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Chapter 17:Progressive Movement Page: 512

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1 Chapter 17:Progressive Movement Page: 512
“Return control of the government to the people” Key Points page: 513—write these down! Goals of Progressive Movement:

2 Key Terms to Chapter 17: Prohibition: Banning of alcohol. Moral improvement. Movement had been in place for 100 years. Major move in 1920. Muckrakers: Journalists who wrote about corruption in business and public life. Trustbuster: Stopping the formation of Monopolies that control business.

3 Laws for Protection of Youth Changed!
Child Labor Laws: Laws for Protection of Youth Changed! “Keating Owen Act 1916” Could not transport goods across state lines if product was made by children under legal working age.

4 Working Laws and Standards Changed:
Maximum work week Hourly pay Maximum work day When working laws changed, it made more time for leisure activities. Workers insurance Minimum Age to work Thought to be a “Socialist” if you wanted the government to set up these rules! (Eugene Debs) Laws were driven by protests throughout history. Changed for good under FDR.

5 Pure Food And Drug Act Changes in Advertising “Truth in Advertising”
Passed in 1906—Teddy Roosevelt big on this.

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