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FlawInspecta Toolbox components

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1 FlawInspecta Toolbox components
15 March 2013

2 Receive FlexRIO + NI5752

3 DSL32T – Adapter Module 32 transmit channels Routing Control
Independent HV pulsers Programmable sequence 3-level pulsers External HV power Routing HV PSU to muxers Power to muxers Control 3way SPI multiplexing

4 DSL32R – Adapter Module 32channels Routing Control Tx/Rx protection
Low noise pre-amplifiers Routing HV PSU to muxers Power to muxers 4 pulsers for FRD-only External clock to digitizer Control 3way SPI multiplexing

5 DSLHPS – PXI/PXIe card High voltage PSUs 4 channel Pulsers Routing
Dual tracking for pulsers Dual for muxers HV bias 4 channel Pulsers Used for FRD-only Routing External clock to digitizer Power to 32R (& muxers) Mechanical Mounting for 32R

6 NI5752 – Adapter Module 32 channel digitizer Routing Control
Digitally-controlled swept gain -5dB to 32dB (0.125dB steps) Programmable filtering 12bit sampling at 50MSPS Routing 32 channels from DSL32R External clock from DSL32R Digital control to DSL32R Control 3way SPI multiplexing

Digital control to/from DSL32R from/to NI5752 (or DSL32T) Timing signals to the 4 pulsers on DSLHPS SPI control of: DSLHPS Rx DSL32Ms Tx DSL32Ms for FRD-only

32 channel analogue signals from DSL32R to NI5752 digitizer

9 DSLSSI - Cable Single SMB-SMB
External sample clock signal from DSL32R to NI5752 digitizer

10 DSLE26 - Cable 26 way power and signal I/F
Link cable from DSL32R to DSL32T SPI muxer control

11 DSL32M – multiplexer module
Each DSL32M has 32 independent high voltage bi-directional switches Stackable with daisy chain SPI control External SPI for array ID 4off (shown) needed to multiplex 32 channels to 128 element array (Tx and/or Rx)

12 DSL32A – Generic Array Interface
Generic 160way array interface to 128way Tx Interface 128way Rx Interface 128way interfaces are either pluggable for muxer stack or via N DSLX50s for N x 32 channels in parallel

13 DSLTFO – multiplexer module
DSL32M extension used for FRD-only systems Routing from DSLE26 HV PSU to muxers Power to muxers 4 pulsers to muxers

14 DSLE50 - Cable 32channel signal I/F SPI muxer control
Extension cable from DSL32T or DSL32R to DSL32M multiplexers

15 DSLX50 - Cable 32channel signal I/F SPI muxer control
Extension cable from DSL32T or DSL32R to DSL32A array interface (same as DSLX50 but with flying socket orientation reversed)

16 DSLFIZ – FlawInspecta Array Interface
Interconnect from DSL standard 156way ZIF FlawInspecta socket to DSL32A generic 160way array interface

17 DSLFIH – Hypertronics Array Interface
Interconnect from Hypertronics 160way array socket to DSL32A generic 160way array interface

18 DSL16B – 16 Channel Interface
Interconnect from 16 BNC sockets to DSL32A generic 160way array interface

19 Chassis option #1 – 5 usable slots
Laptop + MXI interface Laptop provides processor and also keyboard, display, storage and networking PXIe-1073 for 2 PXIe + 3 hybrid slots PXI-1033 for 5 PXI slots

20 Chassis option #2 – 3 usable slots
Embedded controller (e.g. PXIe-8133 shown) Needs external display, keyboard, mouse, etc. PXIe-1071 has 3 hybrid slots

21 Chassis option #3 – 8 usable slots
Embedded controller Needs external display, keyboard, mouse, etc. PXIe-1078 has 5 PXIe + 3 hybrid slots

22 Chassis option #4 – 17 usable slots
Embedded controller Needs external display, keyboard, mouse, etc. PXIe-1078 has 8 PXIe + 8 hybrid slots including 1 PXIe Timing slot

23 128 element - 32Tx/32Rx Supports
Beamformed Tx FRD (FMC+TFM) Generic interface to allow interchange between a variety of array connectors and pinouts

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