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SAMPLE ROUTINE Morning :30 AM Seasonal

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Presentation on theme: "SAMPLE ROUTINE Morning :30 AM Seasonal"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAMPLE ROUTINE Morning 4 7 1 8 5 2 9 3 6 10 6:30 AM Seasonal
Rise and shine Make your bed Go potty Eat breakfast Eat breakfast Take vitamins Brush teeth Brush hair Time for fun Time for fun Morning 4 7 RISE AND SHINE 6:30 AM Seasonal Put on clothes Pack books, homework, folder, and lunch Put on clothes Pack books, homework, folder, and lunch Pack books, homework, and folder Set jacket, shoes and backpack by the door 1 Take vitamins Feed the pet Feed the fish Pack your lunch Pack your bag 8 5 Make your bed Brush teeth 2 9 Set jacket, shoes and backpack by the door Put on clothes Put on clothes Pack shoes, books, homework, folder, and lunch Pack shoes, books, homework, and folder Set coat, snow pants, hat, mittens, boots, and backpack by door Go potty Brush hair 3 6 10 Put on clothes Eat breakfast Time for fun

2 SAMPLE ROUTINE AFTER SCHOOL Chores Seasonal Unpack lunch Pack lunch
Unpack bag AFTER SCHOOL Water plants Vacuum Sweep Take out trash Unpack books, homework, folder, and lunch Pack lunch for tomorrow Clean lunch bag Seasonal Fold and put away clothes Dust Put away dishes Set out clothes Set out clothes Unpack books, homework, folder, and lunch Unpack books, homework, and folder Do homework Reading Shovel Feed the pet Feed the fish Set out clothes Set out clothes Unpack shoes, books, homework, folder, and lunch Unpack shoes, books, homework, and folder MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Mop Do homework Reading Fold and put away clothes Dust Water plants Sweep Dinner

Take vitamins Brush teeth Throw clothes in the laundry Put on jammies Wash up Go potty Go potty Throw clothes in the laundry Put on jammies 8:00 Brush teeth Take vitamins Time to relax Time to relax Put on jammies 8:15 8:30 Nighty-night Quiet time Time to sleep Quiet time / stories

4 SAMPLE HOW TO PACK LUNCH Veggie Protein pick 2 proteins pick a drink
Fruit Drink pick 1 snack pick 1 or 2 veggies pick 1 or 2 fruits Dairy Snack

5 SAMPLE ROUTINE Hunter’s Evening bedtime 8:00–8:30pm Do homework
Tonight we are going to… SAMPLE ROUTINE DAD Dinner Tonight may I… HUNTER Bedtime snack bedtime 8:00–8:30pm Wash up Brush teeth Put on jammies

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