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Stiltwalker Redux Adam, C-P, Jeffball DC949.

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Presentation on theme: "Stiltwalker Redux Adam, C-P, Jeffball DC949."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stiltwalker Redux Adam, C-P, Jeffball DC949

2 CAPTCHA Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart

3 Why reCaptcha? Shmoocon Twitter Contest C-P

4 Round 1 Wordlist: 58 Words Colors, Numbers, Vehicles, Days of week, Kitchen Things Captcha 6 words 8 seconds Play me

5 Splitting Words Apart Round 1

6 Neural Network Machine Learning (Supervised)
Similar To Linear Regression Linear Algebra Matrix Operations Not Enough Time To Explain It All

7 How Neural Networks Work
Feature Selection 2048 inputs 1536 hidden nodes 58 outputs 0-2.69 red blue Hz

8 How Neural Networks Work

9 How Neural Networks Work

10 How Neural Networks Work

11 How Neural Networks Work

12 How Neural Networks Work

13 How Neural Networks Work

14 How Neural Networks Work

15 How Neural Networks Work

16 How Neural Networks Work

17 How Neural Networks Work
Feature Selection 2048 inputs 1536 hidden nodes 58 outputs 0-2.69 red blue Hz

18 Initial Accuracy: 99.1% Test run 17338 / 17495 846 in a row

19 Rate Liming By Accuracy ~60% Turing Test? We RZ human

20 Hmm, This Sounds Familiar...
Finite number of challenges The ENTIRE CAPTCHA is repeated Pre-generated or done on-the-fly? ~15 million already solved (61% accuracy)

21 Round 2 Wordlist: 10 possible Digits Captcha 12 digits 12 seconds
3 groups of 4 digits Play me

22 Splitting

23 Fuckit Splitting

24 Neural Network Solver Nothing new here, still works

25 Round 2: 63.18% Test Run 6318 / 10000 More samples = better accuracy
Live for 28 hours

26 Hmm, This Sounds Familiar...
They wouldn't do that again...

27 Round 3 Wordlist: 59 possible words Captcha 6 or 10 words
16/30 seconds Numbers, colors, days, months, animals, misc Play me

28 Splitting

29 Low Frequencies

30 Neural Network Solver SSDD

31 Round 3: 59.5% Test Run 911 / 1531 More samples = better accuracy
Live for 2.5 days

32 Hmm, This Sounds Familiar...
They wouldn't do that again...

33 Round 4 (Current) Wordlist: ?? possible words Captcha 6-12 words
16-36 seconds Impossible to do by manually 0/30 Play me

34 Splitting

35 SoX Noise Reduce

36 Unfinished 0/30 manually No sample data for Neural Network
Unfathomably impossible for humans

37 But wait, there's more: Nucaptcha
Wordlist: 36 words (Digits and Letters) Captcha 3-4 words Repeated twice (8 seconds total) Play me

38 Splitter

39 Neural Network Solver SSDC

40 Nucaptcha: ~93.80% Test Run 106 / 113 Kind of annoying to test
(Not because of behavior analysis) Behavior Analysis Fields Nucaptcha-answer-enter Nucaptcha-answer-exit Nucaptcha-media-download-time Nucaptcha-adserv-download-time

41 Hmm, This Sounds Familiar...
Really small amount of captchas (< 1000) Only repeats on per site basis

42 But wait, there's more: Paypal
Wordlist: 31 words (Digits and Letters) Captcha 5 words Fuckit Splitter NN Solver SSDC Play me

43 Paypal: % Test Run 2291 / 2412

44 But wait, there's more: Securimage
Wordlist: 36 words (Digits and Letters) Captcha 6 words (Many variants) Fuckit Splitter NN Solver SSDC Play me

45 SecureImage: 60.89% Test Run 766 / 1258 More Samples = Better Accuracy

46 But wait, there's more: Slashdot
Wordlist: Huge List Captcha “Word W – O – R – D” Chrome Solver Play me

47 Slashdot: 56.08% Test Run 530 / 945

48 And the worst audio captcha: Davids Summer Communication
Wordlist: 10 (Digits) Captcha 4 digits Chrome Solver 99.95 % 1956 / 1957 Only 10k captchas possible Play me

49 Automated Training Yo dawg, we heard you like Artificial Intelligence, so we put some Genetic Algorithms in your Machine Learning, so you can evolve while you're training

50 Genetic Algorithms Trainer
Test The NN Child Is Better Child Is Worse Combine with Previous Set B and Sort by Certainty Solve Set B Words Using Theta A Train the NN On the Best X% Download Captchas Split Captchas Combine with Previous Set A and Sort by Certainty Child Is Better Solve Set A Words Using Theta B Train the NN On the Best X% Child Is Worse Test The NN

51 Experiment Paypal 31 letters (1 of each possible output)
Before: 12% Accuracy After: 48% Accuracy

52 Code Release Yes, We're Releasing Everything!
All The Code Theta Values

53 Seriously Google Let's have some drinks

54 Questions?

55 Contact Adam @adamOfDc949 C-P
@cps_rants Jeffball @jeffball55

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