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Super-Loads in Colorado

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1 Super-Loads in Colorado
Presented by Sergeant JD Williams Colorado State Patrol

2 Requirements The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is Responsible for issuing Oversize/Overweight (OSOW) Permits in Colorado. The Colorado State Patrol is the lead agency when a law enforcement escort is required for an OSOW load.

3 Requirements In the beginning of 2011, there were several incidents involving OSOW loads. The most notable incident was a serious injury crash involving an OSOW vehicle stopped on the shoulder of the interstate. In April 2011, CDOT mandated that the Colorado State Patrol escort OSOW loads that met a specific criteria.

4 Requirements Since the Colorado State Patrol has been conducting these escorts, there has not been any serious incidents involving OSOW loads. As of June 2012, CSP has escorted 160 OSOW loads. The troopers who are assigned to these escorts have been trained by the same agency that certifies all pilot car operators in Colorado.

5 Super-Load Law Effective August 10, 2011, Colorado enacted House Bill This created a formalized process to handle Super-Loads in Colorado.

6 What is a Super-Load? A combination vehicle with a weight of five hundred thousand pounds or more that occupies two lanes to haul the load; or An unladen combination vehicle with an expandable, dual-lane transport trailer that occupies two lanes.


8 What is Required HB 11-1163 has specific requirements
The carrier must provide documentation of the gross weight of the load. This must be carried by the driver during the move. The load must be broken down to the smallest possible dimensions. An inspection at the point of origin is required This would be where the load enters the state or where the load originates within the state

9 What is Required – cont. The follow must be verified by the Colorado State Patrol and the Colorado Port of Entry Height, weight, width and length. Number of axles Date of move Correct route Documentation of load weight Use of signs and pilot cars Weight, if the vehicle can be weighed within two hours. These tasks are completed in cooperation between the Colorado State Patrol and the Colorado Port of Entry



12 What is the Purpose The primary reason the CSP assists with the escort of these OSOW vehicles, is to provide a safe, secure environment for everyone on the roads in Colorado The second and equally important reason is the protection of the infrastructure of Colorado.

13 QUESTIONS ?? Sergeant J.D. Williams Colorado State Patrol
Motor Carrier Safety

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