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June 28, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA

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1 June 28, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA
Summer School 2017 GPDs and GTMDs Cédric Lorcé CPHT June 28, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA

2 Outline Generalized TMDs Physical interpretation Phase space
Physical content How to constrain GTMDs Multidimensional Universe no. 2 by rogerhitchcock

3 1. Generalized TMDs

4 See T. Rodgers’ lectures
Where we are Nonlocal quark operator Gauge link See T. Rodgers’ lectures TMDs PDFs Charges

5 Through the Looking-Glass
Off-forward amplitudes TMDs Form factors PDFs FFs Charges

6 Through the Looking-Glass
Generalized PDFs TMDs GPDs PDFs FFs Charges

7 Through the Looking-Glass
Generalized TMDs GTMDs TMDs GPDs PDFs FFs Charges

8 Parton distribution zoo
GTMDs TMDs GPDs PDFs FFs Charges [Meissner, Metz, Schlegel (2009)] [C.L., Pasquini, Vanderhaeghen (2011)]

9 2. Physical interpretation

10 Spatial distributions
Localized state in momentum space in position space

11 Spatial distributions
Localized state in momentum space in position space Phase-space compromise

12 Exercise 1: Derive these Breit-frame expressions
Spatial distributions Localized state in momentum space in position space Phase-space compromise Density in the Breit frame Breit frame Exercise 1: Derive these Breit-frame expressions

13 Galilean symmetry All is fine as long as space-time symmetry is Galilean Position operator can be defined CoM position

14 Lorentz symmetry But in Special Relativity, space-time symmetry is Lorentzian Position operator is ill-defined ! No separation of CoM and internal coordinates Further issues : Lorentz contraction Creation/annihilation of pairs Spoils (quasi-) probabilistic interpretation

15 Light-front operators
Transverse space-time symmetry is Galilean Transverse position operator can be defined ! « CoM » position Longitudinal momentum plays the role of mass in the transverse plane [Kogut, Soper (1970)]

16 Quasi-probabilistic interpretation
What about the further issues with Special Relativity ? Transverse boosts are Galilean No transverse Lorentz contraction ! No sensitivity to longitudinal Lorentz contraction ! Particle number is conserved in Drell-Yan frame Drell-Yan frame is conserved and positive

17 Relativistic densities
Localized state in momentum space in 2D position space [Soper (1977)] [Burkardt (2000)] [Burkardt (2003)]

18 Relativistic densities
Localized state in momentum space in 2D position space Phase-space compromise [Soper (1977)] [Burkardt (2000)] [Burkardt (2003)]

19 Relativistic densities
Localized state in momentum space in 2D position space Phase-space compromise Density in the symmetric Drell-Yan frame [Soper (1977)] [Burkardt (2000)] [Burkardt (2003)]

20 Partonic picture GTMDs TMDs GPDs PDFs FFs Charges

21 See P. Nadolsky’s lectures
Partonic picture GTMDs 2+3D TMDs GPDs 0+3D 2+1D PDFs FFs 0+1D 2+0D See P. Nadolsky’s lectures Charges

22 3. Phase space

23 Particles follow well-defined trajectories
Classical Mechanics State of the system Momentum Particles follow well-defined trajectories Position [Gibbs (1901)]

24 Statistical Mechanics
Phase-space density Position-space density Momentum Momentum-space density Phase-space average Position [Gibbs (1902)]

25 Quantum Mechanics Wigner distribution Position-space density
Momentum Momentum-space density Phase-space average Position [Wigner (1932)] [Moyal (1949)]

26 Quantum Mechanics Wigner distribution Exercise 2: Show that
Momentum Exercise 2: Show that Position Symmetric derivative [Wigner (1932)] [Moyal (1949)]

27 Heisenberg’s uncertainty relations
Applications Wigner distributions have applications in: Harmonic oscillator Nuclear physics Quantum chemistry Quantum molecular dynamics Quantum information Quantum optics Classical optics Signal analysis Image processing Quark-gluon plasma Quasi-probabilistic Heisenberg’s uncertainty relations

28 Quantum Field Theory Covariant Wigner operator
Time ordering ? Field operators [Carruthers, Zachariasen (1976)] [Carruthers, Zachariasen (1983)] [Ochs, Heinz (1997)]

29 Quantum Field Theory Covariant Wigner operator
Time ordering ? Field operators Equal-time Wigner operator [Carruthers, Zachariasen (1976)] [Carruthers, Zachariasen (1983)] [Ochs, Heinz (1997)]

30 Quantum Field Theory Covariant Wigner operator
Time ordering ? Field operators Equal-time Wigner operator Phase-space/Wigner distribution [Carruthers, Zachariasen (1976)] [Carruthers, Zachariasen (1983)] [Ochs, Heinz (1997)]

31 Connection with partonic physics
Quantum Field Theory Equal light-front time Wigner operator Connection with partonic physics

32 Connection with partonic physics
Quantum Field Theory Equal light-front time Wigner operator Connection with partonic physics Non-relativistic 3+3D Wigner distribution [Ji (2003)] [Belitsky, Ji, Yuan (2004)]

33 Connection with partonic physics
Quantum Field Theory Equal light-front time Wigner operator Connection with partonic physics Non-relativistic 3+3D Wigner distribution [Ji (2003)] [Belitsky, Ji, Yuan (2004)] Relativistic 2+3D Wigner distribution GTMDs [C.L., Pasquini (2011)] [C.L., Pasquini, Xiong, Yuan (2012)]

34 Instant form vs light-front form
Our intuition is instant form and not light-front form NB : is invariant under light-front boosts At leading twist, it can be thought of as instant form phase-space (Wigner) distribution in IMF ! See M. Constantinou and M. Engelhardt’s lectures Transverse momentum Longitudinal momentum Transverse position 2+3D In IMF, the nucleon looks like a pancake

35 4. Physical content

36 Complete parametrizations : Quarks
Twist-2 Monopole Dipole Quadrupole GTMDs Quark polarization Nucleon polarization TMDs GPDs Complete parametrizations : Quarks [Meissner, Metz, Schlegel (2009)] [C.L., Pasquini (2013)] Quarks & gluons

37 Complete parametrizations : Quarks
Twist-2 Monopole Dipole Quadrupole GTMDs Quark polarization Nucleon polarization TMDs GPDs Complete parametrizations : Quarks [Meissner, Metz, Schlegel (2009)] [C.L., Pasquini (2013)] Quarks & gluons

38 Complete parametrizations : Quarks
Twist-2 Monopole Dipole Quadrupole GTMDs Quark polarization Nucleon polarization TMDs GPDs Complete parametrizations : Quarks [Meissner, Metz, Schlegel (2009)] [C.L., Pasquini (2013)] Quarks & gluons

39 Complete parametrizations : Quarks
Twist-2 Monopole Dipole Quadrupole GTMDs Quark polarization Nucleon polarization TMDs GPDs Complete parametrizations : Quarks [Meissner, Metz, Schlegel (2009)] [C.L., Pasquini (2013)] Quarks & gluons

40 Complete parametrizations : Quarks
Twist-2 Monopole Dipole Quadrupole GTMDs Quark polarization Nucleon polarization New ! TMDs GPDs Complete parametrizations : Quarks [Meissner, Metz, Schlegel (2009)] [C.L., Pasquini (2013)] Quarks & gluons

41 Light-front wave functions (LFWFs)
Fock expansion of the nucleon state

42 Light-front wave functions (LFWFs)
Fock expansion of the nucleon state Probability associated with the Fock states

43 Light-front wave functions (LFWFs)
Fock expansion of the nucleon state Probability associated with the Fock states Linear and angular momentum conservation gauge

44 Light-front wave functions (LFWFs)
Overlap representation GTMDs Momentum Polarization [C.L., Pasquini, Vanderhaeghen (2011)]

45 Model results Wigner distribution of unpolarized quark in unpolarized nucleon 2+2D [C.L., Pasquini (2011)]

46 Model results Wigner distribution of unpolarized quark in unpolarized nucleon 2+2D Left-right symmetry [C.L., Pasquini (2011)]

47 Model results Wigner distribution of unpolarized quark in unpolarized nucleon 2+2D favored disfavored favored disfavored [C.L., Pasquini (2011)]

48 Model results Quark spin-nucleon spin correlation Proton spin
u-quark spin d-quark spin [C.L., Pasquini (2011)]

49 Model results Distortion correlated to nucleon spin Proton spin
u-quark OAM d-quark OAM [C.L., Pasquini (2011)]

50 Model results Average transverse quark momentum correlated to nucleon spin [C.L., Pasquini, Xiong, Yuan (2012)]

51 Model results Distortion correlated to quark spin Quark spin
u-quark OAM d-quark OAM [C.L., Pasquini (2011)]

52 Model results [C.L., Pasquini (2011)]

53 Phase-space transverse modes
[C.L., Pasquini (2016)]

54 Phase-space transverse modes
[C.L., Pasquini (2016)]

55 parity and time-reversal
Phase-space transverse modes Properties under parity and time-reversal [C.L., Pasquini (2016)]

56 Phase-space transverse modes

57 Phase-space transverse modes

58 Phase-space transverse modes

59 Phase-space transverse modes
LU OAM ! [C.L., Pasquini (2011)]

60 Phase-space transverse modes
LU OAM ! [C.L., Pasquini (2011)]

61 Phase-space transverse modes
LU OAM ! [C.L., Pasquini (2011)]

62 Phase-space transverse modes
UL Spin-orbit ! [C.L., Pasquini (2011)]

63 Angular correlations TMDs GPDs Quark polarization Nucleon polarization
[C.L., Pasquini (2016)]

64 5. How to constrain GTMDs

65 Tomography In quantum optics, Wigner distributions are « measured » using homodyne tomography [Lvovski et al. (2001)] [Bimbard et al. (2014)] Idea : measuring projections of Wigner distributions from different directions Exercise 3: Find the 3D hidden picture 3D 2D 2D Binocular vision in phase space !

66 TMDs and GPDs GTMDs TMDs GPDs PDFs FFs Charges
Partial constraints from TMDs and GPDs Straight gauge link Lorentz invariance relations TMDs GPDs Twist-2 TMDs and twist-3 PDFs [Mulders, Tangerman ( )] [Boer, Mulders (1998)] [Goeke et al. (2003)] [Metz, Schweitzer, Teckentrup (2009)] [Kanazawa et al. (2016)] PDFs FFs Twist-2 GTMDs and twist-3 GPDs [Rajan et al. (2016)] [Courtoy, Miramontes (2017)] Charges

67 Possible physical processes
Recently, several observables sensitive to GTMDs have been proposed eA scattering Dijet production Longitudinal SSA pA scattering Double parton scattering (DPS) Ultra-peripheral collions (UPCs) pN scattering Exclusive double Drell-Yan [Hatta, Xiao, Yuan (2016)] [Hatta, Nakagawa, Yuan, Zhao (2016)] [Ji, Yuan , Zhao (2016)] [Hagiwara, Hatta, Xiao, Yuan (2017)] [Hagiwara et al. (2017)] [Bhattacharya, Metz, Zhou (2017)]

68 Lattice calculations Lattice simulation with « large » nucleon momentum Concept of quasi-distributions Pioneer calculation of quark OAM [Hägler et al. ( )] [Ji (2013)] [Engelhardt (2017)] Jaffe-Manohar OAM Ji OAM Jaffe-Manohar OAM Nucleon rapidity

69 Summary

70 Summary GTMDs add information about parton position to TMDs
Concept of phase space exists in QFT Wigner functions have simple relation to OAM Spin structure is richer than nucleon spin budget GTMDs (partially) constrained by experiments and Lattice QCD GTMDs LFWFs GPDs TMDs FFs PDFs

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