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Deforestation Now Before Benjamin Cazale Thibault Lacourte 3°3.

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Presentation on theme: "Deforestation Now Before Benjamin Cazale Thibault Lacourte 3°3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deforestation Now Before Benjamin Cazale Thibault Lacourte 3°3

2 Problem The deforestation is an important problem for the planet :
-1 / Species in danger -2 / Desertification -3 / Less and less oxygen 1/ Species in danger : More and more species are in danger because deforestation destroys their habitats . If we don't change our habits , we won't save species in danger 2/ Desertification : If we cut trees, we will create deserts . We must save the forests , we must act now ! 3/ Less and less oxygen : If we cut all trees , we will have less and less oxygen available and this is a very important problem for our life , because oxygen is important for us to live .

3 Solutions Solutions to stop deforestation are very simple :
1/ Recycling : If we recycle old paper , we will stop cutting new trees and this action is important to stop deforestation 3/ Save parcel of forests : If we save parcel of forests , we will create protected area and we can save species and forests 2/ plants : If we plant trees after cutting them , we will save forests and natural habitats of species in danger. 2/ plants : If we plants trees after cut they , we will save forest and nautral habitats of the species in danger

4 We must act Now ! The End

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