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Why did Khruschev put arms in Cuba? Part 1: Why did the US invade Cuba? L/O: To explain what happened in Cuba in the 1950s and 60s and why this led to.

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Presentation on theme: "Why did Khruschev put arms in Cuba? Part 1: Why did the US invade Cuba? L/O: To explain what happened in Cuba in the 1950s and 60s and why this led to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did Khruschev put arms in Cuba? Part 1: Why did the US invade Cuba?
L/O: To explain what happened in Cuba in the 1950s and 60s and why this led to a US invasion What do we know about Cuba? Where is it? Who rules it? What sort of political system does it have? Who are these men?

2 Cuba Large island 160km to the east of Florida, USA
BEFORE: Old American ally (friend) with huge America naval base It had a pro USA military dictator called General Batista and was given military and financial aid from the US NOW: Cuba is an enemy of the US and Americans and not allowed to visit Cuba, if they do they can be arrested when returning to the US It is a Communist dictatorship run by Fidel Castro (and his brother) No Cuban goods are allowed to be sold in the US and no Cubans may migrate there legally.

3 Who is Fidel Castro? (El Jefe Maximo/El Comandante!)
Castro, born in 1926 and educated in Law, wanted to run in the Cuban elections to run the country! General Bataista took over the Cuban government in 1952 in a military coup Elections planned for 1952 were cancelled Castro decided he too would have to take power by force and attempted to overthrow the government in 1953 – it failed and Castro was sent to jail for 15 years but was released early and fled to Mexico! In 1956 he returned led the Cuban revolution against Batista! Finally in 1959 the guerrilla war was won and Castro became Prime Minister of Cuba! He introduced a Communist system of government and killed, arrested or exiled many of his political enemies! Most Cubans supported him The USA were not happy!

4 How did the USA respond? Tensions grow
What did they do? USA: 1960: The CIA were authorised to investigate ways to overthrow Castro , anti Cuban propaganda and ways to disrupt the Cuban economy! E.g. damaging sugar plantations in Cuba American businesses in Cuba refused to work with any Cuban businesses which used Russian raw material such as oil Anti Castro propaganda broadcast in the US CUBA: Promised that Americans in Cuba were safe and US naval base remained 1960: allied Cuba with USSR through a $100 million trade agreement as well as arms! In January 1961 President JFK (who was elected that year) broke off relations with Cuba April 1961: USA funded an invasion of Cuba by anti Castro exiles! Tensions grow Thousands of exiles from Cuba fled to the USA and put pressure on the government to react to the revolution. Castro took over US businesses in Cuba and re distributed the land amongst his supporters. Plus they were COMMUNIST! On their own door step! (WATCH FIRST 15:45 MINS) FULL DOCUMENTARY ON WEBSITE

5 Your turn: Do some work! Page 102-103 in textbook How did the USA respond to the Cuban revolution?
Recognised new leader Friendly Hostile Task: 1) Note down all the ways the USA reacted towards Cuba from 1959 to 1961 Place them along your scale from friendly to hostile (aggressive) 2) What do you think worried the USA the most during this time? 3) Do you think the USA reacted in an understandable manner? Explain your answer! 4) Answer questions 1-3 from the source analysis questions on page 102. (if time )

6 The Bay of Pigs NEXT WEEK!

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