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Regionale Informatievoorziening voor de Zorg Over G19 en Abrumet

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Presentation on theme: "Regionale Informatievoorziening voor de Zorg Over G19 en Abrumet"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regionale Informatievoorziening voor de Zorg Over G19 en Abrumet
UZ Brussel Rudi Van de Velde 1

2 Contents G19 Belgium HC Providers Telematic Group Mission Statement
How to interconnect? Global Architectural Principles Abrumet Les membres- Historique Status du Projet Rudi Van de Velde 2

3 G19 Purpose Belgian Care Providers Telematic Advisory Group
Advisory committee that will provide technical support to the eHealth platform with regard to clinical data exchange amongst the Belgian community of hospitals and physicians 3

4 Members 15 members coming from the community of hospitals and physicians 5 from Wallonia -> RSW 5 from Flanders -> Gent, Leuven, Antwerpen, … 5 from Brussels -> Abrumet 4 members coming from the federal institutions and CIN/NIC 1 from SPF SP/FOD VVVL 1 from INAMI/RIZIV 1 from CIN/NIC 1 from eHealth platform 4

5 Missions To propose a global architecture for the exchange of health data between hospitals and physicians To propose and maintain syntactic and semantic standards related to the exchange of health data (Kmehr) To propose homologation criteria for electronic records for hospitals and physicians To provide advices with regard to electronic data exchange between hospitals, physicians and the ehealth platform 5

6 Mission: Technical Recommendations for …
Basicservices eHealth-platform Regional Network B Regional Network A Regional Network D Regional Network C 6 6

7 Services overview Meta-hub Hub Core services Other services
To get the hubs related to a patient (with or without access validation) To declare a patient-link Other services To 'delete' a patient To get the list of its patients Hub To get a list of documents related to a patient according to some criteria To get a document

8 Interconnection of (sub) regional networks
Inter-hub location flows Hub 1 Hospital 1 Hospital n . Meta Hub Hospital 1 Hospital x Hub 2 Inter-hub data flows . Patient,Hub,Consent Free internal organization for the hubs :for instance: document or contact centric Rudi Van de Velde 8

9 Inter Hub Consultation with SSO
Meta-hub fed by the hubs Interhub consultation with SSO component Metahub is only a locator service No data flows (documents nor lists of document references) will transit throughout it VAS1 VAS2 Reference Directory eHealth platform STS Service Hub locator service getTicket getHublist HUB n HUB 1 getTransactionlist G-DMI DMI DMI HUB 2 H-DMI DMI DMI 9 Rudi Van de Velde

10 Webservices Meta hub services Name Parameters declarePatientLink INSS
getHubList INSS  HUB* x Bool putPatientConsent getPatientConsent INSS  Consent revokePatientConsent 10 10

11 E-Care Rudi Van de Velde 11

12 Other possible features
Pushing information on an e-Care registry could transit via the Meta Hub For consultation e-Care may take the role of an hub Principle valid for various 'access conditions' 12 Rudi Van de Velde

13 Webservices Hub services Name Parameters putPatient Patient getPatient
INSS Patient putPatientConsent INSS getPatientConsent INSS  Consent revokePatientConsent putHCParty HCParty getHCParty HCPartyCriteria  HCParty* revokeHCParty putHCPartyConsent getHCPartyConsent HCParty -> Consent revokeHCPartyConsent put Transaction HCParty × INSS × Transaction declare Transaction HCParty × INSS getTransactionList INSS × Criteria -> TransactionId*

14 Contents G19 Belgium HC Providers Telematic Group Mission Statement
How to interconnect? Global Architectural Principles Abrumet Les membres -Historique Status du Projet Rudi Van de Velde 14

15 Abrumet? Le nom “ABruMeT” a été choisit en respectant
les 3 languages : Association Bruxelloise Médicale de Télématique Associatie van Brusselse Medische Telematica Association of Brussels Medical Telematics ASBL located in Brussels Main project: To introduce a regional network between hospitals in Brussels To facilitate exchange of medical patient data across hospitals 15

16 Les Membres Abrumet UZ Brussel VUB Saint Luc UCL Hôpital Erasme ULB
St Jan St Rémy St Elisabeth CHIREC 4 hopitaux Iris: 5 hopitaux 11 sites 15 ziekenhuizen 16 16

17 Objectif du plate-forme ABruMeT
Un accès uniformisé aux données médicales des patients par les médecins généralistes et hospitaliers. ABruMeT détiendra seulement des référentiels Service de messagerie simple mais sécurisé (phase ultérieure), ABruMeT pourrait stocker des données médicales détenues (phase ultérieure), des services d'ABruMeT pourraient être étendus à d'autres acteurs de la santé comme, par exemple, les pharmaciens ou les kinésithéra 17

18 Status du projet: Collaboration avec RSW
Phase de test / production Cœur server installée (UZBrussel) Co-Site server installée (UZBrussel, St Pierre) Webservices (Kmehr) de consultation: UZBrussel Hopital St Pierre Hopital Brugmann CHIREC Start-up: 11/2009

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21 Questions? 21 21

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