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Chapter 4: Ancient Chinese Civilization

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4: Ancient Chinese Civilization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4: Ancient Chinese Civilization
Section 3: THe Zhou, Qin, and Han Dynasties

2 Zhou Dynasty

3 Longest Lasting Dynasty
Zhou Dynasty Longest Lasting Dynasty Did not create a centralized form of government

4 The God of heaven decided who should rule China
Zhou Dynasty Mandate of Heaven The God of heaven decided who should rule China

5 Qin Dynasty

6 The name “China” comes from Qin
QIN DYNASTY Began in 221 B.C. Lasted only 15 years The name “China” comes from Qin

7 Title Shih Huang Ti means “first emperor
QIN DYNASTY Cheng Title Shih Huang Ti means “first emperor

8 Autocracy: emperor held total power
QIN DYNASTY Autocracy: emperor held total power Execute those who spoke against emperor


10 QIN DYNASTY Liu Bang Overthrew Qin Dynasty Started Han Dynasty


12 HAN DYNASTY Han rulers had great influence over China; today people refer to themselves as “People of the Han”

13 Longest-ruling Han Emperor Huge territory (Manchuria, Korea, etc)
Liu Ch'e Longest-ruling Han Emperor Huge territory (Manchuria, Korea, etc)

14 A system that runs the day-to-day business of government
Civil Service A system that runs the day-to-day business of government Imperial University to train people for government service -Liu Ch’e

15 Leveling Price controls to balance economic effects of farm surpluses or shortages Store surplus grain

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