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The Rural Environmental Registry - CAR
Numbers of the registry until February 2017
Almost 4 million rural properties registered in the SICAR. An area of 402,8 million hectares has been registered. 47,000 CAR registrations have been analyzed
Implementation of the CAR in the Amazon and Cerrado
A cobertura florestal de 4 bilhões de ha equivale a 30,3% do total da área terrestre do planeta. Os dez países com as maiores cobertura florestal totalizam 2,685 bilhões de ha (Rússia-809; Brasil-520; Canada-310; USA-304; China-207; Congo-154; Austrália-149; Indonésia-94; Sudão-70; Índia-68). Ou seja, 2/3 do total. Os cinco primeiros, Rússia, Brasil, Canada, USA e China detêm mais de 50%. 36% dessas florestas são primárias, 57% são secundárias e 7% são plantadas. A sobrevivência de 1,6 bilhão de pessoas depende diretamente das florestas (ex. lenha, fitoterápicos e alimentos).
CAR Projects implemented by SFB
CAR – Area coverage in the Cerrado
29,52% of the area registered in the SICAR are from the Cerrado. February 2017
CAR – Area coverage in the Amazon
45,60% of the 402,8 million ha represent the Amazon. February 2017
Environmental Regularization of Rural Properties in the Amazon and in areas of transition to the Cerrado Project KFW-CAR
Information about Project Execution
Donor: KfW (German Development Bank) Time frame: Up to 4 years ( ) Coordination and supervision: SFB / MMA Administrative and financial management: Caixa Econômica Federal Technical Execution: Brazilian Forest Service in partnership with the states (Pará, Mato Grosso and Rondônia) and EMBRAPA (research institute on agriculture and cattle raising)
General objective Contribute to the environmental regularization of rural producers through registration and validation in the CAR and recovery of degraded areas in selected municipalities.
Project Structure 1: Registration and Validation in CAR
2: Elaboration and Approval of individual restoration projects 3: Structuring of Technology Transfer Units for the Restoration of Degraded Areas in the Permanent Protected Areas and the Legal Reserves
Current Status and Next Steps
The Public Call for the management of the project is in the process of being published. Next steps The management unit, with members of the Brazilian Forest Service and the Bank Caixa Economica Federal will be established. Cooperation Agreements with partner states and EMBRAPA will be concluded. The Operation Manual (MoP), and the budget plans for KfW will be submitted.
Project Cerrado Federal
Support to National Strategies for Reducing Deforestation and Forest Fires in the Brazilian Cerrado Project Cerrado Federal DEFRA-COMPONENT 2: CAR
Information about Project Execution
Donor: DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - UK) Execution period: 7 years (December / 2011 to June / 2018) Coordination and supervision: MMA Administrative and financial management: World Bank Technical Execution: MMA, Brazilian Forest Service, ICMBio, INPE, Environmental Secretariat of Bahia, Environmental Secretariat of Piaui.
General Objective Strengthen the capacity to coordinate policies and implement actions to prevent and control deforestation and implement integrated and adapted fire management in the Cerrado.
Structure of the Project
Component 1: Support to the Plan of Action for Prevention and Control of Deforestation and Burning in Cerrado - PPCerrado (Implementation by DPCD / MMA); In this component are the actions related to the CAR, and that will have the implementation supported by the Brazilian Forest Service. Component 2: CAR (Execution - Brazilian Forest Service); Component 3 - Prevention and Combat of Forest Fires in Federal Conservation Units (Implementation - ICMBio); Component 4 - Project Administration and Management (Execution - Funatura).
Current status and next steps
CAR Communication Campaign in progress; Registrations in the CAR on-going; Service Desks implemented; Negotiation of Technical cooperation agreement with states of Maranhão and Tocantins; Reference term for acquisition of equipment and furniture ready - awaiting definition of the location of the counters by the States Hiring of consultants to support the supervision of companies contracted to execute the CAR registrations; Distribution of materials for key actors in 59 municipalities; Execution of CAR registrations by companies; Signature of Technical cooperation agreements with Maranhão and Tocantins;
Project for the Environmental Regularization of Rural Property in the Cerrado Biome
Information about Project Execution
Donor: Forest Investment Program (FIP) – World Bank Lead time: Up to 4 years ( ) Coordination and supervision: SFB / MMA Administrative and financial management: (to be defined, a set of implementing agencies will be proposed) Technical Execution: Brazilian Forest Service in partnership with the states served by the project
General Objective Contribute to the increase of environmental regularization among the rural properties of the Cerrado, increasing the conformity of the properties with the Federal Law.
Project Structure 1:Strengthening the Capacity of Environmental Agencies to implement CAR 2: Registration of Rural Properties or Possessions Promote the registration of rural properties in 47 selected municipalities. 3 : Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation
Brazilian Forest Service
Thank you! Obrigada! Gabriela Berbigier Gonçalves Environmental Analyst – Brazilian Forest Service For more information:
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