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Parent Population intrinsic observed
Low frequency no beaming effects Nuclear properties different since are affected by beaming but in agreement if we compare intrinsic values.
The correlation between the optical and radio nuclear flux density in FR I implies common synchrotron origin and no dust torus BL Lacs show the same correlation in agreement with Unified Models. The shift is due to the different boosting BL Lacs Chiaberge et al. 1999 FR I
BL Lacs Chiaberge et al. 1999 FR I Our sample Corrected for the Doppler factor BL Lacs observed
A correlation between X-ray and radio is expected if there is a fundamental
connection between accretion flows and jets. Merloni et al showed that the sources define a FP in the three-dimensional space: log LR, log LX, log MBH. They used AGN and X-ray binaries (SMBH and BH) but not BL Lacs because of beaming
observed intrinsic FP relation FP relation Observed BL Lacs properties do not follow the FP, but if we plot intrinsic properties we note a general agreement even if the large data dispersion and the separation between HBL and LBL suggest secondary effects (velocity structures and/or correlation between jet velocity and source properties)
The Chandra view of the 3C/FRI sample. I
X-ray cores are ubiquitous in FR I, just like the optical cores.
The Chandra view of the 3C/FRI sample. II
A very strong correlation emerges between the radio/optical and the X-ray cores in FRI radio-galaxies.
Summarizing: Chandra observations of FR I radio-galaxies provide further support for the jet scenario and not only based on the strong radio/optical/X-ray correlations. Spectral indices have values similar to proper counterpart of jet dominated sources (LBL). They also show the evolution expected from beaming and the same luminosity evolution of BL Lac. Measurements of radio/optical and X-ray nuclei represents a unique tool to explore the properties of AGN.
Tests of radio galaxy/quasar unification
The relative numbers of FR2 RGs and Qs (about 2:1 => half-cone angle of ~45 degrees) should be related to the size of the un-obscured cone angle hence can calculate by what factor the radio sizes of Qs should be smaller than RGs. The results are mixed but do not rule anything out. If the quasar nucleus is hidden by dust the intercepted energy should be re-radiated in the FIR. Qs and RGs should have same FIR luminosity. Seems just about ok
Tests continued Broad lines should be detectable in narrow line RGs – either in scattered polarized light or in the IR. Some examples of both are seen as well as some UV broad lines (e.g. Cygnus A) Narrow emission lines well away from the torus should have the same luminosity in RGs and Qs of intrinsically the same power. [OIII] is stronger in Qs (Jackson and Browne) [OII] is the same (Hes et al.) The Q luminosity function should be a “beamed” version of the RG one (Urry and Padovani)
Correlations -- Radio If jets are relativistic, some “unification” is inevitable. What’s the evidence for relativistic jets? Superluminal motion (rarely measurable in RGs) Jet asymmetry (X-ray jets seen with Chandra need relativistic motion to give enough IC emission) Laing– Garrington effect Even in radio galaxies, the side of the source with the jet is less depolarized => Jet asymmetry arises from orientation and hence they are relativistic. Inserire paper2 bl-lacs
Radio map of 3C175
CHANDRA X-Ray Jet in Pictor-A
Unification across the FR1/FR2 boundary?
There does seem to be a real distinction between FR1s and FR2s: Radio structure Radio luminosity Optical emission line properties Cosmological evolution But the non-thermal emission is similar in both Also FR2s could possibly evolve into FR1s There is no strong evidence against this (Unification by time?)
FR2s evolving into FR1s? Assume:
FR2s are objects with relativistic jets that reach the full extent of the radio source That the distance that jets can travel at relativistic speeds depends on jet power; high power jets make it further out. Then young small sources of a given jet power will be FR2s, but as they grow and get older they will become FR1s Some crossing of the FR boundary with time for lower-power objects. (N.B. There are some FR2s with weak emission lines which when beamed may become BL Lacs)
Apparenza AGN dipende da angolo rispetto a linea di vista
Toro oscurante – nasconde AGN e BLR in type 2 AGN Jet relativistico: doppler boosting Esistenza toro: Ionization cones BLR polarizzate in oggetti tipo 2 Emissione continua visto da oggetti tipo 2 puo’ non essere sufficiente a ionizzare NLR Soft X-ray absorption in oggetti tipo 2 Radio free-free absorption Non esistenza toro: correlazione Pcore e nucleo ottico in FR I In accordo con assenza righe Bl-Lacs
Wider Unification Stimulated by the discovery of polarized broad lines in a Seyfert 2 (narrow-line Seyfert) by Antonucci and Miller (1985,ApJ,297,621), in the mid 1980s the optical community realized that AGN were not spherically symmetric and that orientation effects were important. There emerged the standard model the key ingredient of which is the “obscuring torus” which hides the inner part of all AGN (BLR plus disk emission), both radio-quiet and radio-loud
Accretion Disk+Black Hole
The Structure of AGN Seyfert 1 Narrow Line Region Torus Central Engine: Accretion Disk+Black Hole Seyfert 2 Broad Line Region
Seyfert 1 – Seyfert 2 Intrinsically same except for obscuration ?
So now take only unobscured objects!
Seyfert 1 - Quasars Similar spectra and line ratios,
strong UV flux to excite lines, probably similar L/LEdd ~ Increasing L Increasing M
Evidence for the standard model
More hidden BLR seen in scattered (polarized) light. Ionization cones. Though many claimed not many are convincing Photoionization considerations – some Seyfert 2s do not have enough ionization photons seen to give the NLR luminosity Molecular disks, particularly NGC4258
Ionization cone in NGC 5728 If ionizing photons are blocked by the torus then one expects to see cones delineating the boundary.
In S2 vediamo continuo e BLR solo se riflesse, da nubi, materiale
ionizzato o altro S1 BLR riflessa S2
X-ray ionization cones
Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC5252 OIII ionization cones X-ray ionization cones Tadhunter & Tsvetanov, Nature, 1989 Wilson & Tsvetanov, 1994 Camilla Boschieri, tesi di laurea
Young radio sources Powerful in radio band (P1.4 GHz > 1025 W/Hz);
1. Introduction Young radio sources Powerful in radio band (P1.4 GHz > 1025 W/Hz); Compact size (LS < 15 – 20 kpc): Spectral peak ~ 100 MHz to a few GHz; Heavily depolarized; High fraction in flux-density limited catalogues (15% – 30% )
1. Introduction The peak frequency Turnover
Linear size - turnover CSS GPS HFP LLS < 15 - 20 kpc
1. Introduction Linear size - turnover HFP GPS CSS LLS < kpc t ~ 50 – 100 MHz CSS LLS < 1 kpc t ~ 1 GHz GPS LLS ~ 10 pc t 4 GHz HFP The smaller the source, the higher the turnover frequency
Linear size The radio sources completely resides within the
1. Introduction Linear size The radio sources completely resides within the Insterstellar medium (ISM) of the host galaxy Compact Symmetric Objects (CSO) LS < 1 kpc (<0.1”), within the NLR; Medium Symmetric Objects (MSO) LS < 15 – 20 kpc (<1”)
High resolution observations!
1. Introduction High resolution observations! MSO: VLA 21 cm; 3.6 cm
High resolution observations!
1. Introduction High resolution observations! CSO: VLBI 21 cm; 3.6 cm VLBA EVN
1. Introduction Morphology Scaled-down version of the classical Extended Doubles: they should represent the young stage in radio source evolution Hot spots Core 150 kpc 7 pc 350 pc Core HS HS Core 4.5 kpc HS Core
Why are they so compact? Youth scenario: Frustration scenario: Compact
1. Introduction Why are they so compact? Youth scenario: Frustration scenario: Compact Young Baldwin 82, Fanti+ 95, Readhead+ 96, Snellen+ 00….. Compact Frustrated van Breugel+ 84, Baum+ 90
Youth: Proper motion B0710+439 LS tkin ~ ~ 103 yr!! vsep vsep= 0.3c
1. Introduction Youth: Proper motion B Polatidis&Conway 03 vsep= 0.3c Young Hot spots Core LS vsep ~ 103 yr!! tkin ~
Youth: Proper motion B2352+495 vsep = 0.12c tkin ~ 3·103 yr
1. Introduction Youth: Proper motion B Core Hot-Spot vsep = 0.12c tkin ~ 3·103 yr Owsianik et al. 1998
Kinematic age Polatidis&Conway 03
1. Introduction Kinematic age Polatidis&Conway 03 The kinematic ages derived for a dozen of the most compact (≤100 pc) CSOs are in the range of 103 – 104 yr, much shorter than the ages estimated for the largest (up to a few Mpc) radio galaxies.
Youth: Spectral analysis
1. Introduction Youth: Spectral analysis B , Murgia 2003 From the break frequency br we can derive the radiative age, once the magnetic field is known! trad br-1/2 H-3/2 From br in the lobes: trad ~ 103 yr
Youth: spectral analysis
1. Introduction Youth: spectral analysis B
1. Introduction Youth: radiative age trad ~ 103 yr
The “frustration” scenario
1. Introduction The “frustration” scenario Compact Frustrated Observations from IR to X-ray searching for an excess of dust, and cold, warm and hot gas did not provide evidence of a particularly dense environment. Fanti+ 00, Siemiginowska+ 05 Indirect support to the youth scenario
1. Introduction Sample selection The selection of young sources cannot be based on the morphological properties. Samples are selected on the basis of the spectral shape and the peak frequency This implies the selection of both galaxies and quasars, with different proportion depending on the peak frequency and luminosity.
Sample selection High frequency/luminosity selected sample
1. Introduction Sample selection High frequency/luminosity selected sample Higher fraction of quasars Low frequency/luminosity selected sample Higher fraction of galaxies
2. Radio properties Introduction 3. Source evolution
4. Physical properties 5. The ambient medium
Radio properties Flux density and spectral variability;
Radio morphology; Polarization.
2. Radio properties Variability Young radio sources should not possess significant amount of variability because they should be intrinsically compact. No beaming effects!!
2. Radio properties Variability…..galaxies Simultaneous multifrequency observations at various epochs do not show remarkable changes in young radio sources identified with GALAXIES
2. Radio properties Variability…..galaxies Simultaneous multifrequency observations at various epochs do not show remarkable changes in young radio sources identified with GALAXIES
2. Radio properties Variability….quasars A significant fraction of compact sources identified with QUASARS high level of variability are present.
2. Radio properties Variability….quasars A significant fraction of compact sources identified with QUASARS high level of variability are present.
2. Radio properties Morphology…galaxies GALAXIES have a “symmetric” structure, where symmetric means “two-sided” 500 pc Core HS
2. Radio properties Morphology…quasars A large fraction of QUASARS have a Core-Jet or a Complex structure. Complex Core-Jet Rossetti et al. 2005
Polarization properties
2. Radio properties Polarization properties LS < 6 kpc Fanti et al. 2004 Unpolarized at 1.4 GHz Cotton et al. 2003 LS < 3 kpc Unpolarized at 8.4 GHz
2. Radio properties Faraday screen
2. Radio properties Rotation Measure CSS with LLS > 5 kpc are polarized with H // to the jet axis CSS with LLS < 5 kpc have high RM GPS and HFP galaxies are usually unpolarized HFP quasars are strongly polarized
Galaxies vs quasars The different characteristics shown by GPS/HFP
2. Radio properties Galaxies vs quasars The different characteristics shown by GPS/HFP with different optical identification are consistent with the idea that GPS/HFP galaxies and quasars represent two different radio source populations: Galaxies Compact sources Quasars Beamed objects
…with some exceptions J0650+6001 Quasar z=0.45 vsep = 0.39c±0.18c
2. Radio properties …with some exceptions J Quasar z=0.45 vsep = 0.39c±0.18c tkin = 360±170 yr
The quasar J0650+6001 vi=0.43c±0.04c 12 < θ < 28
2. Radio properties The quasar J From the source expansion: From the flux density ratio: vi=0.43c±0.04c 12 < θ < 28
The quasar J1459+3337 t ~ 50 yr Rapid evolution of radio emission
2. Radio properties The quasar J Rapid evolution of radio emission peak moves to low frequency - from 24 to 12 GHz in 7 yr variability of the spectrum - in the optically-thick part of the spectrum the flux density increases as the source expands t ~ 50 yr
3. Source evolution Introduction 2. Radio properties
4. Physical properties 5. The ambient medium
Evolutionary stages Higher peak frequency Smaller linear size
3. Source evolution Evolutionary stages Murgia 2003 Higher peak frequency Smaller linear size Younger the source
? Evolutionary stages HFP GPS CSS FR I/II HFP GPS CSS
3. Source evolution Evolutionary stages HFP GPS CSS ? HFP GPS CSS FR I/II
Too many young radio sources!
3. Source evolution Too many young radio sources! Young radio sources represent 15% - 30% of the objects in flux density-limited catalogues. The fraction expected on the basis of the source age is much smaller!! Young Old 103-4 yr 107-8 yr ~ 0.01%
3. Source evolution Luminosity evolution The radio sources should decrease in luminosity by an order of magnitude as they evolve (Fanti et al. 1995). The ambient medium enshrouding the radio source should play a role in the source evolution (Baldwin 1982)
Luminosity evolution…
3. Source evolution Luminosity evolution… If the thrust of each relativistic jet is balanced by the ram-pressure of the surrounding medium: Velocity: Assuming equipartition, the luminosity is: 1/2 Pj v nextmpcA L Pj t V3/7 7/4 Energy density: u Pj t V
…in a King-like density profile
3. Source evolution …in a King-like density profile - /2 r2 next n0 1 + r02 r < r0 (like CSO) r > r0 (like MSO) v t 2 - 4 - v t-1/2 2 + L t5/8 L t 16 - 4
3. Source evolution Luminosity evolution L t 5/8 L t -1/2
CSS evolvono in radio sorgenti piu’ deboli, questo risolve
il problema del loro numero apparentemente troppo elevato FR II FR I limite osserv. per giganti
A survey of low‐luminosity compact sources and its implication for the evolution of radio‐loud active galactic nuclei – I. Radio data (a) Luminosity–size diagram for AGNs. (b) Luminosity–redshift diagram for AGNs. Squares indicate CSS sources from the samples: grey squares, Fanti et al. (2001); black squares, Marecki et al. (2003a); empty squares, Laing et al. (1983). The diamonds indicate GPS objects and small black squares indicate HFP objects from the sample of Labiano et al. (2007). The filled circles indicate FR I objects and open circles indicate FR IIs from the sample of Laing et al. (1983). The crosses indicate the current sample of LLC sources, except for the source with the redshift indicated as ‘d’. © This slide is made available for non-commercial use only. Please note that permission may be required for re-use of images in which the copyright is owned by a third party. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Volume 408, Issue 4, pages , 30 SEP 2010 DOI: /j x 73
A survey of low‐luminosity compact sources and its implication for the evolution of radio‐loud active galactic nuclei – I. Radio data Evolutionary scheme of radio‐loud AGNs. © This slide is made available for non-commercial use only. Please note that permission may be required for re-use of images in which the copyright is owned by a third party. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Volume 408, Issue 4, pages , 30 SEP 2010 DOI: /j x 74
Fading radio sources Young but fading objects?
3. Source evolution Fading radio sources Despite the luminosity evolution, young objects are still too many Gugliucci et al. 2005 The age distribution sharply peaks below 500 yr Young but fading objects?
PKS 1518+047: a study case tsyn = 2700±600 yr
3. Source evolution PKS : a study case tsyn = 2700±600 yr Neither injection nor acceleration of new particles! tOFF = 550±100 yr
Recurrent activity? Low accretion rate: 103 yr
3. Source evolution Recurrent activity? The large fraction of young radio sources may be explained assuming the existence of short-lived objects with intermittent activity. Recurrent activity may be caused by radiation pressure instability within the accretion disk (Czerny et al. 2009). Low accretion rate: 103 yr Eddington accretion rate: 108 yr
FIRST 33Myr 0836+29B 4C29.30 100Myr A galaxy merger >200Myr
Jamrozy et al. 2007 FIRST 33Myr 25 kpc Van Breugel et al. 1986 VLA A+B at 20cm B 4C29.30 A galaxy merger 100Myr Jamrozy et al. 2007
only flat spectrum component
Core – most compact only flat spectrum component 4 10 yrs 1 kpc VLA – A array at 6 cm
core 15 yrs 70 yrs Strong outburst after 1990 Jamrozy et al. 2007
2005.8 core 15 yrs 5 pc 1 kpc 70 yrs Strong outburst after 1990 Jamrozy et al. 2007
Fossils from the past On kpc scales: J0111+3906: 128 kpc
3. Source evolution Fossils from the past On kpc scales: J : 128 kpc trelic ~ 107–108 yr On pc-scales: J : 50 pc OQ208: 43 pc trelic ~ 103 – 104 yr
4. Physical properties Introduction 2. Radio properties
3. Source evolution 4. Physical properties 5. The ambient medium
Physical properties The knowledge of the physical properties
occurring during the first stages of the radio emission is fundamental in order to determine the initial conditions to be used in the development of the evolutionary models!!
Spectral peak SSA in a homogeneous component: β = 2.5
4. Physical properties Spectral peak Optically thin Optically thick Radiative losses Log Log S() SSA in a homogeneous component: β = 2.5 SSA is present BY DEFAULT!
Magnetic field In the presence of SSA from homogeneous component:
4. Physical properties Magnetic field In the presence of SSA from homogeneous component: Vm = FB1/5Sm2/5θ-4/5(1+z)1/5 GHz F funzione dipende da indice spettrale energia
Are young objects in equipartition?
4. Physical properties Are young objects in equipartition? In case of equipartition: Heq (1+k)2/7 -2/7 P2/7 V-2/7 Pacholczyk 1970 Heq HSSA Orienti&Dallacasa 08
Are young objects in equipartition?
4. Physical properties Are young objects in equipartition? In case of equipartition: Heq (1+k)2/7 -2/7 P2/7 V-2/7 Pacholczyk 1970 Heq HSSA Orienti&Dallacasa 08 with some exceptions…
SSA or Free-Free Absorption?
4. Physical properties SSA or Free-Free Absorption? Optically-thick part of the spectrum is too steep to be described by SSA only. Addition of FFA is needed!!! HSSA cannot be derived
Inhonogeneous ambient medium!
4. Physical properties SSA or FFA? FFA SSA Inhonogeneous ambient medium!
5. The ambient medium Introduction 2. Radio properties
3. Source evolution 4. Physical properties 5. The ambient medium
The ambient medium The onset of radio 4C 31.04 activity is currently
thought to be related to merger/accretion events occurring in the host galaxy and which fill the central region of fuel for the AGN 4C 31.04
4C31.04: a CSO z = 0.06 S1.4 GHz = 2.5 Jy P1.4 GHz = 2.4 x 1025 W/Hz
MH=-23.6 (Perlman et al. 2001) 1 mas/yr = 5.4 c (H0 = 50 km sec-1 Mpc-1)
VLBA @ 5 GHz, epoch July 2000 (10 mas = 15 pc)
Expansion... results. DE ~ 0.4 mas DW ~ 0.5 mas DT = 5 yr v ~ 0.5 c
age ~ 500 yr
Rich environment High incidence of ionized gas (FFA);
5. The ambient medium Rich environment As a consequence of the merger, the medium enshrouding the radio source should be rich and dense of gas High incidence of ionized gas (FFA); Highly depolarized sources; High detection rate (~40%)of molecular gas (CO) in emission (Mack+ 09);
5. The ambient medium The ambient medium The jet is piercing its way through the dense medium left by the merger 4C 31.04, Conway 03
The HI in young radio sources
5. The ambient medium The HI in young radio sources Larger incidence than what found in extended galaxies (~10%, Morganti et al. 2001)
The HI in young radio sources
5. The ambient medium The HI in young radio sources Anti-correlation between linear size LS and the column density NHI (Pihlström et al. 2003, Gupta et al. 2006)
The HI in young radio sources
5. The ambient medium The HI in young radio sources Circumnuclear disk/torus with a radiaclly decreasing density profile Mundell et al. 2003
The molecular gas Disk structure Symmetric Doubled-peak profile
5. The ambient medium The molecular gas Symmetric Doubled-peak profile Disk structure Mdisk ~ 1.4·1010 M○ Ocaña-Flaquer et al 2010
The molecular gas HCO+ (1-0) CO (2-1) Unsettled disk?
5. The ambient medium The molecular gas HCO+ (1-0) CO (2-1) Asymmetric doubled-peak profiles Unsettled disk? Mdisk ~ 5·109 M○ …and the absorption? Garcia-Burillo+ 08
VLBI observations Central disk HI detected against the whole source
5. The ambient medium VLBI observations , Peck+ 99 HI detected against the whole source Central disk v = 350 km/s NH 2x1023 cm –2 (Ts = 8000 K)
VLBI observations Off-nuclear cloud
5. The ambient medium VLBI observations , Maness+04 HI detected only against the southern hot spot Off-nuclear cloud v = 540 km/s NH 2x1020 cm –2 (Ts = 100 K)
VLBI observations Off-nuclear cloud
5. The ambient medium VLBI observations 4C 12.50 HI located ~100 pc from the core, where the jet bends Morganti+ 04 Off-nuclear cloud v = 150 km/s NH 1022 cm –2 (Ts = 100 K) Mcl ~ 106 M○
Jet-cloud interaction?
5. The ambient medium Jet-cloud interaction? Jet-cloud interaction may influence the source growth, for example slowing down the jet expansion and enhancing its luminosity! Labiano+ 06
Jet-cloud interaction
5. The ambient medium Jet-cloud interaction 4C 12.50 Shallow, broad and blue-shifted component Morganti+ 04 Outflow! v 2000 km/s NH 2.6x1021 cm –2 (Ts = 1000 K)
Outflows Δv ~ 2000 km/s τ ~ 0.005 NHI ~ 8·1020 cm-2
5. The ambient medium Outflows OQ 208, Orienti+ 06 Δv ~ 2000 km/s τ ~ 0.005 NHI ~ 8·1020 cm-2 Amounts of gas are expelled from the host galaxy!!
Fast outflows of atomic gas
5. The ambient medium Fast outflows of atomic gas Large receiver WSRT 7 CSOs detected Mrate ~50 M○/yr Morganti+05
Fast outflows of ionized gas
5. The ambient medium Fast outflows of ionized gas Giant outflows of ionized gas detected only in galaxies hosting a young radio source Complex line profile O[III] v ~ 2000 km/s Blueshift Holt+ 08
5. The ambient medium Outflows Jet-cloud interaction may influence both the source growth and the properties of the ISM. Outflows of ionized and atomic gas found only in galaxies hosting a young radio sources, implying a higher probability that jet-ISM interaction takes place in such objects!!
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