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BTEC National (Level 3) in Sport

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1 BTEC National (Level 3) in Sport
Extended Certificate, Foundation Diploma & Diploma

2 What is my btec? BTEC’s are vocational Qualifications which ARE DESIGNED FOR YOU. They provide a route to higher study whilst developing key skills for those looking to go into the workplace Each btec is split into separate units which will enable you to acquire new skills and improve existing ones. Your BTEC can increase and decrease in size based on your requirements as a student

3 Introduction Brand new course started September 2016… you will be the second cohort, the first with the option for a ‘triple’! Different assessment: 1 exam 1 ‘seen scenario’ controlled assessment task All others will be assignments 3 ‘potential’ routes: Extended Certificate (Single Option – 1 A-Level) Diploma (Double Option – 2 A-Levels) Extended Diploma (Triple Option – 3 A-Levels) Exam/scenario task are critical… if you don’t pass these you can’t pass the course. It is a 2-year qualification… there are no opportunities to drop out and still claim an award as you will need to sit both exams in Year 2.

4 The Units Anatomy & Physiology Fitness Training
Unit Name Assessment 1 A-Level 2 A-Level Anatomy & Physiology Exam Yes Fitness Training Controlled Assessment Professional Development Assignments Sports Leadership Fitness Testing Self-Employment in Sport Instructing Gym Exercise Exercise & Circuit Training Sport Injury Management Work Experience

5 How am I assessed? Btecs have a range of assessments. Assignments
Types Set and marked by Format Tasks demonstrate Assignments Your Teacher Verified by Pearson Practical tasks Work-related scenarios Application of knowledge and skills Individually or in teams Tasks Pearson External Markers Everyday scenarios Controlled conditions Some pre-released information Application of learning to common workplace or HE scenarios Exams Pearson External Examiners Practical questions Written responses Confidence with recalling and applying technical information and fundamental knowledge

6 How am I graded? Unit Grade Points Notes D 32 M 20 P 12 N 8 U
Only on externally marked units U Any U’s mean that you won’t be able to Certifcate For Diploma and Extended Diploma please check your Student Handbook Qualification Grade Cert Extended cert Foundation Dip D* 48 90 130 D 42 74 104 M 26 52 73 P 18 36 51 N U

7 What UCAS points will I get?
BTEC Extended Certificate BTEC Foundation Diploma BTEC Certificate

8 Some clear rules Plagarism & Malpractice- Malpractice means acts that undermine the integrity and validity of assessment, the certification of qualifications Process 1) Meeting with parents to explain that this is the last chance.... to do it again would result in disqualification. 2) 1 week extension. 3) Student must resubmit the work

9 Possible Unit Structure
12 Weeks Year 1 () Circuit Training Unit 1 (A&P) – Exam Unit Fitness Testing Instructing Gym Sport Leadership Year 2 () Unit 2 (Fitness Training) – CA Exam Work Experience Prof Dev In Sport Sports Injury Self-Employment

10 Unit Content Much more difficult than ever before! The exam unit is the same difficulty as an A-Level module. If you want to see all of the content that you will be studying it is detailed on Pearson’s website or by following the web address: /BTEC-Nationals/Sport/20161/specification-and- sample-assessments/Specification-Sport-National- Diploma.pdf

11 Pass, Merit & Distinction
Assignments: Have different ‘criteria’ available Pass (P), Merit (M) and Distinction (D) Units: For Pass – Need all pass criteria For Merit – Need all pass & merit criteria For Distinction – Need all pass, merit & distinction criteria Overall Grade: Calculated by adding all of your ‘points’ together from all units You must ‘Pass’ each exam unit to be able to get a final ‘Pass’ grade, or higher, overall

12 BTEC Assignments – Describe, Explain & Analyse
Describe (P) – What Explain (M) – How/Why Analyse (D) – Why Pro’s/Con’s Dis/advantages

13 BTEC Assignments – Describe, Explain & Analyse

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