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Trends in Open Source Research Giancarlo Succi

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1 Trends in Open Source Research Giancarlo Succi

2 (CC) Giancarlo Succi. Some rights reserved. This document is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 licence, available in

3 Research on Quality and FLOSS
“Se tu segui tua stella, non puoi fallire a glorïoso porto”

4 Typical questions How stable product X? What if a bug is found?
What if I want to extend it? What if I need to integrated it with Y? Who is going to provide me long term training or support?

5 And … worse ... Supplying products that include FLOSS may infringe 3rd party IPR’s (Licenses, Trademarks, Patents) Violating the license obligations of the FLOSS packages may lead to preliminary injunction and unpredictable legal costs

6 Remember None has been fired for buying XYZ

7 Goal Entrust FLOSS via the identification of FLOSS trustworthy elements (TWE) that is, elements that bring trust in the quality of specific aspects of the FLOSS development process

8 Fact There is a large number of users of FLOSS that are interested in using a standardized assessment methodology for evaluating FLOSS and the FLOSS development process

9 Approach The creation of OMM, a CMM-like Model

10 Side benefits Raise the perception of the FLOSS project quality and its development process Promote a wider introduction of FLOSS in the software industry

11 Building the OMM Compare the TWEs identified in FLOSS development processes with elements present in CMMI Identify which are necessary to define the maturity of FLOSS production

12 Details

13 Sample result of the mapping
The trustworthy elements identified with a survey of EU software companies, FLOSS communities and individuals in the context of the QualiPSo project (WD6.2.1) 1- Product documentation 2- Popularity of the FLOSS product 3- Use of established and widespread standards

14 Sample result of the mapping
1. Product documentation 2. Popularity of the FLOSS product 3. Use of established and widespread standards 4. Availability and use of a (product) roadmap 5. Quality of Test Plan 6. Relationship between stakeholders 7. Licenses 8. Technical environment (tools, OS, languages etc.) 9. Number of commits and the number of bug reports 10. Maintainability and stability 11. Contribution to FLOSS development by SW companies

15 The result

16 Status Tested in a few environments Deployed and in use
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