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(All expenses paid by the Army)

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1 (All expenses paid by the Army)
Bavaria Youth Training Extravaganza! Discovery and New Frontiers Programs May 14-18, 2012 Discovery and New Frontiers Programs E/PO coordinated a five-day professional development training for 58 Department of Defense Dependent School teachers and Child, Youth and School Services trainers and educators who teach children of U.S. military personnel Held at the U.S. Army Garrison in Ansbach, Germany, the “Bavaria Youth Technology Lab Training Extravaganza: Space and Astronomy,” or NASA BYTE, offered 20 engaging sessions on topics including astrobiology, solar science, rocketry, robots, comets and asteroids, careers, learning science through art, music and language arts, engineering challenges, running afterschool astronomy clubs, using telescopes, and more DVDs with all training content were distributed to participants, who came from 12 of the 15 European U.S. Army garrisons Potential reach: 36,000 K-12 students NASA trainers were: Shari Asplund, Whitney Cobb, Lou Mayo, Wil Robertson, Jaclyn Allen, Carlton Allen A NASA BYTE Facebook page has been created to share resources and ideas Youth were given a “Space Musical Challenge” to apply what they learn and create video based on “Space School Musical” (All expenses paid by the Army) From the evaluations: “I never thought I could fall in love with science. I have been falling through life confused but this week has been life altering. Now I can see a purpose. Each and every instructor has made such an impact on my life. I will never forget them.” Col. Kelly Lawler, U.S. Army Garrison Ansbach commander: “This curriculum will bring a fun and exciting new era of learning to our children and youth. It is a great professional development opportunity for staff and teachers across Europe.” From the Facebook page: “First clear night...the sky doesn't look the same to me anymore….. #NASABYTEROCKS!” June 25, 2012

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