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Workshop Discussion on Day-2

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1 Workshop Discussion on Day-2
Media Messages Workshop Discussion on Day-2

2 General Information Event Title and Hosting
Workshop on Information Modelling for NFV Organized by ETSI NFV ISG Hosted by CableLabs Participating organizations named in alpha order: 3GPP, ATIS, Broadband Forum, DMTF, ETSI NFV, IETF, ITU-T SG15, MEF, OASIS/TOSCA, Open Cloud Connect, ONF, OpenDaylight, OPNFV and TM-Forum Organizations that did not participate in this workshop are welcome to get involved in the collaboration. Delegate numbers stated: >90 delegates representing a diverse community A group picture will be included. Individual delegates consent by being included in the picture ( sent) This is a significant and unique event because it is the first time representatives from key standards organizations and open source communities representing a broad and diverse ecosystem have met together with a common purpose to accelerate alignment of their activities in relation to NFV information modelling

3 Objectives Messages Objective:
We gathered here because we need to align cloud-centric initiatives and network-centric initiatives to ensure successful realization of NFV through automation. Alignment of Information models brings clarity of definition and drives consistent open APIs that enables efficient evolvable integration across the entire ecosystem including SDN and NFV

4 Outcomes Messages Each organization outlined its work on information modelling and its relevance to the NFV goals including automation Each organization shared its perspectives on what they believe needs to be done to align their information modelling activities in relation to the NFV goals including automation Agreed to reference the problem statement that we issued when we convened the workshop As a result of the workshop there is increased understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the development and adoption various modelling approaches Positive feedback from many delegates on the high value of the workshop A collaboration plan based on periodic review meetings was agreed to achieve meaningful progress in addressing the challenges and opportunities identified in the workshop by the end of 2016 First feedback from participating organizations in March 2016. The participating organizations will independently progress their work mindful of the collaboration milestones Regular conference calls will take place to monitor progress and when necessary another workshop will be convened to progress alignment

5 Background Narrative Background narrative (Jack Pugaczewski/Michael Feldpusch), not to be included as is but expressing the motivation in more detail for the work SDN (Software-defined networking) and NFV (Network Function Virtualization) technologies are seen as enablers to reduce operational costs, enhance the customer experience and provide new potential revenue streams.  It is also the case that carriers have a large embedded base of equipment that does not and may never have SDN and/or NFV capabilities.  It is likely that most carriers will realize the benefits of SDN and NFV in a hybrid implementation that include legacy OSS and network devices. By treating the VNF and the PNF as the same object, these Open APIs and open source software enable software automation. Information and data modeling is used to drive to common and open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and enhance open source development. Open APIs are the communication mechanism between a client and server using a common protocol.  Open source is a programming implementation of a software function within a system. However, prior to developing open APIs and open source software it is recommended to first have a functional architecture with a set of clear and concise interfaces.  The interfaces will allow for the definition of open APIs and corresponding open source development efforts. It will also allow for the determination of the OSS implementation architecture. Having a solid simple architecture, with the demand of the user base, will drive the industry to comply and adapt.

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