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Year 2 Curriculum Afternoon Mrs Read

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1 Year 2 Curriculum Afternoon Mrs Read

2 FOREST SCHOOL including science link
Timetable 11-12 Mon EARLY MORNING WORK Whole school Assembly English/RE Phonic starter BREAK TIME Handwriting Maths LUNCH TIME Register Maths Fluency SCIENCE IT Tues Infant English FOREST SCHOOL including science link Mrs Stuart Wed Class prayer RE Times tables test 1-1.40 Spelling test R.W.I 1.40-2 Singing 2-2.20 BREAK Topic Thur Challenge 10 Library Topic/Art/DT Mrs King Fri Maths Investigation P.E. 2.20-3 3pm Achievement assembly

3 Classroom responsibilities
The Classroom Book corner Resources area Prayer corner Links to learning Prayer book R.E books to select Prayer monitors Classroom rules Reminders on walls Dojo point system Classroom responsibilities Job posters 2 week rotation

4 English Mon & Tues – speed sounds Wed-Fri – Read Write Inc. sessions
Handwriting practise Spelling test linked to Read, Write Inc group Writing features covered: Full stops and capital letters Use of adjectives to describe appearance and emotion Use of subordination to join sentences- and, but, when, because etc Expanded noun phrases to add interest Adverbs for detail Inverted commas for dialogue Different sentence openers

5 Mathematics Counting patterns 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s and 10’s as times tables and from any number. Ordering and comparing numbers < or > or = Place value HTO – partitioning and combining. Calculation using all 4 operations. Time – o’clock, half past, quarter past/to and 5 minute intervals. Money – calculating amounts and giving change. Shape – 2D and 3D names and properties including symmetry. Measures – length, mass and capacity with standard units. Problem solving and reasoning.

6 Topic Term 1 – Africa- African music, landscapes, tribal masks
Term 2 – Celebrations – Guy Fawkes, Remembrance Day, Diwali/Hinduism Term 3 – Fit for life – Healthy eating, , Florence Nightingale, new sports Term 4 – The Great Fire of London- Samuel Pepys, iconic buildings Term 5 – The Rainforest – animals, deforestation, making puppets Term 6 – The Seaside Today and in the Past- 3D art, the pier, transport

7 Homework Reading – daily Spellings – linked to Read Write Inc group
sent home Thursdays, test following Wednesday Times tables – sent Thursdays test following Wednesday Maths fluency – Year workbook sent home Fridays in by following Wednesday. Other homework may be requested linked to topic work. Details will be sent home at the time.

8 A note about reading: Children need regular practise to build their fluency and confidence when reading. Children need to de-code words but also show an understanding that they have understood what they are reading. This is done through questioning, predicting what might happen next and linking text to their own experiences. Some phrases and words may need explaining. Ask children’s opinion of the story with a brief reason. By the end of year 2 the children need stamina to read longer pieces of text in one go. Make sure your child is listening to themselves when they read not just saying the words. A parent/guardian must write in the contact book and sign before a book will be changed. Sometimes books may need to be read twice to understand the story.

9 Things to remember: All the things listed below must be brought to school daily: -Water bottles -Reading books -Reading record Forest School – Tuesday Homework book - Wednesday Spelling book - Wednesday Library book - Thursday P. E. – Friday

10 Rewards Communication Dojo points Mrs Read’s certificates
Superstar of the week Learner of the week Communication See parents at end of the day Phone call home Note in book bag

11 How you can help? Daily reading with your children
Help to learn spellings and timetables. Support with homework

12 Trips/Activities December – Brook Theatre Show
March – Music concert at Central theatre July – School Trip All details to follow.

13 Finally… Any questions?
Thank you for attending this evening The home-school partnership is key to a successful year. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any queries or require any support. Please jot a note in your child’s reading record book.

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