
Figure 9-9 Side effect of a function

336 Figure 9-10 Function declaration

337 Figure 9-11 if-else statement

338 Figure 9-12 switch statement

339 Figure 9-13 while loop

340 Figure 9-14 for loop

341 do-while loop Figure 9-15

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