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a.   Many problems are insurmountable.    

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1 Which of the following statements best describes the philosophy of the Progressives?  
a.   Many problems are insurmountable.     b.   Government should take an active role in reform.     c.   Industrialization changed American society for the better.     d.   Political reforms are more urgently needed than social reforms.  

2 TEKS Objective 5(B) evaluate the impact of muckrakers and reform leaders such as Upton Sinclair, Susan B. Anthony, Ida B. Wells, and W. E. B. DuBois on American society

3 Movement Toward Suffrage
Women in Public Life Movement Toward Suffrage

4 Women at the Turn of the Century
Cult of Domesticity the notion that the proper place for women was in the home as a wife and mother

5 Options for Work Domestic Agricultural Industry
- without formal education or immigrants worked in domestic services -jobs as cooks, laundresses, scrub women, and maids -only jobs open to African American women -Roughly 70% of employed women in 1870 were servants Agricultural Women often worked along side men in the fields in addition to household tasks such as cooking, cleaning, sewing, and laundry. Industry - finding jobs in manufacturing such as textiles -By 1900 one in five women held jobs outside the home

6 Women In Politics 1. 1890 women high school graduates outnumbered men
2. Women were denied participation in politics they often began to strive to reform conditions in the home and work. Led the temperance movements & workplace reform NACW—National Association of Colored Women founded in 1895 managed nurseries, reading rooms, retirement homes, and kindergartens. The NACW became involved in campaigns in favor of women's suffrage, Jim Crow laws, improved education, and care for both children and the elderly. By 1918 it had over 300,000 members.

7 2. Susan B. Anthony was a tireless promoter of women’s suffrage
SUFFRAGE FOR WOMEN Women criticized the 14th and 15th Amendments because the guaranteed equal rights did not apply to them 2. Susan B. Anthony was a tireless promoter of women’s suffrage 3. NAWSA National American Woman Suffrage Association,1890, Alice Paul a Quaker social worker organized a Washington March of 5,000 women She retired and then died in 1900

8 Opposition 1. Liquor industry feared women would vote for prohibition 2. Textile industry worried women would vote to outlaw child labor 3. Men- women’s role were changing

9 Three Part Strategy for Suffrage
1. Convince State Legislatures to grant women the right to vote 2. Women pursued court cases 3. Women pushed for National Constitutional Amendment Susan B And others tried to vote in times in 10 states..SC ruled they were citz but that did not guarantee right to vote

10 Movement Gains Strength
1. Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho & Utah, most states west of the Mississippi gave women at least partial suffrage , 19th Amendment

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