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Presentation on theme: "A CALL TO ACTION THE VITAL CONGREGATIONS PROJECT"— Presentation transcript:

The Yellowstone and the Rocky Mountain Conferences Of the United Methodist Church A CALL TO ACTION THE VITAL CONGREGATIONS PROJECT

2 The Mission of the United Methodist Church
is to “Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” (Matt 28: & Matt 22:36-40)

3 Vital Congregations Project
This mission is achieved through vital congregations that equip and empower people to be Disciples of Jesus Christ in their homes and communities around the world.

4 The Vital Congregations Project
was developed in response to the Council of Bishop’s CALL TO ACTION.

5 A Call to Action

6 The critical adaptive challenge for the church
To redirect resources that foster and sustain vital congregations

7 Vital Congregations Are:
Spirit-filled, forward- leaning communities of believers that welcome all people (Gal.3:28)

8 Vital Congregations are:
Places where Disciples of Jesus Christ are made through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 28:18- 20)

9 Vital Congregations are:
Communities that serve like Christ through justice and mercy ministries. (Micah 6:8, Luke 4:17-21

10 Vital congregations share five characteristics # 1
Inviting and inspiring worship

11 Vital congregations share five characteristics # 2
Disciples engaged in mission and outreach

12 Vital congregations share five characteristics # 3
Gifted equipped and empowered lay leadership

13 Vital congregations share five characteristics # 4
Effective, equipped and inspired clergy leadership

14 Vital congregations share five characteristics # 5
Small groups and strong children’s programs and youth ministry

15 Every Local Church Participates by
Setting numeric goals in five areas Establishing action plans to achieve the goals Sharing stories of vitality

16 How to Enter Your Numeric Goals
Churches enter their goals in five areas at 1) Average Weekly Attendance 2) Professions of Faith 3) Small Groups 4) Members in Mission 5) Dollars Given to Mission

17 Goals Go to the “setting goals” tab and find your church through the methods provided.

18 Goals You will find statistics for the last few years and projections for the next in the five areas being measured. This is where you enter your numeric goals on the chart provided.

19 Goals The DS is then asked to review the local church goals and approve them as valid and possible. This validation process should be connected to the action plans that each church will be submitting to each district superintendent. Yellowstone and Rocky Mountain Cabinet Members

20 Goals Bishop Elaine J. W. Stanvosky These goals, action plan, and stories about their outcomes will be taken by Bishop Elaine to the 2012 General Conference.

21 Rocky Mountain Conference
Our conference will begin to participate in Vital Signs beginning on Jan. 1, 2012.

22 Vital Signs Dashboard In order to get the RMC signed up to participate in the Vital Signs dashboard reporting process we need to provide to GCFA Church name GCFA number for the church contact

23 Weekly Report  The Contact person at each local church will receive an each week that will be invited them to enter their data

24 The Yellowstone and the Rocky mountain conferences
The Yellowstone and the Rocky mountain conferences


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