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Societal Security and the Arctic

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1 Societal Security and the Arctic
Margrét Cela Project manager Centre For Arctic Policy Studies University of Iceland IIA Summer School - 26 June, 2013

2 Definitions Securitization De-securitization Politicization
Gives the state a stronger role and stronger powers in handling a given challenge De-securitization Lifts the emergency mode of that challenge Politicization Challenges are put into political debate

3 Definitions – State/national security
"The distinctive meaning of national security means freedom from foreign dictation.“ (Harold Lasswell, 1950) "National security... is best described as a capacity to control those domestic and foreign conditions that the public opinion of a given community believes necessary to enjoy its own self-determination or autonomy, prosperity and wellbeing.“ (Charles Maier, 1990)

4 Definitions – Human security
Common basic definition: Freedom from fear „Human security is far more than the absence of violent conflict. It encompasses human rights, good governance and access to economic opportunity, education and health care. It is a concept that comprehensively addresses freedom from fear and freedom from want.” (UN Trust Fund for Human Security, 2007) Human security is concerned about how the everyday security of ordinary people is affected by such things as climate change and pollution... (Lassi Heininen, 2010)

5 What is Societal Security?
Natural disasters Food security Infrastructure Diseases Cyber attacks Organized crime Terrorism Overpopulation Mass migration Economic crises Political crises Equality Pollution Trust in authorities Dependency on import/export Energy security Human recourses

6 Societal security and the Arctic
Climate change Globalisation Increased International Interest *** Securitization De-securitization Politicization Natural disasters Food security Infrastructure Diseases Pollution Mass migration Trust in authorities Dependency on import/export Energy security

7 For discussion How is it dfferent for small states and large states to tackle these societal/human challenges?

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