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AQUACULTURE Extensive, Semi Intensive and Intensive

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Extensive, Semi Intensive and Intensive

2 AQUACULTURE Aquaculture: The cultivation of seafood under controlled conditions. Extensive, Semi Intensive and Intensive

3 AQUACULTURE Which ones are extensive examples?
Extensive, Semi Intensive and Intensive Which ones are extensive examples?

4 AQUACULTURE Which ones are extensive examples?
Extensive, Semi Intensive and Intensive Which ones are extensive examples?

5 AQUACULTURE SEMI Which ones are intensive examples?
Extensive, Semi Intensive and Intensive Which ones are intensive examples?

6 Dirty Jobs, Fish Farm
Watch the clip on the fish farm. Where is this? Would you classify it as intensive of extensive? Why? What are some concerns on the fish farm, and with aquaculture in general?

7 Why Do Farmers Face Economic Difficulties?
Challenges for subsistence farmers Population growth International trade Drug crops

8 Drug Trade Columbia, Peru, Bolivia Afghanistan Figure 10-27

9 Source, United Nations: Poppy Field in Afghanistan

10 Heroin Highways NBC New Video
Herointown, NJ, Article

11 Why Do Farmers Face Economic Difficulties?
Challenges for commercial farmers Overproduction Agricultural efficiencies have resulted in overproduction Demand has remained relatively constant As a consequence, incomes for farmers are low Sustainable agriculture Sensitive land management Integrated crop and livestock

12 Why Do Farmers Face Economic Difficulties?
Strategies to increase food supply Expanding agricultural land Desertification

13 Four strategies to increase food supply
1. Expanding the land under cultivation Remaining land can be of poorer quality 2. Increasing the productivity of existing agricultural land Requires energy- and resource-intensive fertilizers and machinery 3. Identifying new food sources Subject to cultural preference 4. Increasing trade

14 Increasing productivity
The Green Revolution

15 Agricultural Land and Population
! Figure 10-28

16 Since the 1980s, population has increased more rapidly than food production.

17 Food production in the region has tripled over the past half-century, but population has grown faster.

18 Food production in the region has tripled over the past half-century, but population has grown faster.


20 Identifying new food sources
Cultivating Oceans Increase in annual Fish Catch Over the past half century, the world fish catch has increased nearly five times over.

21 Identifying new food sources
Developing High Protein Cereals Improving the Palatability of Foods Exoskeleton to be removed Frozen almost immediately An acquired taste!


23 People in MDCs obtain protein by consuming meat, but people in LDCs generally rely on wheat, corn, and rice, which lack proteins.

24 Where Weed-killer Won’t Work

25 Grain Imports and Exports
Figure 10-32

26 http://green. blogs. nytimes
The Global Food Crisis, Mapped

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