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Bell Ringer Write down 3 unique features of Chinese architecture.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Write down 3 unique features of Chinese architecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Write down 3 unique features of Chinese architecture.
Palaces and temples were ornately built and decorated. Does this style appeal to you?

2 The Qin and Han Dynasties

3 Solution to Chaos Chinese scholars and philosophers developed different solutions to restore the values (love of order, harmony, and respect for authority) that had dissolved during the time of the “warring states”. Confucianism, Daoism and Legalism are three philosophies that resulted from that development.

4 Confucianism China’s most influential scholar was Confucius
Born in 551 B.C., Confucius lived in a time when the Zhou Dynasty was in decline. He led a scholarly life, studying and teaching history, music, and moral character. He had a deep desire to restore the order and moral living of earlier times to his society. Confucius believed that social order, harmony, and good government could be restored in China if society were organized around five basic relationships

5 Confucianism 5 Basic Relationships: Ruler & Subject Father & Son
Husband & Wife Older Brother & Younger Brother Friend & Friend

6 Extra Information: Confucianism
Each person had a duty to one another Parents should be loving and the children should revere their parents Husbands should fulfill his duties, and wives should be obedient Elder sibling should be kind, and the younger sibling respectful The older friend should be considerate, and the younger friend should be admiring Rulers should be benevolent and subjects should be loyal

7 Confucianism Three of Confucius’s five relationships were based upon the family. Children should practice filial piety, or respect for their parents and ancestors. Children were to devote themselves to their parents during their parent’s lifetime. Children should also honor their parents memory after death through rituals.

8 Extra Information: Quote by Confucius
“If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character. If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation there will be peace in the world.”

9 Confucianism Confucianism was an ethical system, based on principles or right and wrong, never a religion. It became the foundation for Chinese government and social order. The ideas of Confucius also spread beyond China and influenced civilizations throughout East Asia.

10 Daoism Dao - “The Way” Created by Chinese thinker Laozi.
The natural order is more important than the social order. A universal force guides all things. Human beings should live simply and in harmony with nature.

11 Legalism Created by political thinkers Hanfeizi and Li Si.
A highly efficient and powerful government is the key to social order. Punishments are useful to maintain social order. Thinkers and their ideas should be strictly controlled by the government.

12 Yin and Yang Others turned to ancient concept of yin and yang.
Two powers that represented the natural rhythm of life. Yin – cold, dark, soft, and mysterious. Yang – warm, bright, hard and clear. The circle represents the harmony of yin and yang. Both represent rhythm of the universe and complement each other.

13 Quin Dynasty In the 3rd century B.C., The Zhou Dynasty was replaced with the Qin Dynasty.

14 Shi Huangdi First Emperor
Used Legalism because he wanted to control ideas so he could have unlimited power Murdered Confucius thinkers Burned Confucianism's books Built Great Wall Terra Cotta Statues guarded his tomb

15 Social Advances under Shi Huangdi
Highway of 4,000 miles of roads Set standards for writing, currency, and weights and measurements Standards for vehicle wheel axels so wheels could fit in ruts on roads

16 Fall of Shi Huangdi Established “autocracy” – A government that has unlimited power and uses it in an subjective manner. Over worked the people on the Great Wall and his tomb. Very paranoid of assassination attempts. Apparently died from mercury pills. Peasants rebelled just two years after 2nd Emperor took power, which led to a civil war.

17 Han Dynasty Han Dynasty resulted after 6 years of civil war.
One of the longest dynasties in Chinese history.

18 Liu Bang Liu Bang was a general that won and declared himself the first emperor of the Han Dynasty.

19 Liu Bang Established a centralized government – Central authority controls the running of a state. Lowered taxes and softened punishments Established peace and stability to China

20 Empress Lü When Liu Bang died in 195 B.C., his son became emperor.
But the real ruler was his mother, Empress Lü.

21 Empress Lü The empress outlived her son and named one infant son after another as emperor. Because the infants were too young to rule, she remained in control. When Empress Lü died in 180 B.C., people who remained loyal to Liu Bang’s family came back into power. They rid the palace of the old empress’s relatives by executing them.

22 Wudi “The Martial Emperor”
When Liu Bang’s great-grandson, Wudi, took the throne, he continued Liu Bang’s centralizing policies.

23 Wudi “The Martial Emperor”
He is called the “Martial Emperor” because he adopted the policy of expanding the Chinese empire through war. His enemies were the Xiongnu fierce nomads known for their deadly archery skills from horseback. Other emperors attempted to bribe the nomads to stay away, but the Xiongnu would raid anyway. Wudi sent 100,000 soilders to stop the nomads and made allies with the Xiongnu’s enemies.

24 A Highly Structured Society
Chinese society under the Han Dynasty was highly structured. Chinese believed their emperor to have divine authority, they accepted his exercise of power. He was the link between heaven and earth. If the emperor did his job well, China had peace and prosperity. If he failed, the heavens showed their displeasure with earthquakes, floods, and famines.

25 Social Structure

26 Extra Information: Art and Literature
Witnessed a significant revival in Chinese art, Chinese pottery (ceramic), jade carving, silk weaving and Chinese painting (on paper) were three areas of particular achievement. Shadow puppetry (First 5:30 Mins – 10 Mins ) Poetry, literature, and philosophy flourished during the reign of Emperor Wudi. The Shiji (Historical Records set the standard for later government-sponsored histories. Chinese Music - Sources:

27 Extra Information: Music
(2 -4 Mins) (2-4 Mins) Notice the different instruments and style of music the Chinese created verses other Indus Valley civilizations.

28 Advances during the Han Dynasty
Paper was invented in A.D. 105. Books became more available, which helped spread education in China. Collar harness for horses was created. Revolutionized the plow. Invented the wheelbarrow. Began to use water mills to grind grain. Managed huge silk mills – to create woven silk.

29 Fall of the Han The rich became richer at the expenses of the poor.
Political instability grew. People of the court would plot ways to gain the emperors favor to be chosen to succeed him. One inexperienced emperor replaced another.

30 Fall of the Han First Han was overthrown by Wang Mang (Confucian scholar and member of the court). Wang Mang was assassinated. New Han Dynasty started by member of old imperial family. Social, political, and economic weaknesses of the 2nd Han led to downfall. Disintegrated into 3 rival kingdoms.

31 China Ethical Systems: Assignment
Complete the Chinese Ethical Chart in the chart provided for you at the end of your notes. Please write the chart carefully and correctly. You will see this on a future quiz or test.

32 Chinese Ethical Systems

33 Chinese Ethical Systems

34 Chinese Ethical Systems

35 Completed Chart

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