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Hispanic Catholic Marketing Lessons Learned

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1 Hispanic Catholic Marketing Lessons Learned
Linda Hayes & Jessica González Uhlig National Catholic Development Conference Saturday, September 30, 2017

2 Hispanics in the USA

3 Catholic Hispanics in the USA

4 Who are the Marianists?

5 Our ministries include:
Eighteen middle and high schools spanning the map from northern California to south Florida, and from Hawai’i to Puerto Rico. We sponsor three universities: Chaminade University of Honolulu St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas University of Dayton in Ohio Four retreat centers Sponsor parishes in Hawai’i, Maryland, Missouri, Ohio and Texas. Other key ministries include Marianist works in India and Eastern Africa through our Partnering with the Poor initiatives.

6 The Marianist Mission The Marianist Mission is the religious card and prayer ministry arm for fundraising efforts of the Marianists.

7 What are the Marianists doing for the largest group of Catholics in the U.S?

8 What we tried in 1989-1992 and it didn’t work…
Hire Part-time Spanish speaker Available to take phone calls, translate cards. Poor translations Part-time hours hindered development of initiative. Cards and perpetual enrollments in Spanish. Creative materials unappealing to audience.

9 Cultural realities Personalismo Family, extended family and friends
Informal social safety net Existing care and responsibility to family, family- related activities and friends. Campoamor & Diaz (1999). Hispanics in Philanthropy

10 Calculated Risks From 2014-2015:
Awareness & intentionality of new realities Demographics: ministries in Hispanic communities in Continental United States Current and future planning = Strategic Plan! Sense of Urgency – We need to act NOW.

11 Hispanic Marketing Present
As off March 2015: Full time, Spanish speaker (fully bilingual) develop strategy and marketing plan, including: Market research Who, where, what? Translate, phones, written correspondence. Knowledgeable of Marianist charism, culture.

12 5 Tips for Appealing to Hispanic Donors
Put a robust system in place to serve Spanish speakers. Purchase Donor Lists from groups that serve Hispanics. Don’t assume Hispanics only speak Spanish. Find out which dialect of Spanish to use. Don’t translate Spanish-language materials directly from English Timothy Sandoval, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, June 2016

13 Lessons learned Robust system to serve Spanish speakers, Catholic Hispanics that are not Spanish speaking, by not assuming Hispanics only speak Spanish. Understanding best way to communicate Bilingual letters Focus on Faith and Family Creating volunteer advisory board Members: Hispanic men and women, lay and religious.

14 Lessons learned Purchase Donor Lists from groups that serve Hispanics.
Targeted acquisition mailing, i.e. Christmas image Find out which dialect of Spanish to use. Cross referencing with Spanish texts for appropriate dialect use. Citing USCCB Spanish page as resources.

15 GOOGLE translate is a no!
Don’t translate Spanish-language materials directly from English Multiple proofreading sources. Religious brothers who are Spanish speaking. *Embosser machine updated to format and add Spanish grammatical needs, such as accents to words and names.

16 Results from Marianist Mission direct mailing to Hispanic constituents
NEEDS DATA!! Successes

17 Results Spanish Mother’s Day Card
House File - those individuals who self-identified as Hispanic Mail date: Quantity mailed: 8, ,220 Replies: Mailing costs: $3, $2,725 Donations received: $1, $1,143 Response rate: % % Average donation: $ $7.99

18 Spanish Father’s Day Card
House File - those individuals who self-identified as Hispanic Mail date: Quantity mailed: 5, ,246 Replies: Mailing costs: $2, $2,788 Donations received: $ $1,182 Response rate: % % Average donation: $ $10.19

19 Spanish Mass Enrollment Booklet for Cancer
House File - those individuals who self-identified as Hispanic Mail date: Quantity mailed: 1,135 Replies: 48 Mailing costs: $504 Donations received: $493.25 Response rate: % (our best) Average donation: $10.28

20 Orders placed; no solicitation
Ordered Amt. Donation POR SU MEMORIA 52 $521.00 EN MEMORIA DE SER QUERIDO 52 $462.00 RECORDANDO CON APRECIO 188 $2,054.20 CANCER Enrollment $4,423.00 MI ORACIÓN DIARIA 13 $40.00 Sacrament cards 50 $ (pledges)

21 Social Media promotion
promoting the Marianist Mission website and our Spanish materials via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

22 Outreach Materials Sampler of Spanish materials sent to Hispanic Ministry offices. Archdiocese of Cincinnati. University of Dayton Campus Ministry. Virtual Leaning Community of Faith Formation- VLCFF, University of Dayton Hispanic Ministry. St. Mary’s University Hispanic Ministry program San Antonio, TX. Materials distributed and well received; constant request for more. Office of the Archbishop, Archdiocese of San Antonio, TX.

23 Research & Outreach Face to face interaction/ministry
Intentional partnerships Advisory board Social media

24 Advisory Board Hispanic Outreach Advisory Group
(Members of the SM, lay volunteers, Development staff member) Volunteer Role Description Support the organization’s mission and purpose. Be informed about the organization’s mission, services, policies and programs By organization we mean The Marianist Province of the United States, specifically for Hispanic Marketing and Outreach purposes. Advisory Board

25 “It may be easier to say that Hispanics don’t give than to figure out how to engage them.” Ms. Rivas-Vazquez. U. of Miami Proves the Power of Hispanic Donors, Chronicle of Philanthropy, October 2015 Bust the Myth

26 Hispanic Economic Growth
Another visual from “The Multicultural Economy” on buying power and the opportunity for Hispanic outreach

27 Growth of Hispanic Philanthropy
Visual graph on progression from PEW on growth of Hispanic philanthropy by 20%, largest within US minority groups, second to Caucasians. *Bust the myth.

28 The Future


30 Moving Forward Family, Faith & Finances
Family and faith are top priority for Hispanic families, and we value all financial situations. $1 donation is as valuable as a $100 donation. The power of the dollar can impact and change a life. Geographic Hispanic sensitivity Hispanic Catholics = Socials Media – connecting with home country (family and faith) Faith images on phone; sharing prayer. Virtual prayers

31 Shared faith….

32 Linda Hayes, Director Jessica González Uhlig, Hispanic Marketing Manager For more information:

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