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Developing Sidedress N Recommendations for Corn in Central PA

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Sidedress N Recommendations for Corn in Central PA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Sidedress N Recommendations for Corn in Central PA
using a Crop Circle ACS-210 John Schmidt Adam Dellinger Doug Beegle ARS and Penn State

2 Background Improving N recommendations for corn
Sidedressing N is common in PA Many fields with a manure history Spatial variability in relief, aspect, soil water content

3 Field selection – 2005 State College area, four fields Previous crop
Corn, Soybean, Soybean with manure history, Alfalfa Soil pH: 5.5 – 6.2 Soil P (M3): 17 – 101 mg kg-1 Soil K (M3): 93 – 160 mg kg-1

4 Treatment design Whole plot, 30 x 105 ft Control
50 lb acre-1 N as NH4NO3 Manure, 115 – 165 lb acre-1 total N Split-plot, 30 x 15 ft 250 lb acre-1 N as NH4NO3 at planting 20, 40, 80, 120, and 160 lb acre-1 N as NH4NO3 at sidedress Four Blocks

5 Sensor Sensor Crop Circle ACS-210 Plant Canopy Reflectance
Emission Bands: 590 and 880 nm Two detectors: 400 – 680 nm, 800 – 1100 nm Sensor Crop Circle ACS-210 Plant Canopy Reflectance Emission Bands: 590 and 880 nm Two detectors: 400 – 680 nm, 800 – 1100 nm

6 Data collection 8 samples per second Simultaneously georeferenced
Trimble Pro XRS GPS and TSCe Field Device 24 – 32 inch sensor height Weekly, June 8 – July 12 Data collection

7 Data collection Grain yield PSNT from the control
SPAD readings at sidedress Leaf tissue at silking Stalk nitrate test, selected trts Data collection

8 Grain yield response – Corn after corn
EONR = 94 EONR = 73 EONR = 124 $0.30 / lb N $2 / bu corn

9 Grain yield response – Corn after soybean
EONR = 43 EONR = 0 EONR = 54

10 Grain yield response – Corn after alfalfa

11 Grain yield response – Corn after soybean
(manure history)

12 EONR (Economic Optimum N Rate)
Previous crop Whole plot trt EONR (lb N / acre) Corn Control 94 50 lb N / acre 73 Manure 124 Soybean 43 54 Alfalfa Soybean (manure history)

13 NDVI, Corn after corn, Control (whole plot)
June 24 N applied

14 NDVI, Corn after corn, Control (whole plot)

15 NDVI, NDVIratio and SPADratio

16 EONR as a function of NDVI ratio

17 NDVIratio compared to SPAD ratio, June 21

18 EONR as a function of NDVIratio or SPAD ratio
June 21

19 Summary First year of results in PA
Sensor was effective at those sites requiring N fertilizer NDVI ratio was correlated to SPAD ratio NDVI ratio was better correlated to EONR than SPAD ratio

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