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Dawie Maree Senior Economist 26 August 2014

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1 Dawie Maree Senior Economist 26 August 2014
Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill: Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance Dawie Maree Senior Economist 26 August 2014

2 About Agri SA Agri South Africa is a federal organisation which promotes, on behalf of its members, the sustainability, profitability and stability of agricultural through its involvement and input on national and international level Represent farmers through: 9 provincial unions 24 commodity organisations Involvement and input on national and international level Representing also TAU SA, Potatoes SA

3 Contribution to SA’s GDP(%)
Sector 1946 1976 1996 2005 2013 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Mining and quarrying 10.5 6.1 10.1 3.6 5.9 2.7 6.4 2.4 9.2 Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water Construction (Contractors) 15.1 1.7 1.9 20.7 2.3 4.3 17.2 2.8 16.2 2.0 2.1 11.6 3.0 3.7 Wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation Transport, storage and communication Finance, insurance, real-estate and business services Community, social and personal services General government services 15.5 8.7 8.9 17.3 9.9 11.7 8.3 11.4 12.0 7.8 14.2 19.2 14.5 12.1 8.4 18.6 13.3 16.6 21.5 23.1 17.1 Source: SA Reserve Bank, Mar 2014

4 Agriculture’s linkages with the rest of the economy
Backward linkages Purchases of goods such as fertilizers, chemicals and implements Forward linkages Supply of raw materials to industry and the food supply chain in general Approximately 70 percent of agricultural output is used as intermediary products in other sectors

5 Agriculture’s linkages with the rest of the economy
GDP multiplier for agriculture is (Mullins, 2004) Increase of one rand in agric production will result in an R increase in the GDP of the country. On par with the GDP multiplier for the total average economy of 1.58. Labour multiplier of outweighs all other sectors (Mullins, 2004) Well above the same multiplier for the economy as a whole of

6 SARS/Treasury proposal - Impact
SARS/National Treasury proposed to repeal the zero rating of agricultural inputs Section 11(1)(g), Schedule 1 Paragraph 7(a) and Part A of Schedule 2 of the VAT Act (1991) Consultations Reasons Fraud resulting in misuse of the VAT103 certificates

7 Realities of the sector
Seasonality of production Cash flow considerations Financing of VAT for a period of time Compliance and associated costs

8 Expenditure on intermediate goods and services (2013)

9 Expenditure on intermediary goods and services, interest, labour and investment in vehicles, machinery and implements 2012 R’million 2013 % Change Farming services Building and fencing materials Fuel Dips and sprays Electricity Insurance Maintenance and repairs Fertiliser Packing material Seed and plant material Farm feed Total: Intermediary goods and services Labour costs Interest Gross Investment: Vehicles, machinery, implements 6.8 9.1 7.3 9.0 11.0 12.0 11.7 6.1 9.8 8.2 8.9 5.9 8.8 Die besteding aan intermediêre goedere en dienste het met ongeveer 10% gestyg tot R miljoen gedurende 2006/07. Die besteding aan boerderydienste (10,8%), brandstof (10,4%), mistowwe (28,9%) en veevoer (11,5%) behels die items wat die grootste stygings in 2006/07 getoon het. Die besteding aan rentekoste het toegeneem vanaf R3 898 miljoen in 2005/06 tot R3 937 miljoen gedurende 2006/07 - 'n geringe styging van 1%. Source: DAFF

10 International situation of agriculture
Peculiar nature of agriculture recognised in various other countries Support for agriculture in various forms EU CAP Producer Support Estimates (PSE’s)

11 The Producer Support Estimate (PSE) is an indicator of the annual monetary value of gross transfers from consumers and taxpayers to support agricultural producers, measured at farm gate level, arising from policy measures, regardless of their nature, objectives or impacts on farm production or income.

12 Producer Support Estimates as % of gross farm receipts, 2010-12 average
OECD Members Emerging Economies Producer Support Estimates, 2013

13 Role of agriculture in South Africa
National Development Plan Job creation Rural economic development State of the Nation Address Risks Natural/climate International and local economic situation Policy uncertainty

14 Food security / affordability
Unintended consequences Needs more scrutiny Availability of finance to farmers Production decisions Supply results

15 Problem statement Not convinced that zero ratio is root cause of the problem Cost-benefit analysis of the proposal to repeal the zero rating of agricultural inputs

16 Recommendations / Alternatives
Propose some alternatives Verification and audit of VAT103 certificates in conjunction with organised agriculture; Additional field on VAT201 forms for zero rated inputs; In the case of fraudulent activities, SARS can make full use of the law and organised agriculture will support it Representative vendors to undertake VAT-duties

17 Conclusion Neutrality of tax system Can’t compare a biologically driven sector with other sectors of the economy System of zero rating is of real importance to the sector

18 Dawie Maree 012 643 3400 076 376 9254
Thank you Dawie Maree

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